Found 24 pins for U351 which is of type IC_74AVCH8T245 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = BULK_3V3 VCCA from line 177 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 2 = GROUND DIR high=A->B from line 189 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 3 = Access_Signal_2_To_Out_Res A1 from line 155 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 4 = Access_Signal_1_To_Out_Res A2 from line 154 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 5 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_5 A3 from line 214 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 6 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_6 A4 from line 217 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 7 = TDO_To_Output_Series_Res A5 from line 133 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 8 = TDI_TO_SERIES_RES A6 from line 118 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 9 = TCK_TO_SERIES_RES A7 from line 113 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 10 = TMS_TO_SERIES_RES A8 from line 108 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 11 = GROUND GND from line 181 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 12 = GROUND GND from line 181 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 13 = GROUND GND from line 181 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 14 = TMS_FROM_J12 B8 from line 94 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 15 = TCK_FROM_J12 B7 from line 96 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 16 = TDI_FROM_J12 B6 from line 98 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 17 = TDO_To_Buffer B5 from line 131 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 18 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_18 B4 from line 218 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 19 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_19 B3 from line 215 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 20 = Access_Signal_1_To_Buffer B2 from line 151 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 21 = Access_Signal_2_To_Buffer B1 from line 152 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 22 = GROUND OE low=ena from line 189 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 23 = BULK_3V3 VCCB from line 179 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 24 = BULK_3V3 VCCB from line 179 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 20 = Access_Signal_1_To_Buffer B2 from line 151 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 4 = Access_Signal_1_To_Out_Res A2 from line 154 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 21 = Access_Signal_2_To_Buffer B1 from line 152 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 3 = Access_Signal_2_To_Out_Res A1 from line 155 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 1 = BULK_3V3 VCCA from line 177 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 24 = BULK_3V3 VCCB from line 179 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 23 = BULK_3V3 VCCB from line 179 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 2 = GROUND DIR high=A->B from line 189 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 11 = GROUND GND from line 181 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 13 = GROUND GND from line 181 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 12 = GROUND GND from line 181 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 22 = GROUND OE low=ena from line 189 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 18 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_18 B4 from line 218 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 19 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_19 B3 from line 215 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 5 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_5 A3 from line 214 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 6 = No_Conn_U351_Pin_6 A4 from line 217 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 15 = TCK_FROM_J12 B7 from line 96 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 9 = TCK_TO_SERIES_RES A7 from line 113 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 16 = TDI_FROM_J12 B6 from line 98 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 8 = TDI_TO_SERIES_RES A6 from line 118 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 17 = TDO_To_Buffer B5 from line 131 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 7 = TDO_To_Output_Series_Res A5 from line 133 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 14 = TMS_FROM_J12 B8 from line 94 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets 10 = TMS_TO_SERIES_RES A8 from line 108 of jtag_and_j12_associated_nets