// File: default_artwork_order_rfq // // Date: 3-Jun-2015 Sketch to get the Hub started // // 22-Jun-2015 Version for the RFQ Gerber Plots // // $$lock_windows(@on); $$create_stackup("default_artwork_order"); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.75, @inches, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'ST$default_artwork_order'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "ARTWORK_DEFINITION_IDENTIFIER", "", , , , [0, 0]); // Board Dimensioned Fabrication Drawing with Silkscreen Gerber File #1 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_01_LAYER_DEFINITION", "BOARD_OUTLINE, DRAWING_1, [no_thermal]"); // Layer 1 Top Copper and Silk Gerber File #2 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_02_LAYER_DEFINITION", "BOARD_OUTLINE, SIGNAL_1, BREAKOUT_1, PAD_1, SILKSCREEN_1, [no_thermal]"); // Layer 22 Bottom Copper and Silk Gerber File #3 $$attribute( "ARTWORK_03_LAYER_DEFINITION", "BOARD_OUTLINE, SIGNAL_10, BREAKOUT_2, PAD_2, SILKSCREEN_2, [no_thermal]");