HUB SN-17 Trailer Sheet 2 DEC 2019 - Begin work on HUB SN17 per instructions at /hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/hub_msu_final_assembly_prod_only_print.txt - Verified ESD to GND resistance - Verified all power supply resistances per values in instructions - Started preliminary mechanical work: - Removing PCB runners, filing and sanding down edges, cutting down corners, installing front panel mounting blocks, ATCA guidepin receptacles, etc. 9 DEC 2019 - Finished final assembly of this hub. - All work conformed to given instrructions. - Installed IPMC #200 - Verified all voltages via DPI_GUI & CLI. - Verified clock speeds with oscilloscope. - Installed safe foundation firmware. - Power supplies recorded as follows: Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Volts: 0.94 1.00 1.20 1.18 1.79 1.82 3.306 Amps: 1.000 0.00 0.12 1.75 0.56 12.00 2.062 Fluke Volts: 0.954 1.000 1.200 1.197 1.798 1.798 3.307 - Unit is going into the storage rack until it can be run in the 14SS. 23 JAN 2020 - Unit was pulled from IBERT testing as it was failing in Slot 1. Pawel looked over the report and said it looked like a clock issue. This may or may not have been due to Spencer running concurrent GbE testing. - Removed previously installed IPMC bypass from the handle switch. I nstalled 0 Ohm jumper at location JMP5, direct enabling IPMC control of ISO_12V. 18 FEB 2020 - Philippe installed a version of firmware on this Hub while It was in Slot #2 of the 14SS, which allows to select which clock is used on the Hub. The oscilloscope shows that this Hub’s PLL is not locking in sync with the other clocks present in the system. here are also issues with the minipod link power. See the Light Level test results. Further investigation and/or repair of this Hub will be needed at the end of the production run. 10 MAR 2020 - In light of what I learned on Hub SN22, tried investigating this Hub's clock/power issues. - This Hub is currently wired for IPMC bypass so it will power up on the bench. 08 MAY 2020 - Took the Minipods off this hub, with the intent of using them on Hub SN29. After thinking about it, one of the issues 17 was having was Minipod Power. If the receiver m-pod was no good, that would cause the clock issues that were also seen. These minipods were boxed up, clearly labeled, and placed on the shelf for testing at a later time. 06 AUG 2020 - This note is to confirm that this Hub has been cleaned with G3 flux remover. See l1calo/hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/FluxProblemOnHubs.txt for details. 22 SEP 2020 - This note is to comfirm that this Hub has been through the component replacement process as described at the bottom of the file at the above link. 06 JUL 2021 - This is a note to confirm that the board has been through the fiber ribbon replacement. See hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/Fiber%20Ribbon%20Problem/00_Hub_Fiber_Ribbon_Issue.txt for details.