// // file: /home2/designs/boards/HTM_0/Work/Geometries/Design_HTM_0_PCB/htm_0_pcb_basic_structure.txt // // date: Original Rev. 2-Feb-2018 // Current Rev. 26-Feb-2018 // // // // Notes: // // The ATCA specification does not dimension things wrt // the lower left-hand corner of the card. Rather the // ATCA dimensions are wrt the center of a required hole // that is located in the lower left-hand corner of the // card. The center of this hole is at X = 3.57 Y = 5.55 // wrt the lower left-hand corner of the card. // // All dimensions in the Mentor design of the HTM-Module // will be wrt the lower left-hand corner of the card. // // // $$lock_windows(@on); $$create_board("htm_0_pcb"); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.75, @mm, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'BO$htm_0_pcb'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "MILLING_ORIGIN", "MILLING 0 0.0 0 ", , @scale , , [0.0, 0.0]); $$attribute( "DRILL_ORIGIN", "0.0", , @scale , , [0.0, 0.0]); $$template_line_style( @Solid ); // // For the outlines given in the "Initial - Terminal" // format we will begin at 0,0 and proceed CCW. // // // Board Outline // $$initial([ 0.00, 0.00 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ 280.00, 0.00 ]); $$terminal([ 280.00, 322.25 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 322.25 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 111.00 ]); $$terminal([ 7.00, 111.00 ]); $$terminal([ 7.00, 71.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 71.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 0.00 ]); $$path( "BOARD_OUTLINE", 0.20 ); // // Board Routing Outline // $$initial([ 0.00, 0.00 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ 280.00, 0.00 ]); $$terminal([ 280.00, 322.25 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 322.25 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 111.00 ]); $$terminal([ 7.00, 111.00 ]); $$terminal([ 7.00, 71.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 71.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 0.00 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_ROUTING_OUTLINE", "", @mark, @scale ); // // Board Placement Ooutline // $$initial([ 0.00, 0.00 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ 280.00, 0.00 ]); $$terminal([ 280.00, 322.25 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 322.25 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 111.00 ]); $$terminal([ 7.00, 111.00 ]); $$terminal([ 7.00, 71.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 71.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.00, 0.00 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_PLACEMENT_OUTLINE", "", @mark, @scale ); $$attribute( "BOARD_DEFINITION_IDENTIFIER", ""); $$attribute( "BOARD_ROUTING_LAYERS", "", , , , [12, 0]); $$attribute( "POWER_NET_NAMES", "GROUND"); $$attribute( "DIAGONAL_ROUTING_ALLOWED", "yes"); $$attribute( "TJUNCTIONS_ALLOWED", "yes"); $$attribute( "BOARD_DEFAULT_PADSTACK", "TERM_60"); $$attribute( "BOARD_DEFAULT_VIA", "via_0mm65"); $$attribute( "DEFAULT_PAD_SIZE", "", , @scale , , [ 1.50, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_PLACEMENT_GRID", "", , @scale , , [ 0.10, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_PLACEMENT_CLEARANCE", "", , @scale , , [ 0.10, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_MATERIAL", ""); $$attribute( "BOARD_THICKNESS", "", , @scale , , [ 0.0, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_INTERNAL_COPPER", "", , @scale , , [ 0.0, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "BOARD_EXTERNAL_COPPER", "", , @scale , , [ 0.0, 0.0 ]);