Found 160 pins for J21 which is of type TE_2065657-1_J21 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name A1 = MGT_FO_CH_67_IN_CMP Tx2[12]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 13 from line 10102 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A2 = Clk_to_FEX_13_Dir Tx0[12]+ LHC Clk to FEX 13 from line 262 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A3 = MGT_FO_CH_61_IN_CMP Tx2[11]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 12 from line 10060 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A4 = Clk_to_FEX_12_Dir Tx0[11]+ LHC Clk to FEX 12 from line 255 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A5 = MGT_FO_CH_55_IN_CMP Tx2[10]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 11 from line 10018 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A6 = Clk_to_FEX_11_Dir Tx0[10]+ LHC Clk to FEX 11 from line 248 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A7 = MGT_FO_CH_49_IN_CMP Tx2[09]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 10 from line 9976 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A8 = Clk_to_FEX_10_Dir Tx0[09]+ LHC Clk to FEX 10 from line 241 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A9 = MGT_FO_CH_43_IN_CMP Tx2[08]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 09 from line 9934 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B1 = MGT_FO_CH_67_IN_DIR Tx2[12]- RO Str 5 from FEX 13 from line 10103 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B2 = Clk_to_FEX_13_Cmp Tx0[12]- LHC Clk to FEX 13 from line 263 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B3 = MGT_FO_CH_61_IN_DIR Tx2[11]- RO Str 5 from FEX 12 from line 10061 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B4 = Clk_to_FEX_12_Cmp Tx0[11]- LHC Clk to FEX 12 from line 256 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B5 = MGT_FO_CH_55_IN_DIR Tx2[10]- RO Str 5 from FEX 11 from line 10019 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B6 = Clk_to_FEX_11_Cmp Tx0[10]- LHC Clk to FEX 11 from line 249 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B7 = MGT_FO_CH_49_IN_DIR Tx2[09]- RO Str 5 from FEX 10 from line 9977 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B8 = Clk_to_FEX_10_Cmp Tx0[09]- LHC Clk to FEX 10 from line 242 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B9 = MGT_FO_CH_43_IN_DIR Tx2[08]- RO Str 5 from FEX 09 from line 9935 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C1 = MGT_FO_CH_65_IN_CMP Rx2[12]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 13 from line 10090 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C2 = MGT_FO_CH_63_IN_CMP Rx0[12]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 13 from line 10078 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C3 = MGT_FO_CH_59_IN_CMP Rx2[11]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 12 from line 10048 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C4 = MGT_FO_CH_57_IN_CMP Rx0[11]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 12 from line 10036 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C5 = MGT_FO_CH_53_IN_CMP Rx2[10]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 11 from line 10006 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C6 = MGT_FO_CH_51_IN_CMP Rx0[10]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 11 from line 9994 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C7 = MGT_FO_CH_47_IN_CMP Rx2[09]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 10 from line 9964 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C8 = MGT_FO_CH_45_IN_CMP Rx0[09]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 10 from line 9952 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C9 = MGT_FO_CH_41_IN_CMP Rx2[08]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 09 from line 9922 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D1 = MGT_FO_CH_65_IN_DIR Rx2[12]- RO Str 3 from FEX 13 from line 10091 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D2 = MGT_FO_CH_63_IN_DIR Rx0[12]- RO Str 1 from FEX 13 from line 10079 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D3 = MGT_FO_CH_59_IN_DIR Rx2[11]- RO Str 3 from FEX 12 from line 10049 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D4 = MGT_FO_CH_57_IN_DIR Rx0[11]- RO Str 1 from FEX 12 from line 10037 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D5 = MGT_FO_CH_53_IN_DIR Rx2[10]- RO Str 3 from FEX 11 from line 10007 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D6 = MGT_FO_CH_51_IN_DIR Rx0[10]- RO Str 1 from FEX 11 from line 9995 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D7 = MGT_FO_CH_47_IN_DIR Rx2[09]- RO Str 3 from FEX 10 from line 9965 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D8 = MGT_FO_CH_45_IN_DIR Rx0[09]- RO Str 1 from FEX 10 from line 9953 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D9 = MGT_FO_CH_41_IN_DIR Rx2[08]- RO Str 3 from FEX 09 from line 9923 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E1 = MGT_FO_CH_68_IN_DIR Tx3[12]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 13 from line 10108 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_13_Dir Tx1[12]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 13 from line 248 of combined_data_distribution_nets E3 = MGT_FO_CH_62_IN_DIR Tx3[11]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 12 from line 10066 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E4 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_12_Dir Tx1[11]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 12 from line 241 of combined_data_distribution_nets E5 = MGT_FO_CH_56_IN_DIR Tx3[10]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 11 from line 10024 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E6 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_11_Dir Tx1[10]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 11 from line 234 of combined_data_distribution_nets E7 = MGT_FO_CH_50_IN_DIR Tx3[09]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 10 from line 9982 