Found 4 pins for U256 which is of type CW_Spare_Osc ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 3 = GROUND GND from line 260 of clock_generation_nets 4 = Xtal_Osc_1_to_Cap_Dir Direct Output from line 253 of clock_generation_nets 5 = Xtal_Osc_1_to_Cap_Cmp Compl Output from line 254 of clock_generation_nets 6 = CLK_3V3 VCC 2V5 or 3V3 from line 259 of clock_generation_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 6 = CLK_3V3 VCC 2V5 or 3V3 from line 259 of clock_generation_nets 3 = GROUND GND from line 260 of clock_generation_nets 5 = Xtal_Osc_1_to_Cap_Cmp Compl Output from line 254 of clock_generation_nets 4 = Xtal_Osc_1_to_Cap_Dir Direct Output from line 253 of clock_generation_nets