#! /bin/env migt_f.py # # # This is the Multiple Instance Generator Tool # Configuration file for the # # NW Quadrant FLVC2104 Rev. 2 BGA Mentor Geometry # ------------------------------------------------------- # # # Original Rev. 30-Aug-2015 # Most Recent Rev. 27-Jan-2016 # # # Documentation about configuration files and the Multiple Instance # Generator Tool is on the web at: # # www.pa.msu.edu/hep/d0/ftp/run2b/l1cal/hardware/adf_2/net_lists/ # multiple_instance_generator_tool.txt # # specify template file MIGT_input_template ( name = "flvc2104_rev__2__NW_pins_template.txt" ) # specify number and naming of output net list files MIGT_output_instances ( total="22", start_at="2", increment_by="1" ) # specify substitutions: MIGT_substitute ( key_is="key_2_1", start_at="2", increment_by="1" ) MIGT_substitute ( key_is="key_horz", start_at="-22.0", increment_by="1" )