Hub SN-18 Trailer Sheet 12 DEC 2019 - Begin work on Hub SN18 - Following instructions at /hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/hub_msu_final_assembly_prod_only_print.txt - Check GND/ESD continuity - Verify power supply resistances to GND - Preliminary mechanical work - mounting blocks, removing runners, etc. - Begin component R&R. 19 DEC 2019 - Finish final assembly of Hub SN18. - Many of the pins on the "South" side of Broadcom chip Switch C (pins 193-256) looked like they had suffered an impact while being handled by the P&P machine during manufacture. Interestingly, only the last six weren't making contact with their corresponding pad; the rest had been bridged by solder. - "Before" picture placed into SN18 folder. - Rest of work conformed to given instructions. - Installed discrete power wires. - Installed LRC filter components on MGT_AVCC, MGT_AVTT, and Fan 1V8 supplies. - Installed minipods. - Installed FPGA heat sink. - Installed MPOs. - Installed fiber ribbons and clipped to side of heat sink. - Powered on and configured DC/DC converters. - Programmed with safe/foundation firmware. - Verified 25MHz, 40MHz, and 320MHz clocks with oscilloscope. - Final voltage measurements as follows: Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Volts: 0.91 1.0 1.20 1.18 1.79 1.81 3.316 Amps: 1.000 0.19 0.06 1.75 0.50 11.94 1.625 Fluke Volts: 0.957 1.000 1.200 1.198 1.801 1.796 3.307 - Unit is going into the storage cabinet until it can be run in the 14SS. 21 JAN 2020 - Unit is in 14SS Slot #2 for validation. - Will notify Spencer re: GbE testing and damaged U33 23 JAN 2020 - Removed previously installed IPMC bypass from the handle switch. Installed 0 Ohm jumper at ocation JMP5, direct enabling IPMC control of ISO_12V. 24 APR 2020 - Powered unit up on bench to update IPMC firmware. 06 AUG 2020 - This note is to confirm that this Hub has been cleaned with G3 flux remover. See l1calo/hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/FluxProblemOnHubs.txt for details. 21 SEP 2020 - This note is to comfirm that this Hub has been through the component replacement process as described at the bottom of the file at the above link. DEC 2020 through JAN 2021 - This hub has been mated with ROD #04 for the purposes of testing ROD #04's functionality. 25 JAN 2021 - Removed ROD #04 for standalone tests. This Hub is currently in default, final Hub form. 28 JUN 2021 - This is a note to confirm that the board has been through the fiber ribbon replacement. See hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/Fiber%20Ribbon%20Problem/00_Hub_Fiber_Ribbon_Issue.txt for details.