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E8 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_10_Dir Tx1[09]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 10 from line 227 of combined_data_distribution_nets E9 = MGT_FO_CH_44_IN_DIR Tx3[08]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 09 from line 9940 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F1 = MGT_FO_CH_68_IN_CMP Tx3[12]- RO Str 6 from FEX 13 from line 10109 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_13_Cmp Tx1[12]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 13 from line 249 of combined_data_distribution_nets F3 = MGT_FO_CH_62_IN_CMP Tx3[11]- RO Str 6 from FEX 12 from line 10067 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F4 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_12_Cmp Tx1[11]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 12 from line 242 of combined_data_distribution_nets F5 = MGT_FO_CH_56_IN_CMP Tx3[10]- RO Str 6 from FEX 11 from line 10025 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F6 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_11_Cmp Tx1[10]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 11 from line 235 of combined_data_distribution_nets F7 = MGT_FO_CH_50_IN_CMP Tx3[09]- RO Str 6 from FEX 10 from line 9983 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F8 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_10_Cmp Tx1[09]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 10 from line 228 of combined_data_distribution_nets F9 = MGT_FO_CH_44_IN_CMP Tx3[08]- RO Str 6 from FEX 09 from line 9941 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G1 = MGT_FO_CH_66_IN_DIR Rx3[12]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 13 from line 10096 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G2 = MGT_FO_CH_64_IN_DIR Rx1[12]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 13 from line 10084 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G3 = MGT_FO_CH_60_IN_DIR Rx3[11]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 12 from line 10054 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G4 = MGT_FO_CH_58_IN_DIR Rx1[11]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 12 from line 10042 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G5 = MGT_FO_CH_54_IN_DIR Rx3[10]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 11 from line 10012 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G6 = MGT_FO_CH_52_IN_DIR Rx1[10]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 11 from line 10000 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G7 = MGT_FO_CH_48_IN_DIR Rx3[09]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 10 from line 9970 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G8 = MGT_FO_CH_46_IN_DIR Rx1[09]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 10 from line 9958 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G9 = MGT_FO_CH_42_IN_DIR Rx3[08]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 09 from line 9928 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H1 = MGT_FO_CH_66_IN_CMP Rx3[12]- RO Str 4 from FEX 13 from line 10097 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H2 = MGT_FO_CH_64_IN_CMP Rx1[12]- RO Str 2 from FEX 13 from line 10085 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H3 = MGT_FO_CH_60_IN_CMP Rx3[11]- RO Str 4 from FEX 12 from line 10055 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H4 = MGT_FO_CH_58_IN_CMP Rx1[11]- RO Str 2 from FEX 12 from line 10043 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H5 = MGT_FO_CH_54_IN_CMP Rx3[10]- RO Str 4 from FEX 11 from line 10013 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H6 = MGT_FO_CH_52_IN_CMP Rx1[10]- RO Str 2 from FEX 11 from line 10001 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H7 = MGT_FO_CH_48_IN_CMP Rx3[09]- RO Str 4 from FEX 10 from line 9971 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H8 = MGT_FO_CH_46_IN_CMP Rx1[09]- RO Str 2 from FEX 10 from line 9959 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H9 = MGT_FO_CH_42_IN_CMP Rx3[08]- RO Str 4 from FEX 09 from line 9929 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A10 = Clk_to_FEX_09_Dir Tx0[08]+ LHC Clk to FEX 09 from line 234 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets AG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets B10 = Clk_to_FEX_09_Cmp Tx0[08]- LHC Clk to FEX 09 from line 235 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets BG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets C10 = MGT_FO_CH_39_IN_CMP Rx0[08]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 09 from line 9910 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets CG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets D10 = MGT_FO_CH_39_IN_DIR Rx0[08]- RO Str 1 from FEX 09 from line 9911 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets DG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets E10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_09_Dir Tx1[08]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 09 from line 220 of combined_data_distribution_nets EG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets F10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_09_Cmp Tx1[08]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 09 from line 221 of combined_data_distribution_nets FG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets G10 = MGT_FO_CH_40_IN_DIR Rx1[08]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 09 from line 9916 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets GG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets H10 = MGT_FO_CH_40_IN_CMP Rx1[08]- RO Str 2 from FEX 09 from line 9917 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets HG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name B10 = Clk_to_FEX_09_Cmp Tx0[08]- LHC Clk to FEX 09 from line 235 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A10 = Clk_to_FEX_09_Dir Tx0[08]+ LHC Clk to FEX 09 from line 234 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B8 = Clk_to_FEX_10_Cmp Tx0[09]- LHC Clk to FEX 10 from line 242 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A8 = Clk_to_FEX_10_Dir Tx0[09]+ LHC Clk to FEX 10 from line 241 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B6 = Clk_to_FEX_11_Cmp Tx0[10]- LHC Clk to FEX 11 from line 249 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A6 = Clk_to_FEX_11_Dir Tx0[10]+ LHC Clk to FEX 11 from line 248 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B4 = Clk_to_FEX_12_Cmp Tx0[11]- LHC Clk to FEX 12 from line 256 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A4 = Clk_to_FEX_12_Dir Tx0[11]+ LHC Clk to FEX 12 from line 255 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B2 = Clk_to_FEX_13_Cmp Tx0[12]- LHC Clk to FEX 13 from line 263 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A2 = Clk_to_FEX_13_Dir Tx0[12]+ LHC Clk to FEX 13 from line 262 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets F10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_09_Cmp Tx1[08]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 09 from line 221 of combined_data_distribution_nets E10 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_09_Dir Tx1[08]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 09 from line 220 of combined_data_distribution_nets F8 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_10_Cmp Tx1[09]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 10 from line 228 of combined_data_distribution_nets E8 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_10_Dir Tx1[09]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 10 from line 227 of combined_data_distribution_nets F6 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_11_Cmp Tx1[10]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 11 from line 235 of combined_data_distribution_nets E6 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_11_Dir Tx1[10]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 11 from line 234 of combined_data_distribution_nets F4 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_12_Cmp Tx1[11]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 12 from line 242 of combined_data_distribution_nets E4 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_12_Dir Tx1[11]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 12 from line 241 of combined_data_distribution_nets F2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_13_Cmp Tx1[12]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 13 from line 249 of combined_data_distribution_nets E2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_13_Dir Tx1[12]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 13 from line 248 of combined_data_distribution_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 52 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 53 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 55 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 56 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 58 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 59 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 61 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 62 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 64 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 65 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 67 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 68 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 70 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 71 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 73 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 74 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets C10 = MGT_FO_CH_39_IN_CMP Rx0[08]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 09 from line 9910 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D10 = MGT_FO_CH_39_IN_DIR Rx0[08]- RO Str 1 from FEX 09 from line 9911 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H10 = MGT_FO_CH_40_IN_CMP Rx1[08]- RO Str 2 from FEX 09 from line 9917 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G10 = MGT_FO_CH_40_IN_DIR Rx1[08]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 09 from line 9916 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C9 = MGT_FO_CH_41_IN_CMP Rx2[08]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 09 from line 9922 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D9 = MGT_FO_CH_41_IN_DIR Rx2[08]- RO Str 3 from FEX 09 from line 9923 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H9 = MGT_FO_CH_42_IN_CMP Rx3[08]- RO Str 4 from FEX 09 from line 9929 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G9 = MGT_FO_CH_42_IN_DIR Rx3[08]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 09 from line 9928 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A9 = MGT_FO_CH_43_IN_CMP Tx2[08]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 09 from line 9934 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B9 = MGT_FO_CH_43_IN_DIR Tx2[08]- RO Str 5 from FEX 09 from line 9935 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F9 = MGT_FO_CH_44_IN_CMP Tx3[08]- RO Str 6 from FEX 09 from line 9941 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E9 = MGT_FO_CH_44_IN_DIR Tx3[08]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 09 from line 9940 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C8 = MGT_FO_CH_45_IN_CMP Rx0[09]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 10 from line 9952 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D8 = MGT_FO_CH_45_IN_DIR Rx0[09]- RO Str 1 from FEX 10 from line 9953 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H8 = MGT_FO_CH_46_IN_CMP Rx1[09]- RO Str 2 from FEX 10 from line 9959 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G8 = MGT_FO_CH_46_IN_DIR Rx1[09]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 10 from line 9958 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C7 = MGT_FO_CH_47_IN_CMP Rx2[09]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 10 from line 9964 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D7 = MGT_FO_CH_47_IN_DIR Rx2[09]- RO Str 3 from FEX 10 from line 9965 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H7 = MGT_FO_CH_48_IN_CMP Rx3[09]- RO Str 4 from FEX 10 from line 9971 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G7 = MGT_FO_CH_48_IN_DIR Rx3[09]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 10 from line 9970 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A7 = MGT_FO_CH_49_IN_CMP Tx2[09]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 10 from line 9976 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B7 = MGT_FO_CH_49_IN_DIR Tx2[09]- RO Str 5 from FEX 10 from line 9977 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F7 = MGT_FO_CH_50_IN_CMP Tx3[09]- RO Str 6 from FEX 10 from line 9983 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E7 = MGT_FO_CH_50_IN_DIR Tx3[09]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 10 from line 9982 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C6 = MGT_FO_CH_51_IN_CMP Rx0[10]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 11 from line 9994 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D6 = MGT_FO_CH_51_IN_DIR Rx0[10]- RO Str 1 from FEX 11 from line 9995 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H6 = MGT_FO_CH_52_IN_CMP Rx1[10]- RO Str 2 from FEX 11 from line 10001 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G6 = MGT_FO_CH_52_IN_DIR Rx1[10]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 11 from line 10000 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C5 = MGT_FO_CH_53_IN_CMP Rx2[10]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 11 from line 10006 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D5 = MGT_FO_CH_53_IN_DIR Rx2[10]- RO Str 3 from FEX 11 from line 10007 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H5 = MGT_FO_CH_54_IN_CMP Rx3[10]- RO Str 4 from FEX 11 from line 10013 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G5 = MGT_FO_CH_54_IN_DIR Rx3[10]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 11 from line 10012 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A5 = MGT_FO_CH_55_IN_CMP Tx2[10]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 11 from line 10018 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B5 = MGT_FO_CH_55_IN_DIR Tx2[10]- RO Str 5 from FEX 11 from line 10019 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F5 = MGT_FO_CH_56_IN_CMP Tx3[10]- RO Str 6 from FEX 11 from line 10025 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E5 = MGT_FO_CH_56_IN_DIR Tx3[10]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 11 from line 10024 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C4 = MGT_FO_CH_57_IN_CMP Rx0[11]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 12 from line 10036 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D4 = MGT_FO_CH_57_IN_DIR Rx0[11]- RO Str 1 from FEX 12 from line 10037 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H4 = MGT_FO_CH_58_IN_CMP Rx1[11]- RO Str 2 from FEX 12 from line 10043 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G4 = MGT_FO_CH_58_IN_DIR Rx1[11]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 12 from line 10042 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C3 = MGT_FO_CH_59_IN_CMP Rx2[11]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 12 from line 10048 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D3 = MGT_FO_CH_59_IN_DIR Rx2[11]- RO Str 3 from FEX 12 from line 10049 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H3 = MGT_FO_CH_60_IN_CMP Rx3[11]- RO Str 4 from FEX 12 from line 10055 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G3 = MGT_FO_CH_60_IN_DIR Rx3[11]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 12 from line 10054 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A3 = MGT_FO_CH_61_IN_CMP Tx2[11]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 12 from line 10060 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B3 = MGT_FO_CH_61_IN_DIR Tx2[11]- RO Str 5 from FEX 12 from line 10061 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F3 = MGT_FO_CH_62_IN_CMP Tx3[11]- RO Str 6 from FEX 12 from line 10067 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E3 = MGT_FO_CH_62_IN_DIR Tx3[11]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 12 from line 10066 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C2 = MGT_FO_CH_63_IN_CMP Rx0[12]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 13 from line 10078 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D2 = MGT_FO_CH_63_IN_DIR Rx0[12]- RO Str 1 from FEX 13 from line 10079 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H2 = MGT_FO_CH_64_IN_CMP Rx1[12]- RO Str 2 from FEX 13 from line 10085 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G2 = MGT_FO_CH_64_IN_DIR Rx1[12]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 13 from line 10084 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C1 = MGT_FO_CH_65_IN_CMP Rx2[12]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 13 from line 10090 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D1 = MGT_FO_CH_65_IN_DIR Rx2[12]- RO Str 3 from FEX 13 from line 10091 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H1 = MGT_FO_CH_66_IN_CMP Rx3[12]- RO Str 4 from FEX 13 from line 10097 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G1 = MGT_FO_CH_66_IN_DIR Rx3[12]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 13 from line 10096 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A1 = MGT_FO_CH_67_IN_CMP Tx2[12]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 13 from line 10102 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B1 = MGT_FO_CH_67_IN_DIR Tx2[12]- RO Str 5 from FEX 13 from line 10103 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F1 = MGT_FO_CH_68_IN_CMP Tx3[12]- RO Str 6 from FEX 13 from line 10109 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E1 = MGT_FO_CH_68_IN_DIR Tx3[12]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 13 from line 10108 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets