Hub Module - MSU Final Assembly - PRODUCTION Only Print ---------------------------------------------------------- Initial Rev. 26-Apr-2017 Current Rev. 26-June-2019 This document describes both the Electrical and Mechanical MSU Final Assembly of the Production Hub Modules. First Part of the Final Assembly Mechanical and Electrical: ------------------------------------------------------------ - Start the Trailer Sheet for this Hub and record the start work date. - Verify that the ESD Grounds, e.g. strips along the bottom of the card, RJ-45 shields, and guide pin receptacles are all connected and that they connect through a 1 Meg Ohm series resistor to the Hub circuit board ground planes. - Check the resistance from the various power buses to Ground looking for shorts. The approximate expected values are shown below: DCDC-1 FPGA_Core about 4 Ohm DCDC-2 MGT_AVCC " 30 Ohm DCDC-3 MGT_AVTT " 180 Ohm DCDC-4 MGT_AVAUX > 1k Ohm DCDC-5 Switch_1V2 about 450 Ohm DCDC-6 BULK_1V8 " 300 Ohm DCDC-7 FAN_1V8 > 1k Ohm DCDC-8 BULK_3V3 > 1k Ohm DCDC-9 BULK_2V5 > 1k Ohm CLK_BULK_2V5 > 1k Ohm CNST_5V0 > 1k Ohm Check Both Ends IPMC_3V3 > 1k Ohm IPMC End IPMC_3V3 about 125 Ohm Power Module End ISO_12V > 1k Ohm Hold_UP + and - > 1k Ohm Check Both Ends Check also for power bus to power bus short circuits. - Write Serial Number SN-?? on the card. - Temporarily install the two front panel delrin mounting brackets to help support the front edge of the Hub pcb when it is up side down. Use 4-40 x 1/2" button head screws. Note that flat washers can not be used under these screws because with flat washers the head of the screw does not fit under the lip of the front panel. - Install one delrin Air Block in the next to the top location of the backplane MPO connectors. This installation uses 2-56 x 5/16" screws with star lock washers. Recall that the Air Blocks need to be modified to include a 3/8" end-mill blind hole 0.300" deep located 0.350" up from the pcb surface and 0.230" north of the south edge of the block. - Using the dremel tool to cut through the webs, remove the rails from the Hub circuit board. Control how much vibration the circuit board is subjected to. - Cut and File smooth the top and bottom edges where the assembly rails have been removed from the Hub pcb. Control how much vibration the circuit board is subjected to and be careful not to bump any of the circuit board components, e.g. the power supply modules near the top and bottom edges. Rounding over the long edges and the insertion edge is a useful touch. - Cut down the thickness of the pcb for the front panel Handles. Cut from the back side. Cut in a circle about 0.45" diameter and running tangent to the edges of the card. The area of this cut down area must match the boss on the extraction handle over its full range of motion. Cut down through 2 Ground Planes - just barely cutting through the second Ground Plane. Using the micrometer verify that the whole cut down area is flat. The remaining pcb thickness should be about 105 to 107 mils. File the edges smooth. Explore with an exacto knife or dental tool to verify that there are no loose strands of copper trapped in the edges of the cut out area. Clean up any copper burrs in the bore of the lower front panel mounting hole (the upper hole has a G10 bore). Air hose all cut G10 and Copper burrs off from the card. Blow all debris away from the card - do not blow it under the BGAs or into the connectors. Super glue the rough edge of the cut out area to seal this rough edge and improve the look of this part of the card. After this thickness cut there are now almost two full layers of G10 between the metal of the ATCA handle and the next Ground Plane in the card. There are no traces in danger in this part of the card. There are two Ground Planes between the metal part of the ATCA Handle and the first possible "hot" parts of the card. - Clean off flux residue around J2 and around ATCA Power Modules. While cleaning J2 verify that all of its solder connections have been done correctly. Flux and a hot iron will re-flow any J2 pins that are not soldered correctly. The high thermal load J2 grounds are on the in-board row of the J2 connector pcb pins. - Install the Guide Pin Receptacles with M2.5 10mm screws and flat washers. The Guide