// File: midplane_optical_connector // // Date: // // 7-Feb-2015 Original Revision // // 15-Jun-2016 Add the "Component_not_in_bom" attribute to // Remove all instances of this component from the BOM. // // // // This is the Molex 106088-0100 midplane optical connector // -------------------- // // This is the optical connector specified by L1Calo to // connect a "front" card to a "rear transition module". // // This Molex 106088-0100 appears to be specified for // use in ATCA systems. // // There are no electrical connections between the // Hub-Module and its RTM. All of the connections // between the Hub and its RTM are optical and use // 4 of these midplane optical connectors. // // This component has no pins or pad-stacks. // // The geometry for this component will be layed out // with its long axis horizontal and in the same // orientation as it will be placed on the Hub-Module. // // The center of this geometry in X is in line with // its two screws holes and in Y it is the center // of the component. // // Note: I still have an "overhang" placement violation // with this component. I do not understand this // but it *may* have to do with there being no // electrical pins AND this part being placed // with overhang. For now I will "fix this by // reducing this component's Component_Plaement_ // _Outline so that it is all within the PCB's // outline. // // // This component has the Not in BOM attribute. // // $abort_enable = @false; $$lock_windows(@on) ; $$snap_diagonal(@off) ; $$snap_orthogonal(@off) ; // // Now the actual MidPlane Optical Connector // $$create_component("MPO_OPTICAL_CONN"); $$page(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, @mm, 0.0, 0.0, [0.0,0.0,'CO$MPO_OPTICAL_CONN'] ); $$point_mode(@vertex); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_HEIGHT", "", , @scale , , [ 18.0, 0.0 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_OUTLINE_OVERHANG", "yes"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_LAYOUT_SURFACE", "both"); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_NOT_IN_BOM" ); // // Component Outline // // // $$initial([ 27.90, 10.70 ], , @nosnap ); // // $$terminal([ -3.60, 10.70 ]); // // $$terminal([ -3.60, -10.70 ]); // // $$terminal([ 27.90, -10.70 ]); // // $$terminal([ 27.90, 10.70 ]); $$initial([ 3.60, 10.70 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ -3.60, 10.70 ]); $$terminal([ -3.60, -10.70 ]); $$terminal([ 3.60, -10.70 ]); $$terminal([ 3.60, 10.70 ]); $$attribute( "COMPONENT_PLACEMENT_OUTLINE", "", @mark, @scale ); // // Silkscreen Outline // $$template_line_style( @Solid ); $$initial([ 27.90, 9.10 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ 27.40, 9.60 ]); $$terminal([ 22.90, 9.60 ]); $$terminal([ 22.90, 10.70 ]); $$terminal([ 1.80, 10.70 ]); $$terminal([ 1.30, 10.20 ]); $$terminal([ 1.30, 7.50 ]); $$terminal([ 0.80, 7.00 ]); $$terminal([ -0.80, 7.00 ]); $$terminal([ -1.30, 7.50 ]); $$terminal([ -1.30, 10.20 ]); $$terminal([ -1.80, 10.70 ]); $$terminal([ -3.10, 10.70 ]); $$terminal([ -3.60, 10.20 ]); $$terminal([ -3.60, 5.95 ]); $$terminal([ -2.60, 4.95 ]); $$terminal([ 13.50, 4.95 ]); $$terminal([ 14.00, 4.45 ]); $$terminal([ 14.00, -4.45 ]); $$terminal([ 13.50, -4.95 ]); $$terminal([ -2.60, -4.95 ]); $$terminal([ -3.60, -5.95 ]); $$terminal([ -3.60, -10.20 ]); $$terminal([ -3.10, -10.70 ]); $$terminal([ -1.80, -10.70 ]); $$terminal([ -1.30, -10.20 ]); $$terminal([ -1.30, -7.50 ]); $$terminal([ -0.80, -7.00 ]); $$terminal([ 0.80, -7.00 ]); $$terminal([ 1.30, -7.50 ]); $$terminal([ 1.30, -10.20 ]); $$terminal([ 1.80, -10.70 ]); $$terminal([ 22.90, -10.70 ]); $$terminal([ 22.90, -9.60 ]); $$terminal([ 27.40, -9.60 ]); $$terminal([ 27.90, -9.10 ]); $$terminal([ 27.90, 9.10 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20 ); // // Now the Silkscreen Details // $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 3.60, 10.70, 3.60, 4.95 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 3.60, -10.70, 3.60, -4.95 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 4.70, 9.60, 4.70, 4.95 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 4.70, -9.60, 4.70, -4.95 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 4.70, 9.60, 22.90, 9.60 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 4.70, -9.60, 22.90, -9.60 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 3.60, 10.70, 4.70, 9.60 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 3.60, -10.70, 4.70, -9.60 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 22.90, 10.70, 22.90, -10.70 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 22.90, 8.50, 27.90, 8.50 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20, , [ 22.90, -8.50, 27.90, -8.50 ]); $$initial([ 21.60, 6.90 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ 15.30, 6.90 ]); $$terminal([ 15.30, -6.90 ]); $$terminal([ 21.60, -6.90 ]); $$terminal([ 21.60, 6.90 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20 ); $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "Molex", 19.0, 0.0, 1.8, @BC, 270, 0.80, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0, , , @noright_reading ); $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "MPO-MP", 16.1, 0.0, 1.8, @BC, 270, 0.80, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0, , , @noright_reading ); $$initial([ 13.50, 8.60 ], , @nosnap ); $$terminal([ 5.70, 8.60 ]); $$terminal([ 5.70, 6.00 ]); $$terminal([ 13.50, 6.00 ]); $$terminal([ 13.50, 8.60 ]); $$path( "SILKSCREEN_1", 0.20 ); $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "K", 11.1, 7.3, 1.8, @BC, 270, 0.80, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0, , , @noright_reading ); $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "E", 8.7, 7.3, 1.8, @BC, 270, 0.80, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0, , , @noright_reading ); $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "Y", 6.3, 7.3, 1.8, @BC, 270, 0.80, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0, , , @noright_reading ); // Silkscreen End of // // Drill Holes - 2 of them 2.39 mm for the receptacle's mounting screws // $$attribute( "DRILL_DEFINITION_UNPLATED", "2.40", , @scale , , [ 0.00, 8.34 ]); $$attribute( "DRILL_DEFINITION_UNPLATED", "2.40", , @scale , , [ 0.00, -8.34 ]); $$circle( "POWER", 0.00, 8.34, 3.50, 0.0); $$circle( "POWER", 0.00, -8.34, 3.50, 0.0); // // Reference Designator // $$text( "SILKSCREEN_1", "^$ref", 0.0, -1.2, 2.5, @BC, 0, 0.80, 0.20, "std", "None", 0.0, 0.0 );