SN-14 Trailer Sheet 22 OCT 2019 - Work begins on SN-14 per instructions at Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/hub_msu_final_assembly_prod_only_print.txt. - Performed GND>COM/POS>COM/POS>POS resistance checks. All grounds and supplies conform to values given in instructions. - Started with mechanical preliminaries - removing runners, cutting down corners to make room for ATCA handles, etc. - Did all part remove/replace/installs. 25 OCT 2019 - Finished with initial procedure. - Installed IPMC #208. - Attempted first power-up tests. Handle switch not working right; kapton tape that adds thickness to actuator not sticking in place. Searching for alternatives that offer the same thickness (.2mm/.007") in either single or multiple layers. 29-OCT-2019 - Completed final assembly of SN-14. - Configured supplies per instructions. - Used Vivado to install safe firmware. - Post-flash Voltage checks as follows: Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Volts: .93 1.0 1.20 1.19 1.82 1.82 3.312 Amps: 1.19 0.06 0.00 1.81 0.69 11.75 2.062 Safe Config Fluke Volts: 0.953 0.998 1.20 1.198 1.801 1.795 3.306 - This hub is being moved to the card storage cabinet until it can go in the 14SS. 12 DEC 2019 - Unit was removed from 14SS #1 and is going back to the bench to investigate discrepancies in full-load run temps. - Found the heat sink to be slightly loose. - Final assembly instructions state to, "Tighten just far enough so that all threads in the nut are in use and the screw shaft is not proud of the top surface of the hex nut." - Using a straight edge to verify that the bolt wasn't sticking above the top of the nut, the loosest one needed just less than 1/2 of a turn. - When finished, measured from the surface of the PCB to the top of the heat sink using calipers. Found 0.6mm variance in height all the way around. Given the accuracy of my calipers and the manufacturing tolerances in the heat sink itself, this should prove an acceptable run-out. 23 JAN 2020 - Removed previously installed IPMC bypass from the handle switch. Installed 0 Ohm jumper at location JMP5, enabling direct IPMC control of ISO_12V. 31 JAN 2020 - Installed RODv3 #4 onto this Hub. - Unit is going back into the storage rack until it can be tested in 14SS. - Tentatively, 11 FEB 2020 is when testing will begin. 20 FEB 2020 - Unit has been boxed up and is being handed off to FedEx today for shipping to CERN. 22 SEP 2020 - Unit delivered to rm. 1235 this morning. Inspected both Hub & ROD for damage; found none. - Removed ROD to ease cleaning & parts access because of flux problem. /hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/FluxProblemOnHubs.txt - This note is to comfirm that this Hub has been through the component replacement process as described at the bottom of the file at the above link.