Pin Receptacles must be pressed in with the correct platen and support plate under the circuit board. - Re-press in the Zone 1 & 2 connectors and the RJ45s. There are separate platens and support plates for each of these three connector types. Verify that all 6 of these connectors are in perfect alignment. - Remove the following components from the Power Supply sections. All 3 of these components are on the bottom side: R1001 DCDC_1 Assembly House value was 180 Ohm R1201 DCDC_5 Assembly House value was 180 Ohm R1251 DCDC_6 Assembly House value was 180 Ohm - Remove the following resistor "straps" "jumpers" from the Phys Chips circuits U21 and U22 to set them up in the standard way for Hub Module that Yuri wants and that matches ROD operation (1 Gbps full duplex only), i.e. Physical Address = 000 Phys Chip Mode = 1100. All are on the BOT side: R1901 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U21 Adrs_0 = Low R1903 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U21 Adrs_1 = Low R1905 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U21 Adrs_2 = Low R1909 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U21 Mode_1 = Low R1911 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U21 Mode_0 = Low R1951 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U22 Adrs_0 = Low R1953 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U22 Adrs_1 = Low R1955 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U22 Adrs_2 = Low R1959 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U22 Mode_1 = Low R1961 Remove the 10k Ohm resistor U22 Mode_0 = Low - Remove the following SMD components - circuit board side noted: R2995 part of ROD Power Good circuit Bot R2998 part of ROD Power Good circuit Bot Q2951 part of power supply Ramp circuit Bot R1607 PLL series input resistor TOP R1608 PLL series input resistor TOP R247 Red LED 240 Ohm series resistor Bot R248 Blue LED 330 Ohm series resistor Bot R249 Blue LED 330 Ohm series resistor Bot R251 Yellow LED 240 Ohm series resistor Bot R252 Red LED 240 Ohm series resistor Bot - Remove the 8 following 0402 SMD capacitors to split the B/C sections of the Enet Switch as per Dave. These are Top side: C2301 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2302 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2303 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2304 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2305 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2306 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2307 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP C2308 Enet Swch B to Swch C coupling capacitor TOP - Install all of these Resistor, Capacitor, and BJT SMD components. All Bottom side unless noted: R2995 20k Ohm 0603 part of ROD Power Good circuit R2998 2k Ohm 0603 part of ROD Power Good circuit Q2951 mmbt-3904 part of power supply Ramp circuit Note Q2951 is mounted up side down. R1607 150 Ohm 0603 PLL series input resistor TOP R1608 150 Ohm 0603 PLL series input resistor TOP R2972 3.48k Ohm 0603 Power Good Comparator Scale Res R2974 2.26k Ohm 0603 Power Good Comparator Scale Res C1541 470 nFd 25 V 0805 BULK_3V3 bypass capacitor L1953 Wurth No 742792116 with kapton tape by Phys U22 kapton cover over center trace --- DCDC_1 FPGA_CORE Converter 0.950 Volt: C1001 Cap_10_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune R1001 Res_220_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune R1002 Res_34k_Ohm_0805 Output Voltage Set RTrim R1006 Res_34k_Ohm_0805 Ramp Scale Resistor --- DCDC_2 MGT_AVCC Converter 1.000 Volt: R1051 Res_2k_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune C1051 Cap_100_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune R1052 Res_30k_Ohm_0805 Output Voltage Set RTrim R1056 Res_30k_Ohm_0805 Ramp Scale Resistor R1053 Res_15.4k_Ohm_0603 Adrs_0 Set resistor JMP1052 Res_Zero_Ohm_0603 V_Sense_+ post inductor TOP JMP1053 Res_Zero_Ohm_0603 HF Feedback pre inductor --- DCDC_3 MGT_AVTT Converter 1.200 Volt: R1101 Res_2k_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune C1101 Cap_100_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune R1103 Res_23.7k_Ohm_0603 Adrs_0 Set resistor JMP1102 Res_Zero_Ohm_0603 V_Sense_+ post inductor TOP JMP1103 Res_Zero_Ohm_0603 HF Feedback