Found 10 pins for U506 which is of type IC_PLL_320M6296 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = HF_PLL_Ref_from_Term_to_PLL Input Frequency from line 468 of clock_generation_nets 2 = GROUND Ground from line 522 of clock_generation_nets 3 = No_Conn_320_PLL_pin_3 Active Low Reset from line 542 of clock_generation_nets 4 = No_Conn_320_PLL_pin_4 Do Not Connect from line 543 of clock_generation_nets 5 = No_Conn_320_PLL_pin_5 Do Not Connect from line 544 of clock_generation_nets 6 = PLL_320.64_MHz_Output_Dir Direct Freq Output from line 477 of clock_generation_nets 7 = PLL_320.64_MHz_Output_Cmp Compl Freq Output from line 478 of clock_generation_nets 8 = GROUND Ground from line 522 of clock_generation_nets 9 = CLK_3V3 VCC 3V3 from line 521 of clock_generation_nets 10 = PLL_320.64_MHz_Lock_Detect_Output Lock Detect from line 495 of clock_generation_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 9 = CLK_3V3 VCC 3V3 from line 521 of clock_generation_nets 2 = GROUND Ground from line 522 of clock_generation_nets 8 = GROUND Ground from line 522 of clock_generation_nets 1 = HF_PLL_Ref_from_Term_to_PLL Input Frequency from line 468 of clock_generation_nets 3 = No_Conn_320_PLL_pin_3 Active Low Reset from line 542 of clock_generation_nets 4 = No_Conn_320_PLL_pin_4 Do Not Connect from line 543 of clock_generation_nets 5 = No_Conn_320_PLL_pin_5 Do Not Connect from line 544 of clock_generation_nets 10 = PLL_320.64_MHz_Lock_Detect_Output Lock Detect from line 495 of clock_generation_nets 7 = PLL_320.64_MHz_Output_Cmp Compl Freq Output from line 478 of clock_generation_nets 6 = PLL_320.64_MHz_Output_Dir Direct Freq Output from line 477 of clock_generation_nets