Reply to the Technical Query from Via Systems that I received Monday 20-Mar-2017. Issue 1. We have moved the via hole at R958 up by 30 mil to avoid being cut by milling on solder side. We changed the milling to stop 7.5 mm from the left side board edge as shown in the image. It would pass the breakoff tab with your suggested 20 mm distance. Please advise if this is acceptable or not. Image Answer: Thank you, Both are acceptable. Issue 2. Attached please find the edited gerber files for your review and approval. Answer: I have visually studied these 45 gerber plots. I have no software to do any kind of design rule checks on them. I believe that I understand most of the filenames used in this set of plots and thus could verify for example that the 9 back-drill files match what is in the design and that the 3 ground plane plots that I supplied have been correctly expanded out into the 10 pcb ground layers. I don't fully understand the dbe.grb and drl.grb files. These files are clearly the drill holes but these two files do not exactly match with which holes were requested as plated and which holes were requested as un-plated. But, I think that I understand what's being done and it makes sense. I approve these plots.