pre inductor --- DCDC_4 MGT_AVAUX 1.800 Volt Linear: R1152 Res_464_Ohm_0603 Voltage Set Resistor TOP R1153 Set Full CCW --- DCDC_5 SWCH_1V2 Converter 1.200 Volt: C1201 Cap_10_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune R1201 Res_220_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune R1203 Res_36.5k_Ohm_0603 Adrs_0 Set resistor --- DCDC_6 Bulk_1V8 Converter 1.800 Volt: C1251 Cap_10_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune R1251 Res_220_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune R1253 Res_54.9k_Ohm_0603 Adrs_0 Set resistor --- DCDC_7 FAN_1V8 Converter 1.800 Volt: R1301 Res_2k_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune C1301 Cap_100_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune JMP1302 Res_Zero_Ohm_0603 V_Sense_+ post inductor TOP JMP1303 Res_Zero_Ohm_0603 HF Feedback pre inductor --- DCDC_8 Bulk_3V3 Converter 3.300 Volt: C1351 Cap_10_nFd_0805 Loop Compensation CTune R1351 Res_220_Ohm_0805 Loop Compensation RTune R1352 Res_4.42k_Ohm_0805 Output Voltage Set RTrim R1356 Res_4.42k_Ohm_0805 Ramp Scale Resistor R1353 Res_130k_Ohm_0603 Adrs_0 Set resistor --- DCDC_9 Bulk_2V5 2.500 Volt Linear: R1172 Res_1070_Ohm_0603 Voltage Set Resistor TOP R1173 Set Full CCW --- New LED Series Resistors: R247 Red LED 1k Ohm series resistor R248 Blue LED 2k Ohm series resistor R249 Blue LED 2k Ohm series resistor R251 Yellow LED 1k Ohm series resistor R252 Red LED 1k Ohm series resistor - Install the Enet Switch EEPROMs U35, U36, U37 The sites for these 3 EEPROMs are on the Bottom side of the Hub circuit board next to the Enet Switch ICs. These EEPROMs must first be programmed as described near the end of: /hub/hardware/details/PROM_Programmer/hub_proms_dans_notes.txt Correct alignment of these SOIC-8 parts is not difficult but should be done carefully. Recall that these EEPROMs may need to be removed if a change in the default operation of the Enet Switches is required. - Install the 40.08 and 320.64 MHz PLLs. Note that these have Kapton tape under them to make certain that the PLL PCB does not contact any of the vias in the Hub PCB. The kapton covers the full bottom surface of the PLL pcb except for the mounting pads. There is no need to solder the unused pins: 3, 4, 5. Although there have been zero problems with the PLL modules for the Hub and HTM it is good to shorts check them before and after installation. Good accurate alignment is important. - Install the post L RC networks on the filtered MGT supplies. MGT_AVCC 2x 820 uFd 2.5V 7 mOhm Al-Poly plus 25 mOhm MGT_AVTT 1500 uFd 6.3V 7 mOhm Al-Poly plus 25 mOhm FAN_1V8 1500 uFd 6.3V 7 mOhm Al-Poly plus 25 mOhm Use the Hub SN-01 as a model - it is mostly correct. Use heat shrink tubing and teflon tubing to insulate the leads on these RC networks. Use Keystone solder lugs to ground the MGT_AVCC and MGT_AVTT networks to heat sink mounting screw holes (which are grounded). Use 4-40 x 1" button head screws with the strong flat washers in these four heat sink mounting holes. Multiple rounds to fully tighten these screws are necessary. Do not let the Keystone solder lugs rotate. Be careful of capacitor polarity and do not cook the capacitors when heating the heat shrink tubing. Use kapton tape to insulate the cases of the MGT_AVCC capacitors from the FPGA heat sink and from the Hub pcb itself. Be especially careful of the small vias in the pcb that are under the lead end of these MGT_AVCC capacitors. The full vertical edge of the heat sink Filler Block needs to be insulated with tape. Clean well these surfaces before applying the kapton tape. - Install the discrete power wires. It appears that we do not need to connect the big hold-up capacitors in the NE corner of the Hub PCB for the ATCA Power Entry module to work. Note that you must use the 20 AWG wire with the CERN approved insulation. There are 6 discrete power wires that need to be installed: 3x Iso_12V, IPMC_3V3, CNST_5V0, Clk_2V5. Because some of these power wires will make a tight bend around the top RJ45 condo connector install a layer or two of kapton tape around the NE corner of this connector before installing the wires. Note the required slack around the MiniPODs, e.g. required for installation of the Middle Front Panel Bracket. Once installed, dressed, and