// File: default_artwork_order for the HTM Card // // // Initial Rev. 4-Apr-2018 // // $$lock_windows(@on); $$create_stackup("default_artwork_order"); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.75, @inches, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'ST$default_artwork_order'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "ARTWORK_DEFINITION_IDENTIFIER", "", , , , [0, 0]); // Layer 1 in the PCB Stackup Top PCB Layer Gerber File #1 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_01_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SIGNAL_1, BREAKOUT_1, PAD_1, SHEET_DIELECTRIC_2, [no_thermal]"); // Layer 3 in the PCB Stackup Gerber File #2 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_02_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SIGNAL_2, [no_thermal]"); // Layer 5 in the PCB Stackup Power Fills Gerber File #3 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_03_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SIGNAL_11, [no_thermal]"); // // Middle of the Card ------------------------------- // // Layer 6 in the PCB Stackup Power Fills Gerber File #4 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_04_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SIGNAL_12, [no_thermal]"); // Layer 8 in the PCB Stackup Gerber File #5 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_05_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SIGNAL_9, [no_thermal]"); // Layer 10 in the PCB Stackup Bottom PCB Layer Gerber File #6 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_06_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SIGNAL_10, BREAKOUT_2, PAD_2, SHEET_DIELECTRIC_1, [no_thermal]"); // // Ground Planes // // The HTM Card pcb has 4 layers of Ground Plane. // // In the HTM Card Design I've used the following setup // for cuts in the Ground planes. // // PREPREG_1 for cuts in just the upper Gnd planes, // e.g. coupling caps on the top of the pcb. // // PREPREG_2 for cuts in just the lower Gnd planes, // e.g. coupling caps on the bottom of the pcb. // // PREPREG_3 for cuts in all layers of the Gnd planes. // // GLUE_MASK_1 for cuts in just the Top and Mid gnd planes. // // PROBE_1 for cuts in just the Mid and Bot gnd planes. // // // For the HTM Card we only have Ground Plane cuts in // the top most ground plane and all of them are // specified by patterns in the PREPREG_1 layer. // // Layers: 2 in the PCB Stackup Upper GROUND Plane // // Gerber File #7 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_07_LAYER_DEFINITION", "POWER_1, PREPREG_1, PREPREG_3, GLUE_MASK_1, [board_edge_clearance=0.5]"); // Layers: 4, 7, 9 in the PCB Stackup Middle GROUND Plane // // Gerber File #8 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_08_LAYER_DEFINITION", "POWER_1, PREPREG_3, GLUE_MASK_1, COMPONENT_METAL_1, [board_edge_clearance=0.5]"); // // Plot: Fabrication, Silk, Solder Mask, Paste Stencil, Via Plugs // // Art #: 9 10/11 12/13 14/15 16 // // Board Dimensioned Fabrication Drawing with Silkscreen Gerber File #9 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_09_LAYER_DEFINITION", "BOARD_OUTLINE, DRAWING_1, [no_thermal]"); // Silk Screen Top then Bottom Gerber Files #10 & #11 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_10_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SILKSCREEN_1, [no_thermal]"); $$attribute( "ARTWORK_11_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SILKSCREEN_2, [no_thermal]"); // Solder Masks Top then Bottom Gerber Files #12 & #13 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_12_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SOLDER_MASK_1, [no_thermal]"); $$attribute( "ARTWORK_13_LAYER_DEFINITION", "SOLDER_MASK_2, [no_thermal]"); // Solder Paste Stencils (aka Solder Paste Masks) Gerber Files #14 & #15 // Top then Bottom $$attribute( "ARTWORK_14_LAYER_DEFINITION", "PASTE_MASK_1, [no_thermal]"); $$attribute( "ARTWORK_15_LAYER_DEFINITION", "PASTE_MASK_2, [no_thermal]"); // Via Plugs Top Only Gerber Files #16 // $$attribute( "ARTWORK_16_LAYER_DEFINITION", "PREPREG_5, [no_thermal]");