Tests and Scope pictures of the Power Supplies on the Hub Module ------------------------------------ Original Rev. 30-May-2017 Current Rev. 3-Jun-2017 Initial tests on Hub Module SN 01 i.e. the card without an FPGA: 30-May-2017 scope_hub_pwr_101_30may17.tif 4 msec per div Ch #1 Bulk_3V3 Ch #2 FPGA_Core Ch #3 Fan_1V8 This shows a Ramp-Up time for the FPGA supplies of about 4 msec. The allowed range is: scope_hub_pwr_102_30may17.tif 4 msec per div Ch #1 Bulk_3V3 Ch #2 FPGA_Core Ch #3 Bulk_1V8 This shows all of the ramp controlled supplies ramping up in a volt per volt way. There is a 0.5 Ohm load on the FPGA_Core rail. The Bulk_1V8 and Bulk_3V3 rails are loaded only by the components on the FPGA less card. 31-May-2017 scope_hub_pwr_103_31may17.tif 20 msec per div Ch #1 Bulk_3V3 Ch #2 FPGA_Core Ch #3 Swch_1V2 Ch #4 Swch_Reset_B from U2963 pin 4 Swch_1V2 turns ON about 80 msec after the Bulk_3V3 supply has reached a valid level. scope_hub_pwr_104_31may17.tif 100 msec per div Ch #1 Bulk_3V3 Ch #2 FPGA_Core Ch #3 Swch_1V2 Ch #4 Swch_Reset_B from U2963 pin 4 Swch_Reset_B is released about 560 msec after the Swch_1V2 supply is turned ON. 1-June-2017 scope_hub_pwr_105_1jun17.tif 100 msec per div Ch #1 Bulk_3V3 Ch #2 First_Enable from U2954 pin 8 Ch #3 Swch_1V2 Ch #4 Swch_Reset_B from U2963 pin 4 It is assumed that the Iso_12V reached a valid level about 400 msec before this scope trace begins. The First_Enable signal falls to a Low level and that enables all of the DCDC Converters except for the SWCH_1V2 converter, i.e. DCDC-5 120 msec later the Ramp Sequence starts up and you can see the Bulk_3V3 rail rise. 120 msec later you can see the Swch_1V2 supply, i.e. DCDC-5 turn ON. 560 msec later you can see that the Swch_Reset_B is released to Hi. scope_hub_pwr_106_1jun17.tif 20 usec per div Ch #1 MGT_AVTT at C133 South of FPGA Ch #2 Load Box Pulse Signal This picture is looking at the stability of the MGT_AVTT supply as its load is pulsed from 7.2 Amps up to 12.0 Amps at a 500 Hz rate. The 7.2 Amp static load is from 3 resistors of 0.5 Ohm. Two of these resistors are attached to MGT_AVTT capacitors on the North side of the FPGA and one of them is attached on the South side. The 4.8 Amps of pulse load comes from 2 more of the 0.5 Ohm resistors. Both of these are attached on the South side of the FPGA. The scope monitoring of the MGT_AVTT rail is on the South side of the FPGA. 3-June-2017 Check noise on the Fan_1V8 supply On Hub SN-01 with all supplies running check the nose on the Fan_1V8 supply. This is using the small coax with toroid chokes connected directly to a Fan_1V8 bypass capacitor at the bottom of the MGT Fanout array on the front side. These are all single shot scope pictures. scope_hub_pwr_107_3jun17.tif 2 usec per div scope_hub_pwr_108_3jun17.tif 20 usec per div scope_hub_pwr_109_3jun17.tif 200 usec per div scope_hub_pwr_110_3jun17.tif 2 msec per div