// // file: hub_0_pcb_ground_plane_exclusions.txt // // date: Original Rev. 6-Jan-2017 // Current Rev. 6-Jan-2017 // // // // // Notes: // // This source file in the overall Hub pcb design holds the // various cuts and exclusion areas in the ground planes // of the Hub Module pcb. // // There are 10 ground planes in the Hub PCB. // For plotting these 10 ground planes are in 3 groups: // // Upper Gnd Plane for L2, L4, L6 // Middle Gnd Plane for L8, L19, L13, L15 // Lower Gnd Plane for L17, L19, L21 // // // As the Gnd Planes are plotted as negative data we can put // cuts or exclusions in them by including graphic elements // in the Hub's pcb geometry. // // As the Hub's "artwork_order" file is setup: // // Elements on PREPREG 1 or 3 will remove copper from the Upper Gnd Pln // Elements on PREPREG 3 will remove copper from the Middle Gnd Pln // Elements on PREPREG 2 or 3 will remove copper from the Lower Gnd Pln // // // // Releive all of the Ground Planes from the Bottom edge // of the card where its thickness will be milled from the back // side in a strip 4.0 mm wide. // // Here I'm removing all Gnd Plane copper Below Y = 4.40 mm, // i.e. the copper is back 0.40 mm from the milled edge. // $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 3.90, 280.00, 3.90 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 3.00, 280.00, 3.00 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 2.10, 280.00, 2.10 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 1.20, 280.00, 1.20 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 0.30, 280.00, 0.30 ]); // // Releive all of the Ground Planes from the Top edge // of the card where its thickness will be milled from the back // side in a strip 4.0 mm wide. // // Here I'm removing all Gnd Plane copper Above Y = 317.85 mm, // i.e. the copper is back 0.40 mm from the milled edge. // // Recall that the Y dimention height of the ATCA card is 322.25 mm // $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 321.95, 280.00, 321.95 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 321.05, 280.00, 321.05 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 320.15, 280.00, 320.15 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 319.25, 280.00, 319.25 ]); $$path( "PREPREG_3", 1.00, , [ 0.00, 318.35, 280.00, 318.35 ]); // // Note that in addition to the above, that the ground plane // is relieved back 0.5mm from all of the actual edges of the pcb. // This is controlled by the board_edge_clearance attribute in // the Hub's "artwork_order" file. //