Hub-Module Maximum Component Height ---------------------------------------- Original Rev. 22-Mar-2015 Current Rev. 30-Mar-2015 The height available for Side 1 and Side 2 components on ATCA circuit boards is described in section 2.2.4 of the PICMG 3.0 specification. All of the component height calculations start from the 6.61 mm specification for the distance from Side 1 of the PCB (pcb top side) to the Pitch Line that is adjacent to the back side of the card. Note that the top surface of the PCB is always the same distance from this Pitch Line, independent of the thickness of the PCB. The only other basic specifications are: the 6HP 30.48 mm 1.200 inch unit cell spacing of the Pitch Lines and the 2.54 mm high component keep out zone between the tops of the top side components and the next Pitch Line. Thus for Side 1, without a Side 1 cover plate, one may use components that are: 30.48 mm - 6.61 mm - 2.54 mm = 21.33 mm tall. If a Side 1 cover plate is used then its thickness must be subtracted from 21.33 mm to get the maximum available Side 1 component height. The available Side 2 component height depends directly on the thickness of the PCB and on how much clearance one wants between the Side 2 components and the required Side 2 Cover Plate. Note that the back side of the Side 2 Cover Plate may be immediately against the adjacent Pitch Line. I assume that the Hub Module PCB will need to be in the range of 22 layers, with 4 100 Ohm pair layers on the top and bottom and 4 1 oz power layers in the middle. Based on the CMX stackup this will result in a PCB that is about 3.3 mm thick. I don't think that we can count on the Hub Module PCB being thinner than this. The standard thickness of the required Side 2 Cover Plate is 1.0 mm. Thus with zero clearance one could use Side 2 components that are: 6.61mm - 3.3mm - 1.0 mm = 2.31 mm tall. From this 2.31 mm maximum Side 2 component height one must subtract something for clearance of for a sheet of insulating material. Let's pick 0.25 mm (10 mils) for the thickness of an insulating sheet and 0.06 mm (2 mils) for clearance. This gives a maximum Side 2 component height of 2.0 mm. Note that in the above component height calculation, zero slack was assigned for PCB bow and twist. --> I will design the Hub Module with a 2.0 mm maximum Side 2 component height. The thickness of the plastic insulation in the Dell modules and is some power supply modules is 10 to 12 mils. A possible insulation is DuPont Nomex Aramid "paper".