fully checked then tie and glue these 6 discrete power wires in place. Keep the placement of these wires out of the space that will be occupied by the ROD. The end to end wire lengths are: Clk_2V5 7 7/8" Iso_12V 9 7/8" Iso_12V 12 1/4" IPMC_3V3 14 1/8" CNST_5V0 16" Iso_12V 18" Install the discrete power wires in the order: Bulk_2V5 at the regulator end Bulk_2V5 at the clock generator end IPMC_3V3 at the power supply end CNST_5V0 at the power supply end Shortest ISO_12V at the power supply - east most via Middle ISO_12V at the power supply - middle via Longest ISO_12V at the power supply - west most via Shortest ISO_12V at the load Middle ISO_12V at the load Longest ISO_12V at the load IPMC_3V3 at the load CNST_5V0 at the load More Mechanical Final Assembly steps: ---------------------------------------- - Install the LED Light Guides 6 Single LED Light Pipes (1x 1, 1x 2, 1x 3) 6 Quad LED Light Pipes The Quad LED Light Pipes are especially hard to press in. While pressing be careful to support the under side of the circuit board so that it does not flex. Be careful that the screwdriver or other tool that you are using to press in the Light Pipes does not slip off of the plastic and thus damage the circuit board. - Machine as required the diameter of the front panel handle lever mounting boss. This can be done with careful band saw work and 10 minutes of filing. The switch tang must be removed and the diameter of the mounting screw boss must be brought down to something like 0.4" All edges and surfaces must be smooth and absolutely burr free. Wash in soap and water before using. - Add 7 layers of the UHD tape to the backside of the pcb directly under where the front panel center mounting bracket is located. This tape must be trimmed in its width. It then fits between the bypass capacitors for the MiniPODs. - Install the Front Panel If you install the FPGA Heat Sink last then it is easy to work with the card (i.e. without the FPGA heat sink there is no problem of setting the card on its FPGA Heat Sink). Recall that once both the Front Panel and FPGA Heat Sink are on the card it is hard / impossible to see in to verify that the Post L MGT_AVCC capacitors are positioned correctly. Remember that the FPGA Heat Sink needs kapton tape on the edge of the Filler Block and on the bottom surface of the heat sink in the area of the MGT_AVCC capacitors Recall that once the Front Panel is installed that you can not access the Handle Switch wire terminals WTERM_71 and WTERM_72 thus the Front Panel installation and the Handle Switch installation (the next step in this file) must really be done at the same time. Recall that the two holes in the front panel for the Top Bracket need to be changed from a 2-56 to a 4-40 body drill, i.e. a #33 drill. Center punch the back side of the Front Panel next to the holes for the handle mounting screws to make a better ground connecton between the handle and the aluminum Front Panel. Install the Middle Bracket with 2-56 x 5/16" button screws. Install the Front Panel to the Top and Bottom brackets with 4-40 button screws: Top uses: 1/4" & 1/2" Bottom uses: 3/8" Each ATCA handle uses the two special supplied screws. Time and careful work are required to line up all 54 Light Pipes with their holes in the Front Panel. Forcing on the Front Panel without lining up the Light Pipes will just result in breaking off the mounting tabs on the Light Pipes. More Electrical / Mechanical Final Assembly: -------------------------------------------- - Install the ATCA Handle Switch by first soldering AWG #26 connection wires to the bare switch: Red wire to the Common terminal Black wire to Open terminal when card is inserted & latched Yellow (if used) to Connected term when inserted & latched Protect these wires with heat shrink tubing on the switch terminals. Red wire to WTerm_72 i.e. R961 100 Ohm to IPMC_3V3 Black wire to WTerm_71 i.e. RC1559 and IPMC pin 224 Yellow (if used) to JMP5 JMP6 common end with both jumpers removed. This is only for direct Handle Switch control of power on the Hub Module. See the drawing. Note that the Switch must be installed into the handle before the handle is mounted to the pcb and front panel and before the switch wires are soldered to the Hub circuit board. The trip position of some of the handle switches does not appear to be set correctly (or they have a wide tolerance in manufacturing these switches). This results in the switch contacts just barely moving to the correct position when the ATCA Handle is fully inserted and latches. This is easy to fix by installing 2 small pieces of kapton tape on the back side of the switch actuator between the actuator and the switch plunger. To make certain that the end of the return spring does not catch in the wires from this switch I have tightened the bend in the spring where in catches on the metal body of the ATCA handle. - Install the Insulated Lemo Connector if it is being used on this Hub card. Well twisted Red and Black wires are used to make the Lemo connection up to the NW corner of the Hub circuit board. Initial Power Up Checks: ------------------------ - Check of the Hub SN-?? voltages and currents during initial running. - Configure the Hub FPGA with the Safe/Foundation firmware for this test. - Setup the 7x DCDC converter power supplies as described below. Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Volts: 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. Amps: 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 12. 1. Safe Config Fluke Volts: 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. MGT_AVAUX 1. SysMon_Ref 1.2 Bulk_2V5 2. ISO_12V 1 SysMon: -- deg C VAUX 1. VINT 0.9 - Check of the Hub SN-?? PLL clocks: 40.08 MHz PLL 40.07 MHz free run 40.08 MHz PLL 40.07 to 40.08 MHz track 320.64 MHz PLL 40.07 to 40.08 MHz track Spare Oscillator 40.07 MHz running - Check that both sides of all clock fanouts are running: 2x Hub logic clocks 1x clock to ROD 12x clocks to Backplane 8x MGT Quad Reference clocks - Once the range of the PLLs has been checked then install the 40.0787 MHz "Spare Oscillator" aka U562. The outputs of this oscillator must be pull-down with 255 Ohm or 324 Ohm pull-down resistors. Note that there is no need to solder pins #1 and #2 of the "spare oscillator" U562 because these pins make no connection on the Hub circuit board. First carefully align the oscillator package and solder all of its leads except for pins #1 and #2 which have no connection on the circuit board. Then with carefully formed leads connect the pull-down resistors between the oscillator output pins #4 and #5 and the large ground via just north of the oscillator. With the Hub powered and after an oscillator warm up period record the frequency of the Spare Oscillator (shown above). - Program the Hub's FPGA Flash Config Memory with the Safe/Foundation firmware. See the post release log book entry for 14-Aug-2017 for instructions on how to program the Hub's Configuration Flash Memory. Recall that if the Hardware Manager is running and the JTAG cable is plugged in then at power up the FPGA will not Configure from its Flash Memory. - Verify that this Hub Auto-Configures at power up. - Verify that the 4 front panel Ethernet jacks work. Setup the DCDC Converters on the Hub Module: -------------------------------------------- There are 7 DCDC Converters on the Hub Module that can be monitored and controlled via the I2C PMBus. Control of these converters includes setting values in their non-volatile memory that they will use the next time that they power up. Values that we need to set in their non-volatile memory include: Vout_Scale_Loop # see below Vin_On # set to 6.50 Volts Vin_Off # set to 5.50 Volts Vout_Trim # set only after power supply study Vout_Margin_Hi # set to 1.03 x Vout Nominal Vout_Margin_Low # set to 0.97 x Vout Nominal We must set the Vout_Scale_Loop parameter for many of the other control parameters to operate correctly. Recall the values of Rtrim = R2 and Vout_Scale_Loop for the various output voltages used in the Hub Module power supplies: Power Supply Rtrim Output Voltage = R2 Vout_Scale_Loop -------------- ---------- --------------- 0.950 V 34.3k Ohm 0.6316 1.000 30.0k 0.600 1.200 20.0k 0.500 1.800 10.0k 0.3333 3.300 4.444k 0.1818 Recall how to calculate the Vout_Scale_Loop parameter Vfb Vout_Scale_Loop = -------- where Vfb = 600 mV Vout nom Rtrim or Vout_Scale_Loop = ----------- 20k + Rtrim In the TI documentation Rtrim is called R2 i.e. the resistor from the feedback pin to ground. R1 is the resistor from the output voltage to the feedback pin and is 20k Ohm in all of the converter modules used in the Hub. The Margin voltage set points that will be used in the Hub Module power supplies are all set for +- 3%. Their values are: Power Supply Vout_ Vout_ Output Voltage Margin_Hi Margin_Low -------------- --------- ---------- 0.950 V 0.979 V 0.922 V 1.000 1.030 0.970 1.200 1.236 1.164 1.800 1.854 1.746 3.300 3.399 3.201 Start up of the Digital Power Insight GUI program DPI_GUI on the tough-book laptop computer: > cd C:\DPI Suite\DPI Suite\DPI_GUI > dpi_gui 6 This is how you get the 6 "POL" windows. 