Found 128 pins for J20 which is of type TE_2065657-1_J20 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name A3 = UP_Tx2_C_Dir Tx2(UP)+ GE Pair C HUB FPGA from line 714 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A4 = UP_Tx0_A_Dir Tx0(UP)+ GE Pair A HUB FPGA from line 708 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A5 = No_Conn_J20_A5_FI_Tx2_15_DIR Tx2[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 157 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A6 = No_Conn_J20_A6_FI_Tx0_15_DIR Tx0[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 144 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A7 = No_Conn_J20_A7_FI_Tx2_14_DIR Tx2[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 130 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A8 = No_Conn_J20_A8_FI_Tx0_14_DIR Tx0[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 117 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A9 = MGT_FO_CH_73_IN_CMP Tx2[13]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 14 from line 10144 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B3 = UP_Tx2_C_Cmp Tx2(UP)- GE Pair C HUB FPGA from line 715 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B4 = UP_Tx0_A_Cmp Tx0(UP)- GE Pair A HUB FPGA from line 709 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B5 = No_Conn_J20_B5_FI_Tx2_15_CMP Tx2[15]- Unused signal pair from line 158 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B6 = No_Conn_J20_B6_FI_Tx0_15_CMP Tx0[15]- Unused signal pair from line 145 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B7 = No_Conn_J20_B7_FI_Tx2_14_CMP Tx2[14]- Unused signal pair from line 131 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B8 = No_Conn_J20_B8_FI_Tx0_14_CMP Tx0[14]- Unused signal pair from line 118 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B9 = MGT_FO_CH_73_IN_DIR Tx2[13]- RO Str 5 from FEX 14 from line 10145 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C3 = UP_Rx2_C_Dir Rx2(UP)+ GE Pair C HUB Switch from line 755 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C4 = UP_Rx0_A_Dir Rx0(UP)+ GE Pair A HUB Switch from line 749 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C5 = No_Conn_J20_C5_FI_Rx2_15_DIR Rx2[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 160 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C6 = No_Conn_J20_C6_FI_Rx0_15_DIR Rx0[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 147 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C7 = No_Conn_J20_C7_FI_Rx2_14_DIR Rx2[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 133 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C8 = No_Conn_J20_C8_FI_Rx0_14_DIR Rx0[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 120 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C9 = MGT_FO_CH_71_IN_CMP Rx2[13]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 14 from line 10132 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D3 = UP_Rx2_C_Cmp Rx2(UP)- GE Pair C HUB Switch from line 756 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D4 = UP_Rx0_A_Cmp Rx0(UP)- GE Pair A HUB Switch from line 750 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D5 = No_Conn_J20_D5_FI_Rx2_15_CMP Rx2[15]- Unused signal pair from line 161 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D6 = No_Conn_J20_D6_FI_Rx0_15_CMP Rx0[15]- Unused signal pair from line 148 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D7 = No_Conn_J20_D7_FI_Rx2_14_CMP Rx2[14]- Unused signal pair from line 134 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D8 = No_Conn_J20_D8_FI_Rx0_14_CMP Rx0[14]- Unused signal pair from line 121 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D9 = MGT_FO_CH_71_IN_DIR Rx2[13]- RO Str 3 from FEX 14 from line 10133 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E3 = UP_Tx3_D_Dir Tx3(UP)+ GE Pair D HUB FPGA from line 717 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E4 = UP_Tx1_B_Dir Tx1(UP)+ GE Pair B HUB FPGA from line 711 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E5 = No_Conn_J20_E5_FI_Tx3_15_DIR Tx3[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 163 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E6 = No_Conn_J20_E6_FI_Tx1_15_DIR Tx1[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 150 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E7 = No_Conn_J20_E7_FI_Tx3_14_DIR Tx3[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 136 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E8 = No_Conn_J20_E8_FI_Tx1_14_DIR Tx1[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 123 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E9 = MGT_FO_CH_74_IN_DIR Tx3[13]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 14 from line 10150 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F3 = UP_Tx3_D_Cmp Tx3(UP)- GE Pair D HUB FPGA from line 718 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F4 = UP_Tx1_B_Cmp Tx1(UP)- GE Pair B HUB FPGA from line 712 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F5 = No_Conn_J20_F5_FI_Tx3_15_CMP Tx3[15]- Unused signal pair from line 164 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F6 = No_Conn_J20_F6_FI_Tx1_15_CMP Tx1[15]- Unused signal pair from line 151 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F7 = No_Conn_J20_F7_FI_Tx3_14_CMP Tx3[14]- Unused signal pair from line 137 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F8 = No_Conn_J20_F8_FI_Tx1_14_CMP Tx1[14]- Unused signal pair from line 124 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F9 = MGT_FO_CH_74_IN_CMP Tx3[13]- RO Str 6 from FEX 14 from line 10151 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G3 = UP_Rx3_D_Dir Rx3(UP)+ GE Pair D HUB Switch from line 758 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G4 = UP_Rx1_B_Dir Rx1(UP)+ GE Pair B HUB Switch from line 752 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G5 = No_Conn_J20_G5_FI_Rx3_15_DIR Rx3[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 166 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G6 = No_Conn_J20_G6_FI_Rx1_15_DIR Rx1[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 153 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G7 = No_Conn_J20_G7_FI_Rx3_14_DIR Rx3[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 139 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G8 = No_Conn_J20_G8_FI_Rx1_14_DIR Rx1[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 126 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G9 = MGT_FO_CH_72_IN_CMP Rx3[13]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 14 from line 10138 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H3 = UP_Rx3_D_Cmp Rx3(UP)- GE Pair D HUB Switch from line 759 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H4 = UP_Rx1_B_Cmp Rx1(UP)- GE Pair B HUB Switch from line 753 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H5 = No_Conn_J20_H5_FI_Rx3_15_CMP Rx3[15]- Unused signal pair from line 167 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H6 = No_Conn_J20_H6_FI_Rx1_15_CMP Rx1[15]- Unused signal pair from line 154 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H7 = No_Conn_J20_H7_FI_Rx3_14_CMP Rx3[14]- Unused signal pair from line 140 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H8 = No_Conn_J20_H8_FI_Rx1_14_CMP Rx1[14]- Unused signal pair from line 127 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H9 = MGT_FO_CH_72_IN_DIR Rx3[13]- RO Str 4 from FEX 14 from line 10139 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A10 = Clk_to_FEX_14_Dir Tx0[13]+ LHC Clk to FEX 14 from line 269 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 24 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 24 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 24 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets B10 = Clk_to_FEX_14_Cmp Tx0[13]- LHC Clk to FEX 14 from line 270 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 27 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 27 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 27 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets C10 = MGT_FO_CH_69_IN_CMP Rx0[13]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 14 from line 10120 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 30 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 30 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 30 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets D10 = MGT_FO_CH_69_IN_DIR Rx0[13]- RO Str 1 from FEX 14 from line 10121 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 33 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 33 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 33 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets E10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_14_Dir Tx1[13]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 14 from line 255 of combined_data_distribution_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 36 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 36 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 36 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets F10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_14_Cmp Tx1[13]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 14 from line 256 of combined_data_distribution_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 39 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 39 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 39 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets G10 = MGT_FO_CH_70_IN_DIR Rx1[13]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 14 from line 10126 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 42 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 42 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 42 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets H10 = MGT_FO_CH_70_IN_CMP Rx1[13]- RO Str 2 from FEX 14 from line 10127 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 45 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 45 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 45 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name B10 = Clk_to_FEX_14_Cmp Tx0[13]- LHC Clk to FEX 14 from line 270 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A10 = Clk_to_FEX_14_Dir Tx0[13]+ LHC Clk to FEX 14 from line 269 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets F10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_14_Cmp Tx1[13]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 14 from line 256 of combined_data_distribution_nets E10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_14_Dir Tx1[13]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 14 from line 255 of combined_data_distribution_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 24 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 24 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 24 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 25 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 27 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 27 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 27 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 28 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 30 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 30 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 30 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 31 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 33 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 33 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 33 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 34 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 36 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 36 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 36 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 37 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 39 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 39 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 39 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 40 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 42 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 42 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 42 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 43 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 45 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 45 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 45 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 46 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets C10 = MGT_FO_CH_69_IN_CMP Rx0[13]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 14 from line 10120 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D10 = MGT_FO_CH_69_IN_DIR Rx0[13]- RO Str 1 from FEX 14 from line 10121 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H10 = MGT_FO_CH_70_IN_CMP Rx1[13]- RO Str 2 from FEX 14 from line 10127 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G10 = MGT_FO_CH_70_IN_DIR Rx1[13]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 14 from line 10126 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C9 = MGT_FO_CH_71_IN_CMP Rx2[13]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 14 from line 10132 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D9 = MGT_FO_CH_71_IN_DIR Rx2[13]- RO Str 3 from FEX 14 from line 10133 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G9 = MGT_FO_CH_72_IN_CMP Rx3[13]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 14 from line 10138 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H9 = MGT_FO_CH_72_IN_DIR Rx3[13]- RO Str 4 from FEX 14 from line 10139 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A9 = MGT_FO_CH_73_IN_CMP Tx2[13]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 14 from line 10144 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B9 = MGT_FO_CH_73_IN_DIR Tx2[13]- RO Str 5 from FEX 14 from line 10145 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F9 = MGT_FO_CH_74_IN_CMP Tx3[13]- RO Str 6 from FEX 14 from line 10151 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E9 = MGT_FO_CH_74_IN_DIR Tx3[13]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 14 from line 10150 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A5 = No_Conn_J20_A5_FI_Tx2_15_DIR Tx2[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 157 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A6 = No_Conn_J20_A6_FI_Tx0_15_DIR Tx0[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 144 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A7 = No_Conn_J20_A7_FI_Tx2_14_DIR Tx2[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 130 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A8 = No_Conn_J20_A8_FI_Tx0_14_DIR Tx0[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 117 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B5 = No_Conn_J20_B5_FI_Tx2_15_CMP Tx2[15]- Unused signal pair from line 158 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B6 = No_Conn_J20_B6_FI_Tx0_15_CMP Tx0[15]- Unused signal pair from line 145 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B7 = No_Conn_J20_B7_FI_Tx2_14_CMP Tx2[14]- Unused signal pair from line 131 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B8 = No_Conn_J20_B8_FI_Tx0_14_CMP Tx0[14]- Unused signal pair from line 118 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C5 = No_Conn_J20_C5_FI_Rx2_15_DIR Rx2[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 160 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C6 = No_Conn_J20_C6_FI_Rx0_15_DIR Rx0[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 147 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C7 = No_Conn_J20_C7_FI_Rx2_14_DIR Rx2[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 133 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C8 = No_Conn_J20_C8_FI_Rx0_14_DIR Rx0[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 120 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D5 = No_Conn_J20_D5_FI_Rx2_15_CMP Rx2[15]- Unused signal pair from line 161 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D6 = No_Conn_J20_D6_FI_Rx0_15_CMP Rx0[15]- Unused signal pair from line 148 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D7 = No_Conn_J20_D7_FI_Rx2_14_CMP Rx2[14]- Unused signal pair from line 134 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D8 = No_Conn_J20_D8_FI_Rx0_14_CMP Rx0[14]- Unused signal pair from line 121 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E5 = No_Conn_J20_E5_FI_Tx3_15_DIR Tx3[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 163 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E6 = No_Conn_J20_E6_FI_Tx1_15_DIR Tx1[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 150 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E7 = No_Conn_J20_E7_FI_Tx3_14_DIR Tx3[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 136 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E8 = No_Conn_J20_E8_FI_Tx1_14_DIR Tx1[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 123 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F5 = No_Conn_J20_F5_FI_Tx3_15_CMP Tx3[15]- Unused signal pair from line 164 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F6 = No_Conn_J20_F6_FI_Tx1_15_CMP Tx1[15]- Unused signal pair from line 151 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F7 = No_Conn_J20_F7_FI_Tx3_14_CMP Tx3[14]- Unused signal pair from line 137 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F8 = No_Conn_J20_F8_FI_Tx1_14_CMP Tx1[14]- Unused signal pair from line 124 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G5 = No_Conn_J20_G5_FI_Rx3_15_DIR Rx3[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 166 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G6 = No_Conn_J20_G6_FI_Rx1_15_DIR Rx1[15]+ Unused signal pair from line 153 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G7 = No_Conn_J20_G7_FI_Rx3_14_DIR Rx3[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 139 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G8 = No_Conn_J20_G8_FI_Rx1_14_DIR Rx1[14]+ Unused signal pair from line 126 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H5 = No_Conn_J20_H5_FI_Rx3_15_CMP Rx3[15]- Unused signal pair from line 167 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H6 = No_Conn_J20_H6_FI_Rx1_15_CMP Rx1[15]- Unused signal pair from line 154 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H7 = No_Conn_J20_H7_FI_Rx3_14_CMP Rx3[14]- Unused signal pair from line 140 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H8 = No_Conn_J20_H8_FI_Rx1_14_CMP Rx1[14]- Unused signal pair from line 127 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D4 = UP_Rx0_A_Cmp Rx0(UP)- GE Pair A HUB Switch from line 750 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C4 = UP_Rx0_A_Dir Rx0(UP)+ GE Pair A HUB Switch from line 749 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H4 = UP_Rx1_B_Cmp Rx1(UP)- GE Pair B HUB Switch from line 753 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G4 = UP_Rx1_B_Dir Rx1(UP)+ GE Pair B HUB Switch from line 752 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D3 = UP_Rx2_C_Cmp Rx2(UP)- GE Pair C HUB Switch from line 756 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C3 = UP_Rx2_C_Dir Rx2(UP)+ GE Pair C HUB Switch from line 755 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H3 = UP_Rx3_D_Cmp Rx3(UP)- GE Pair D HUB Switch from line 759 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G3 = UP_Rx3_D_Dir Rx3(UP)+ GE Pair D HUB Switch from line 758 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B4 = UP_Tx0_A_Cmp Tx0(UP)- GE Pair A HUB FPGA from line 709 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A4 = UP_Tx0_A_Dir Tx0(UP)+ GE Pair A HUB FPGA from line 708 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F4 = UP_Tx1_B_Cmp Tx1(UP)- GE Pair B HUB FPGA from line 712 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E4 = UP_Tx1_B_Dir Tx1(UP)+ GE Pair B HUB FPGA from line 711 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B3 = UP_Tx2_C_Cmp Tx2(UP)- GE Pair C HUB FPGA from line 715 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A3 = UP_Tx2_C_Dir Tx2(UP)+ GE Pair C HUB FPGA from line 714 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F3 = UP_Tx3_D_Cmp Tx3(UP)- GE Pair D HUB FPGA from line 718 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E3 = UP_Tx3_D_Dir Tx3(UP)+ GE Pair D HUB FPGA from line 717 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets