List of Nets Files that Include a Connection to FPGA U1 --------------------------------- Original Rev. 20-Oct-2015 Current Rev. 23-Nov-2016 GTH->MGT This file is simply a list of all of the nets files in this directory that include a connection to the Hub's UltraScale FPGA component U1. File Name Notes ---------------------------------- -------------------- bank_0_and_bank_65_config_mem_nets Configuration Nets combined_data_distribution_nets GTH/GTY hub_all_other_mgt_nets GTH/GTY mgt_fanout_channel_nets GTH/GTY Note: The FPGA pinout in mgt_fanout_channel_nets comes from /Build_GTH_Readout_Nets/gth_fanout_to_hub_fpga_nets hardware_address_to_rod_nets 3V3 and 1V8 Banks led_lemo_translator_driver_nets 1V8 Bank minipod_pow_gnd_ctrl_no_conn_nets 3V3 Bank rod_to_from_hub_spare_nets 1V8 Bank switch_chips_all_other_nets 3V3 Bank ultra_fpga_power_ground_nets All power and ground ultra_fpga_to_phys_chips_nets 1V8 Bank ultra_no_connect_pins_nets Package no conn pins power_supply_all_other_nets System Monitor Reference and Power/Gnd ROD Power Control - 1V8 Bank jtag_and_associated_nets JTAG ROD_Preset_B - 1V8 Bank clock_generation_nets 25 MHz Logic Clock Input - Ethernet Clock 48 MHz Reference Clk Input from Other Hub 48 MHz Reference Clk Output to 48 MHz PLL 48 MHz Logic Clock Input 320 MHz Logic Clock Input 320 MHz MGT Reference Clock Inputs 8x Lock Detect Inputs from 48 & 320 MHz PLLs i2C_sensor_bus_nets Sensor I2C Bus to FPGA SysMon Sensor I2C Bus to FPGA I2C Master Port Enables to the 3x I2C Buffer/Translators