6 is the maximum number of "POL" windows that DPI_GUI program will support. By default this will allow you to control and monitor the converters at the first 6 I2C addresses. Setup of the 7 DCDC Converter (see only the first 6 with DPI_GUI) Not Seen ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 0x28 0x29 0x2a 0x2b 0x2c 0x2d 0x2e Hub DCDC Num: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 Vset Res kOhm: 34 30 20 20 10 10 4.42 Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 Vout-Scale_Loop: 0.632 0.600 0.500 0.500 0.333 0.333 0.182 From the DPI_GUI (which can only see and work with the first 6 POL converters) we set in their non-volatile memory new values for: Vin Turn_On & Turn_Off, for Margin Hi & Low, and for the Vout_Scale_Loop parameter. The Vout_Scale_Loop parameter is (can be) set because in the upper part of the DPI_gui display we must fill in the value of the Rtrim resistor for each converter. - When the DPI_GUI starts up use the "find modules" button in the very bottom right-hand corner. You should now see DCDC Converters number 40 through 45 by their decimal I2C address. Frequently one must do this step twice for the DPI_GUI program to pickup all 6 converters. - Set the value of the Vtrim resistor in k Ohms for each converter (in the next to top line of the display) and you should then see the correct default Vout voltage. - Edit the lower section of the main DPI_GUI window for new values of Vin Turn_On and Vin Turn_Off. This is in the Settings section of the main window. - I'm using a Vin_ON of 6.5 Volts and a Vin_Off of 5.5 Volts. - Edit the lower section of the main DPI_GUI window for new values of Vout_Margin_Hi and Vout_Margin_Low. This is in the Settings section of the main window. Use the Margin values that are shown in the table above. - Make certain the the Polling is turned off and that none of the POL modules are selected for Status Polling. If the polling is running the its I/O seems to make errors in the write settings and Store Defaults I/O. - Select the column, i.e. the POL converter that you want to update, by setting it select radio button at the very bottom of its column. - If necessary do a Clear Faults. - Do a Get Status to verify that there are no problems. - Do a Write Settings to put the new/edited settings from this GUI display into the Working Memory of this converter. - Do a Store Defaults to write the new/edited settings from the Working Memory of this converter into its non-volatile memory. - Do a Get Status to verify that there have been no I/O errors with this converter while the new/edited settings were being written to it. - The Store Defaults should just be storing into the controller's eeprom of each converter the new values for: Vout_Scale_Loop, Vout_Margin Hi/Low, and Vin On/Off even though it's rewriting All of the values in the eeprom. Loop over all 6 of the converters that you need to update using the DPI_GUI. Note that in the above scheme that you are writing new values into both the converter's Working Memory and into its non-volatile eeprom memory. For the 7th DCDC Converter, Bulk_3V3, you need to use the DPI_CLI program to reach it. To start the DPI_CLI program on the tough-book: > cd C:\DPI Suite\DPI Suite\DPI_CLI > dpi_cli When DPI_CLI starts up you need to enter "46" to select the Bulk_3V3 converter. You can read things e.g. > read vout > read iout > read vin > read vin_on > read vin_off > read vout_scale_loop > read vout_margin_high > read vout_margin_low Look at the "DATA" line to see the returned value in engineering units. You then write new values to the converter's Working Memory: > write vout_scale_loop 0.182 > write vin_on 6.5 > write vin_off 