Hub SN-23 Trailer Sheet 10 MAR 2020 - Begin work on Hub SN23 per instructions at /hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/hub_msu_final_assembly_prod_only_print.txt - Check GND/ESD continuity - Verify power supply resistances to GND - Preliminary mechanical work - mounting blocks, removing runners, etc. - Begin component R&R. 17 MAR 2020 - Completed final assembly of Hub SN23: - Work conformed to given instructions. - Installed RC filter components on MGT_AVCC, MGT_AVTT, and Fan_1V8 supplies. - Installed discrete power wires. - Installed light pipes and front panel. - Installed IPMC module #132 - Powered on and configured DC/DC converters. - Programmed with safe/foundation firmware. - Installed minipods. - Installed MPOs. - Installed FPGA heat sink. - Installed fiber ribbons and clipped to side of heat sink. - Verified 25MHz, 40MHz, and 320MHz clocks with oscilloscope: PLL Free Run Hi-Lock Lo-Lock ------ -------- ------- ------- 40MHz 40.09 40.0846 40.0740 320MHz 320.6 40.0821 40.0754 - Final voltage measurements as follows: Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Volts: 0.95 1.00 1.19 1.21 1.79 1.83 3.313 Amps: 1.25 0.31 0.12 1.81 0.56 11.25 1.750 Fluke Volts: 0.955 1.000 1.201 1.195 1.800 1.797 3.309 - Removed IPMC bypass (yellow wire) after testing. IPMC module now has direct control of ISO_12V supply. - Unit has been placed in the storage cabinet to wait for its turn in the 14SS. 24 APR 2020 - Powered unit up on bench to update IPMC firmware. 06 AUG 2020 - This note is to confirm that this Hub has been cleaned with G3 flux remover. See l1calo/hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/FluxProblemOnHubs.txt for details. 10 SEP 2020 - This note is to confirm that this hub has been through the component replacement process described at the bottom of the file at the above link. The evidence pointed toward this board having been originally assembled with regular Rosin Flux, but at this point, there's no sense taking any chances. 23 SEP 2020 - This Hub has been mated with ROD V4 SN07. 21 MAY 2021 - This is a note to confirm that the board has been through the fiber ribbon replacement. See hub/hardware/details/Hub_Inventory_Status_Final_Assembly/Fiber%20Ribbon%20Problem/00_Hub_Fiber_Ribbon_Issue.txt for details.