Hub-Module JTAG String --------------------------- Original Rev. 20-Nov-2015 Current Rev. 18-Feb-2016 The Hub Module provides a front panel JTAG connection via its J2 "Access Connector". The layout of the Hub Module's JTAG string is shown is drawing #33. This JTAG string runs to components on both the ROD and Hub: - On the ROD this JTAG string connects only to the ROD's FPGA. - On the Hub this JTAG string connects only to the Hub's FPGA. This JTAG string is not connected to either the IPMC's "master" or "slave" JTAG ports. Jumpers locations are provided so that the JTAG string can be jumpered around the Hub's FPGA if necessary. An automatic jumper is provided so that this JTAG string jumpers around the ROD when the ROD Power Control signal #2 is not asserted. Power Control #2 is the ROD's "Power Good" signal. Note that even though the Hub provides this automatic jumper around the ROD for cases when the ROD is either not installed or is installed but not yet powered up, one will probably still need to reset the JTAG string when a new device appears on it or a device drops out. The JTAG signal level at the Hub's from panel is 3V3 CMOS. The pinout of the Hub front panel JTAG connection is standard for Xilinx signal/ground pair type of JTAG wiring and includes a fused 3V3 reference pin. The front panel pinout and a typical JTAG cable setup to plug a JTAG "pod" into the Hub's front panel access connector is shown in drawing #44. On the Hub Module the JTAG signals are buffered and translated to 1V8 levels. The JTAG signal level to the ROD is 1.8 Volt.