Questions from Weiming: Rev. 10-May-2014 ----------------------- 1. Is there a CMX-Topo module assembled? Any tests on CMX-Topo FPGA? Yes, 2 of the 4 prototype CMX cards that were build in January have the TP FPGA installed. We needed this both for general checkout of the TP FPGA location and so that we would have MiniPOD Receivers on some of the initial cards. The BF FPGA has only MiniPOD Transmitters. The TP FPGA has only MiniPOD Receivers. We have been testing the GTX MiniPOD links by looping data from BF to TP. The main firmware that we have used here at MSU in the TP FPGA is the Xilinx IBERT stuff. 2. What is the total power consumption of CMX? What is the margin of the power circuitry, taking into account also the CMX-Topo FPGA? We have not run any Physics firmware yet so I do not know the measured power consumption for that. CMX is allowed 20 Amps of +5V from the backplane if it needs it but I have not seen anything above 37 Watts in tests at MSU. All DC/DC Converters were generously oversize, have more than adequate input and output capacitors, and the low noise GTX analog supplies have extra output LC filters. - the measured quiescent power draw of a CMX with the TP FPGA is about 22.4 Watts - the estimated quiescent power draw of a standard CMX card without the TP FPGA is about 19 or 20 Watts. - the measured power draw of a CMX card with a TP FPGA while running the GTX MiniPOD test on all 12 channels at 6.4 Gbps BF transmits TP receives is about 36.8 Watts - during this GTX MiniPOD test the power draw from the 7 DC/DC Converters on the CMX card is the following Output Measured Load During DC/DC Converter Capacity Amps the GTX MiniPOD Test Amps --------------- ------------- ------------------------- BSPT FPGA Core 10 0.41 BF FPGA Core 30 4.15 GTX AVtt 10 3.04 GTX AVcc 10 5.51 TP FPGA Core 30 5.05 Bulk 3V3 16 3.81 Bulk 2V5 16 2.04 3. All the high-speed optical tests were done with PRBS-7 pattern. The PRBS-7 is sort of equivalent to 8B/10B encoding in terms of ISI, but it would be nice to stress the test with PRBS-31. There is some significant reduction in eye opening with PRBS-31 compared to PRBS-7. I started a GTX MiniPOD test running Saturday afternoon using the PRBS-31 test pattern. So far it looks fine. By the time of the CMX PRR meeting on Monday we should have the results of about 40 hours of this test. This test has the normal optical setup for our GTX MiniPOD tests at MSU, i.e. prizm-MTP stub cable, 5m MTP-MTP cable, MTP-prizm cable. The results might be different with the optical splitter and additional optical connections that I heard about during the L1Topo PRR meeting.