Found 8 pins for U37 which is of type IC_AT93C66B_EEPROM ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = SW_C_EEPROM_CS CS from line 251 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 2 = SW_C_EEPROM_SCLK SK from line 252 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 3 = SW_C_EEPROM_DI DI from line 253 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 4 = SW_C_EEPROM_DO DO from line 254 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 5 = GROUND GND from line 257 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 6 = BULK_3V3 ORG from line 256 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 7 = No_Conn_SW_C_EEPROM_7 NC from line 259 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 8 = BULK_3V3 VCC from line 256 of switch_chips_all_other_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 6 = BULK_3V3 ORG from line 256 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 8 = BULK_3V3 VCC from line 256 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 5 = GROUND GND from line 257 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 7 = No_Conn_SW_C_EEPROM_7 NC from line 259 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 1 = SW_C_EEPROM_CS CS from line 251 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 3 = SW_C_EEPROM_DI DI from line 253 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 4 = SW_C_EEPROM_DO DO from line 254 of switch_chips_all_other_nets 2 = SW_C_EEPROM_SCLK SK from line 252 of switch_chips_all_other_nets