Meaning of ROD LEDs on the Hub Front Panel ---------------------------------------------- Original Rev. 31-Oct-2019 Current Rev. 31-Oct-2019 This note is an estimate about the meaning of the 7 ROD LEDs on the front panel of the Hub Module and a readers guide to the Hub Module documentation about these 7 ROD LEDs. All of the Hub documentation files mentioned below are in the web directory: A schematic showing these 7 LEDs and their drivers on the Hub is in: .../drawings/Circuit_Diagrams/50_hub_front_panel_ROD_resources.pdf The physical location of these LEDs on the Hub Front Panel is shown in the following drawing. 5 of these LEDs are labeled just with an "R" in the silkscreen lettering. The other 2 ROD LEDs are associated with the ROD's RJ-45 Ethernet Connector on the Hub Front Panel. .../drawings/Mechanical/front_panel_mech_m8.pdf Descriptions of these LEDs including how Ed planned some years ago to use them are given in: .../details/hub_0_ab_led_front_panel.txt .../details/hub_0_ab_non-MGT_ROD-Hub_connections.txt I have no documentation about how the ROD controls these 7 LEDs. From the ROD Schematics I determined the following: Meg- Hub Array LED Ref Hub S1 ROD ROD Signal Desgntr Display Pin Net-Name Source and Sch Page ------- -------- ----- --------------- --------------------- LED_57 RJ1 Grn B1 PHY_LED2_B U11-15 Phy Chip Pg 20 LED_58 RJ1 Yel B2 PHY_LED1_B U11-17 Phy Chip Pg 20 LED_45 Green B3 PROG_DONE_LED_B Q13 Drain R69 Pg 16 FPGA-AE11 DONE_0 Pg 16 J1 LEMO Conn B4 LEMO FPGA-A15 IO_L2N_T0_38 Pg 14 LED_46 Green C1 PWR_GOOD_LED_B Q15 Drain R198 Pg 26 Inverted AND of DCDC Converter Pwr Goods Pg 26 LED_47 Red C2 SMBALERT_B U8-17 DCDC 40A Pg 22 U9-14 DCDC 6A Pg 25 U10-14 DCDC 6A Pg 25 U12-14 DCDC 6A Pg 24 U13-14 DCDC 12A Pg 24 U16-17 DCDC 40A Pg 23 FPGA-AM12 IO_L2N_T0_36 Pg 13 R117 Pull-Up to 1V8 Pg 25 LED_48 Blue C3 GP_LED_B FPGA-A14 IO_L4P_T0_38 Pg 14 LED_49 Blue C4 RUN_LED_B FPGA-A13 IO_L4N_T0_38 Pg 14 Note: The state of all 7 ROD LEDs (and the ROD LEMO signal) is basically undefined when the ROD is not powered up or when there is not a ROD on the Hub Module. Because most of these control signals from the ROD are low active most of these LEDs will probably illuminate when a ROD is installed on the Hub but is NOT powered up. There are several LEDs and a push button switch on the ROD circuit board itself. As none of these are visible or accessible with the ROD installed on a Hub and operating in an ATCA Shelf I assume that they are for some private Ed testing procedures. Estimated Meaning of the ROD's LEDs: The ROD's RJ-45 LEDs (LED_57 and LED_58) are directly controlled by the Ethernet Phy Chip on the ROD. Their exact meaning can be controlled by the setup of the ROD Phy Chip. The Program Done LED (LED_45) is controlled by the ROD FPGA's standard xilinx Configuration DONE signal. The ROD LEMO signal is directly controlled by the FPGA's Select I/O signal L2N in Bank 38. The ROD Power Good LED (LED_46) is controlled by the AND of the power good signals from the ROD's DCDC Converters. The ROD SMB Alert LED (LED_47) is controlled by the low asserted open drain combination of the SMB Alert signals from the ROD's DCDC Converters. This signal is also tied to a Select I/O pin in Bank 36 of the ROD FPGA, probably with the intent of allowing the ROD FPGA to read this hardware signal but this connection also allows the ROD FPGA to drive this signal to its active level. The ROD General Purpose LED (LED_48) is directly controlled by the FPGA's Select I/O signal L4P in Bank 38. The ROD Run LED (LED_49) is directly controlled by the FPGA's Select I/O signal L4N in Bank 38. The ROD schematics are on the Hub web site at: file: 2018_08_29_HUB_ROD3_sch.pdf The ROD's S1 MegArray connector is shown on page #3 of the ROD schematics.