// // file: air_baffle_horz // // date: 3-Feb-2018 original for HTM // // // // This is the geometry for the // // Horizontal Air Flow Control Baffle // // // This geometry includes the mounting holes for the // horizontal air baffle and the terminal pin definition // for the air flow control baffles which will be electrical // pins and be connected to the Ground Net. These // mounting holes are for 4-40 machine screws. // // The center of this geometry is in its physical center. // $abort_enable = @false; $$lock_windows(@on) ; $$snap_diagonal(@off) ; $$snap_orthogonal(@off) ; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Terminal Pad-Stack: STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN // $$create_pin("STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN", @replace); $$page(0.0,0.0,0.0, @mm, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0, 0.0, 'PI$STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN']); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "TERMINAL_THRUHOLE_DEFINITION", ""); $$attribute( "TERMINAL_DRILL_SIZE", "", , @scale , , [ 3.00, 0.0 ]); $$circle( "PAD", 0.0, 0.0, 6.00, 0.0 ); $$circle( "SIGNAL", 0.0, 0.0, 6.00, 0.0 ); $$circle( "SOLDER_MASK", 0.0, 0.0, 6.20, 0.0 ); $$circle( "POWER", 0.0, 0.0, 4.00, 0.0 ); // Draw a Keep-Out circle of 4.50 mm radius. $$circle( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.0, 0.0, 9.00, 0.20 ); $$circle( "SILKSCREEN_2", 0.0, 0.0, 9.00, 0.20 ); // Draw a hex nut based on 0.25" across flats. $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 0.00, 3.67, -3.17, 1.83 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ -3.17, 1.83, -3.17, -1.83 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ -3.17, -1.83, 0.00, -3.67 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 0.00, -3.67, 3.17, -1.83 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 3.17, -1.83, 3.17, 1.83 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 3.17, 1.83, 0.00, 3.67 ]); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- $$create_component("Air_Baffle_Horz", @replace); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, @mm, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'CO$Air_Baffle_Horz'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_LAYOUT_SURFACE", "both"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_OUTLINE_OVERHANG", "yes"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_HEIGHT", "", , @scale , , [ 10.0, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_NOT_IN_BOM" ); // // Component Placement Outline for the Hub FPGA Heat-Sink // $$initial([ -130.00, -3.50 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ -130.00, 3.50 ] ); $$terminal([ 130.00, 3.50 ] ); $$terminal([ 130.00, -3.50 ] ); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PLACEMENT_OUTLINE", "", @mark, @scale ); $$template_line_style( @Solid ); $$path( "SILKSCREEN", 0.20, , [ -130.00, 3.50, 130.00, 3.50 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN", 0.20, , [ -130.00, -3.50, 130.00, -3.50 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN", 0.20, , [ 130.00, 3.50, 130.00, -3.50 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN", 0.20, , [ -130.00, 3.50, -130.00, -3.50 ]); // Reference Designator is on SILKSCREEN Layer. $$text( "SILKSCREEN", "^$ref", 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, @CC, 0, 0.7, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0 ); // // Define the 4 pins aka mounting screw holes on the Air_Baffle_Horz // $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "1", , @scale , , [ -110.00, 0.00 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "1, STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "2", , @scale , , [ -40.00, 0.00 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "2, STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "3", , @scale , , [ 40.00, 0.00 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "3, STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PIN_DEFINITION", "4", , @scale , , [ 110.00, 0.00 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PADSTACK_OVERRIDE", "4, STD_4_40_SCREW_PIN");