# # This is the Key In Net List file for the # # Hub Module Isolated +12V Power Supply Nets # ------------------------------------------------ # # # Original Rev. 17-Apr-2014 # Most Recent Rev. 21-Oct-2016 # # # # ATCA "Entered" 48V Power to the 12V Converter # NET 'ENTERED_N48V' C954-2 C955-2 NET 'ENTERED_48V_RTN' C954-1 C955-1 NET 'ENTERED_N48V' Power_12V-3 NET 'ENTERED_48V_RTN' Power_12V-1 # # Pay Load Enable Signal to the Isolated +12V Converter # # OPT1-1 LED Anode OPT1-2 LED Cathode # OPT1-3 Transistor Emitter OPT1-4 Transistor Collector # NET 'ENABLE_INTO_ISO_12V_B' Power_12V-2 OPT1-4 NET 'ENTERED_N48V' OPT1-3 NET 'GROUND' OPT1-2 NET 'Enable_LED_Anode' OPT1-1 # # Isolated +12V Power from the Converter # NET 'Iso_12V' Power_12V-8 NET 'GROUND' Power_12V-4 # # Remote Sense Feedback Connections: # Iso_12V and then Ground # and the Output Trim Connection # for the Isolated +12V Supply # NET 'Iso_12V' Power_12V-7 NET 'REMOTE_SENSE_GND_ISO_12V' Power_12V-5 AKA1-2 NET 'GROUND' AKA1-1 NET 'No_Conn_Trim_12V' Power_12V-6 # # Filter the Isolated +12V Power from the Converter # NET 'Iso_12V' C957-2 C958-2 C959-2 C960-2 NET 'Iso_12V' C961-1 C962-1 C963-1 C964-1 NET 'GROUND' C957-1 C958-1 C959-1 C960-1 NET 'GROUND' C961-2 C962-2 C963-2 C964-2 # # Wire Terminals for the discrete wire runs # that carry the Iso_12V up to the DCDC Converters # and their Bulk Input Filter Capacitors. # NET 'Iso_12V' WTERM21-1 WTERM22-1 WTERM23-1 NET 'Iso_12V' WTERM25-1 WTERM26-1 WTERM27-1