5.5 > write vout_margin_high 3.399 > write vout_margin_low 3.202 To save all working registers to the non-volatile eeprom you can use: > write 11 Command 13 for saving just a specified register to the eeprom does not seem to work as it just causes the dpi_cli program to crash. Write 11 does seem to work. Install the FPGA Heat Sink: --------------------------- - Install the FPGA Heat Sink - Break the edges of the Filler Block if necessary. - With soap and water clean and then dry the filler block and heat sink. Heat dry if necessary - Use Kapton tape in the area of the MGT_AVCC capacitors This must include the edge of the Filler Block which comes very near the round tops of these capacitors. - Clean the top of the FPGA heat spreader and the surface of the Filler Block with a Q-Tip and ethanol. Use solvent if there is a flux film on the FPGA from re-flow soldering. - Air hose the FPGA heat spreader and the Filler Block surface. - Apply thermal paste in a way that will not trap air pockets and will distribute paste through out the FPGA-Heat Sink interface. - Use the good end of the compression springs against the 4x tightening nuts. Tighten in steps giving the thermal paste time to spread out. Tighten just far enough so that all threads in the nut are in use and the screw shaft is not proud of the top surface of the hex nut. Install the Two MiniPODs: ------------------------- - The MiniPODs (especially the Receiver MiniPOD) should not be installed until the Front Panel (especially the Front Panel Middle Bracket) has been installed. - Do a final air hose of the outside of the MiniPODs and then remove their Meg-Array connector dusk caps and air hose that area. - Remove the dust caps from the Hub circuit board MiniPOD Meg-Array connectors and air hose that area. Note that this is a good time to also air hose the ROD Meg-Array connectors and then re-install the dust caps on the ROD Meg-Array connectors. - Verify the routing of the power wires and other wires around each MiniPOD is OK and then install the MiniPOD. - Use M1.6 x 8mm screws to hold the MiniPOD to the circuit board. Note that these screws are just long enough so that they begin to run out of threads in the body of the MiniPOD. Tighten, loosen, tighten to cut threads and then verify that the screw is actually holding the MiniPOD to the Hub circuit board. Install the Two Fiber Optic Ribbon Cables: ------------------------------------------ - Install 3 of the 4 backplane MPO connectors with 2-56 x 5/16" screws and star lock washers. Installing the top, bottom, and NT bottom MPOs. Including the Air Block all 4 backplane MPO locations are now occupied. - The routing of these FO Ribbons should match the photos of Hub SN-09 on the web from 20-Feb-2019. - It is useful to put labels on the backplane MPO connector blocks. - Very carefully remove the label tags from the Fiber Optic Ribbon cables. These label tags are typically near the MPO connector end of the Ribbon. These label tags are so stiff that they prevent the Ribbon from bending in an area where proper routing requires it to bend. - Install an extraction clip on the MPO connector of the Fiber Optic Ribbons cables. - Air hose both the tops of the MiniPODs and the backplane MPO connector blocks before installing the FO Ribbon cables. - The routing of the Hub and ROD FO Ribbon cables is such as to minimize stress in these cables and to trap them so that they stay down against the Hub circuit board where ever possible. Final Bench Checks of SN-??: ----------------------------- - Record the Final Power Supply and Operating Conditions: Power Bus: FPGA MGT MGT Swch Bulk Fan Bulk Core AVCC AVTT 1V2 1V8 1V8 3V3 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- Address: 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Volts: 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. Amps: 1. 0. 0. 1. 0. 12. 1. Safe Config Fluke Volts: 0. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 3. MGT_AVAUX 1. SysMon_Ref 1.2 Bulk_2V5 2. ISO_12V 1 SysMon: -- deg C VAUX 1. VINT 0.9 - Record this card in the overall Hub Inventory book. - Remove the temporary switch (if used) that manually turned On the Isolated +12 Volt converter. - Install IPMC SN-??? after very carefully filling smooth the edges by its break off holes.