Hub Module Assembly Description ---------------------------------- Rev. 10-Feb-2017 *** Good for Production **** The Hub Module is a large card with overall dimensions of 315.0 mm in X by 322.25 mm in Y. There are about 2366 components to be mounted on each Hub Module PCB by the assembly company. The assembly vendor will also take care of obtaining the bare pcb cards. Quantity and Schedule: We would like to build 9 prototype cards with a one month turn around from when the final design data, the Purchase Order, and the full parts kit are all made available. We want to build about 23 more cards starting sometime in 2017. We hope to use the exact same pcb layout for the production build of 23 cards as we use for the 9 prototype cards. Hub Bare Circuit Board: We are requesting that the assembly vendor procure the bare circuit boards. We are doing this so that the assembly vendor can be confident of the quality of the bare cards and to insure that the bare cards have the required rails and other features to fit with their assembly process. We encourage and are willing to pay for the assembly vendor to obtain high quality bare cards with the required surface treatment to insure an optimum SMD solder re-flow assembly. We assume that this will be a gold finish. We are happy to be involved in discussions with the bare board vendor to verify that the bare Hub pcb will match our understanding of the requirements. For example we need to approve the stack up that will be used in the Hub pcb. A full description of the Hub pcb is given in a separate document in the bare board manufacturing web directory. Please see the file: aaa_hub_bare_pcb_description.txt Versions of the Hub Card: During the prototype build of 9 cards we would like: 8 cards build with all components installed 1 card built without the FPGA reference designator U1 installed and without the two ATCA Power Modules reference designators "Power_Entry" and "Power_12V" installed During the production build of 23 cards all of them will be built with all components installed. Hub Components: The bulk of the components used on the Hub card are surface mount devices (SMD). A small number of through hole devices (THD) are also used. All of the THD components are either connectors or power supply modules. All of the components (both SMD and THD) that are used by the assembly vendor to build the Hub circuit boards are included in the following 2 files: hub_assembly_house_bill_of_materials.txt hub_component_descriptions.txt SMD Components: In total 2354 SMD components are used on each Hub card. In total there are 96 SMD component types used on Hub. On the top side of the card there are 708 SMD components of 62 different component types. On the bottom side of the card there are 1646 SMD components of 55 different component types. Files in this production release related to the Hub Module's SMD components are: hub_smd_component_counts_top.txt hub_smd_component_counts_bottom.txt hub_smd_xy_data_top.txt hub_smd_xy_data_bottom.txt Through Hole Components: Each Hub card has a total of 12 THD components. These THD components are a mix of Solder-In and Press-In types. There are 9 Press-In THD components. These are 3 different types of press-in connectors. There are 3 Solder-In THD components. These are 1 type of connector and 2 types of power supply modules. Details about the THD components used on the Hub card are given in the file: hub_thd_components.txt Not Installed Components: There are about 90 pad locations on the Hub Module that include silkscreen reference designators where the assembly vendor will not be placing components during this Hub Module build. All of the Not Installed components are listed in the file: hub_not_installed_components.txt Kit Build: This is a kit build. We will provide all of the SMD components on tape and reel or in trays. We understand that there could be a charge for any components that are not provided in appropriate packaging for automatic assembly machines. A full inventory of the kit will be provided. RoHS: I assume that it will be a no-lead build. I believe that all of the components have a no-lead finish. Testing: We do not expect the assembly vendor to do any testing of these cards. We expect only the normal assembly, inspection, and cleaning of these cards. First Article: We do not require a "first article" card for this build but we are prepared to immediately examine a first article card if the assembly vendor prefers to make one. We could examine a first article card either at MSU or at the assembly vendor's location. Assembly Data: The normal assembly data, files for building the Hub Modules are available in the web directory: All assembly data is in mm and the files have a current date in 2017. Please let me know if you need this technical data in some other format. Pre-Assembly Sample PCB: Before Debron assembles parts on to any of the 9 cards that will be delivered to MSU for this initial order I want to have a bare card in my lab to verify the mechanical size and connector locations on the Hub PCB. This card will only be used for mechanical tests. It could be an electrical reject from the bare board manufacturer. Concerns: The kit of Hub Module parts that I delivered to Debron on 23-Sept-2016 included two custom frequency PLLs. These are items 50 and 51 on the inventory list from that delivery. These two items are no longer being installed by Debron and at some point I need to get them back. These PLLs are very important to us. Please make certain that any preliminary design files that you may have for the Hub Module are deleted. The only correct, good for production, files come from the web directory: and have a current date in 2017. Technical Contact for the Hub Module: Dan Edmunds Phone: (517) 884-5521 Email: FAX: (517) 355-6661 Physics Department Rm 2150 Bio-Medical Physical Sciences Bldg. 567 Wilson Road Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-2320