Found 160 pins for J23 which is of type TE_2065657-1_J23 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name A1 = MGT_FO_CH_5_IN_DIR Tx2[02]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 03 from line 9662 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A2 = Clk_to_FEX_03_Dir Tx0[02]+ LHC Clk to FEX 03 from line 192 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A3 = This_Hubs_RO_0_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Dir Tx2[01]+ RO Str 1 to othHUB from line 306 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets A4 = Clk_to_Other_Hub_Dir Tx0[01]+ LHC Clk to othHUB from line 185 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A5 = No_Conn_J23_A5_BI_ShMCA_DIR BI_ShMCA+ Unused signal pair from line 70 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A6 = No_Conn_J23_A6_BI_DA2_DIR BI_DA2+ Unused signal pair from line 83 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A7 = BI_DA3_DIR BI_DA3+ GE Pair A to FEX 03 from line 659 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A8 = BI_DA4_DIR BI_DA4+ GE Pair A to FEX 04 from line 617 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A9 = BI_DA5_DIR BI_DA5+ GE Pair A to FEX 05 from line 568 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B1 = MGT_FO_CH_5_IN_CMP Tx2[02]- RO Str 5 from FEX 03 from line 9663 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B2 = Clk_to_FEX_03_Cmp Tx0[02]- LHC Clk to FEX 03 from line 193 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B3 = This_Hubs_RO_0_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Cmp Tx2[01]- RO Str 1 to othHUB from line 307 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets B4 = Clk_to_Other_Hub_Cmp Tx0[01]- LHC Clk to othHUB from line 186 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B5 = No_Conn_J23_B5_BI_ShMCA_CMP BI_ShMCA- Unused signal pair from line 71 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B6 = No_Conn_J23_B6_BI_DA2_CMP BI_DA2- Unused signal pair from line 84 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B7 = BI_DA3_CMP BI_DA3- GE Pair A to FEX 03 from line 660 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B8 = BI_DA4_CMP BI_DA4- GE Pair A to FEX 04 from line 618 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B9 = BI_DA5_CMP BI_DA5- GE Pair A to FEX 05 from line 569 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C1 = MGT_FO_CH_3_IN_DIR Rx2[02]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 03 from line 9650 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C2 = MGT_FO_CH_1_IN_DIR Rx0[02]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 03 from line 9638 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C3 = MGT_FO_CH_37_IN_CMP Rx2[01]+ RO Str 1 from othHUB from line 9891 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C4 = Ref_40.08_MHz_from_Other_Hub_Dir Rx0[01]+ LHC Clk from othHUB from line 207 of clock_generation_nets C5 = No_Conn_J23_C5_BI_ShMCB_DIR BI_ShMCB+ Unused signal pair from line 73 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C6 = No_Conn_J23_C6_BI_DB2_DIR BI_DB2+ Unused signal pair from line 86 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C7 = BI_DB3_DIR BI_DB3+ GE Pair B to FEX 03 from line 662 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C8 = BI_DB4_DIR BI_DB4+ GE Pair B to FEX 04 from line 620 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C9 = BI_DB5_DIR BI_DB5+ GE Pair B to FEX 05 from line 571 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D1 = MGT_FO_CH_3_IN_CMP Rx2[02]- RO Str 3 from FEX 03 from line 9651 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D2 = MGT_FO_CH_1_IN_CMP Rx0[02]- RO Str 1 from FEX 03 from line 9639 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D3 = MGT_FO_CH_37_IN_DIR Rx2[01]- RO Str 1 from othHUB from line 9892 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D4 = Ref_40.08_MHz_from_Other_Hub_Cmp Rx0[01]- LHC Clk from othHUB from line 208 of clock_generation_nets D5 = No_Conn_J23_D5_BI_ShMCB_CMP BI_ShMCB- Unused signal pair from line 74 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D6 = No_Conn_J23_D6_BI_DB2_CMP BI_DB2- Unused signal pair from line 87 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D7 = BI_DB3_CMP BI_DB3- GE Pair B to FEX 03 from line 663 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D8 = BI_DB4_CMP BI_DB4- GE Pair B to FEX 04 from line 621 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D9 = BI_DB5_CMP BI_DB5- GE Pair B to FEX 05 from line 572 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E1 = MGT_FO_CH_6_IN_CMP Tx3[02]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 03 from line 9668 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_03_Dir Tx1[02]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 03 from line 178 of combined_data_distribution_nets E3 = This_Hubs_RO_1_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Dir Tx3[01]+ RO Str 2 to othHUB from line 319 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets E4 = Comb_Data_to_Other_Hub_Dir Tx1[01]+ TTC/ROD Ctl to othHUB from line 169 of combined_data_distribution_nets E5 = No_Conn_J23_E5_BI_ShMCC_DIR BI_ShMCC+ Unused signal pair from line 76 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E6 = No_Conn_J23_E6_BI_DC2_DIR BI_DC2+ Unused signal pair from line 89 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E7 = BI_DC3_DIR BI_DC3+ GE Pair C to FEX 03 from line 665 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E8 = BI_DC4_DIR BI_DC4+ GE Pair C to FEX 04 from line 623 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E9 = BI_DC5_DIR BI_DC5+ GE Pair C to FEX 05 from line 574 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F1 = MGT_FO_CH_6_IN_DIR Tx3[02]- RO Str 6 from FEX 03 from line 9669 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_03_Cmp Tx1[02]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 03 from line 179 of combined_data_distribution_nets F3 = This_Hubs_RO_1_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Cmp Tx3[01]- RO Str 2 to othHUB from line 320 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets F4 = Comb_Data_to_Other_Hub_Cmp Tx1[01]- TTC/ROD Ctl to othHUB from line 170 of combined_data_distribution_nets F5 = No_Conn_J23_F5_BI_ShMCC_CMP BI_ShMCC- Unused signal pair from line 77 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F6 = No_Conn_J23_F6_BI_DC2_CMP BI_DC2- Unused signal pair from line 90 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F7 = BI_DC3_CMP BI_DC3- GE Pair C to FEX 03 from line 666 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F8 = BI_DC4_CMP BI_DC4- GE Pair C to FEX 04 from line 624 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F9 = BI_DC5_CMP BI_DC5- GE Pair C to FEX 05 from line 575 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G1 = MGT_FO_CH_4_IN_CMP Rx3[02]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 03 from line 9656 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G2 = MGT_FO_CH_2_IN_CMP Rx1[02]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 03 from line 9644 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G3 = MGT_FO_CH_38_IN_DIR Rx3[01]+ RO Str 2 from othHUB from line 9897 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G4 = Combined_Data_from_OTHER_Hub_Dir Rx1[01]+ TTC/ROD Ctl from othHUB from line 75 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets G5 = No_Conn_J23_G5_BI_ShMCD_DIR BI_ShMCD+ Unused signal pair from line 79 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G6 = No_Conn_J23_G6_BI_DD2_DIR BI_DD2+ Unused signal pair from line 92 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G7 = BI_DD3_DIR BI_DD3+ GE Pair D to FEX 03 from line 668 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G8 = BI_DD4_DIR BI_DD4+ GE Pair D to FEX 04 from line 626 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G9 = BI_DD5_DIR BI_DD5+ GE Pair D to FEX 05 from line 577 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H1 = MGT_FO_CH_4_IN_DIR Rx3[02]- RO Str 4 from FEX 03 from line 9657 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H2 = MGT_FO_CH_2_IN_DIR Rx1[02]- RO Str 2 from FEX 03 from line 9645 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H3 = MGT_FO_CH_38_IN_CMP Rx3[01]- RO Str 2 from othHUB from line 9898 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H4 = Combined_Data_from_OTHER_Hub_Cmp Rx1[01]- TTC/ROD Ctl from othHUB from line 76 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets H5 = No_Conn_J23_H5_BI_ShMCD_CMP BI_ShMCD- Unused signal pair from line 80 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H6 = No_Conn_J23_H6_BI_DD2_CMP BI_DD2- Unused signal pair from line 93 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H7 = BI_DD3_CMP BI_DD3- GE Pair D to FEX 03 from line 669 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H8 = BI_DD4_CMP BI_DD4- GE Pair D to FEX 04 from line 627 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H9 = BI_DD5_CMP BI_DD5- GE Pair D to FEX 05 from line 578 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A10 = BI_DA6_DIR BI_DA6+ GE Pair A to FEX 06 from line 526 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets AG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets B10 = BI_DA6_CMP BI_DA6- GE Pair A to FEX 06 from line 527 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets BG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets C10 = BI_DB6_DIR BI_DB6+ GE Pair B to FEX 06 from line 529 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets CG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets D10 = BI_DB6_CMP BI_DB6- GE Pair B to FEX 06 from line 530 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets DG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets E10 = BI_DC6_DIR BI_DC6+ GE Pair C to FEX 06 from line 532 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets EG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets F10 = BI_DC6_CMP BI_DC6- GE Pair C to FEX 06 from line 533 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets FG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets G10 = BI_DD6_DIR BI_DD6+ GE Pair D to FEX 06 from line 535 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets GG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets H10 = BI_DD6_CMP BI_DD6 GE Pair D to FEX 06 from line 536 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets HG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name B7 = BI_DA3_CMP BI_DA3- GE Pair A to FEX 03 from line 660 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A7 = BI_DA3_DIR BI_DA3+ GE Pair A to FEX 03 from line 659 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B8 = BI_DA4_CMP BI_DA4- GE Pair A to FEX 04 from line 618 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A8 = BI_DA4_DIR BI_DA4+ GE Pair A to FEX 04 from line 617 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B9 = BI_DA5_CMP BI_DA5- GE Pair A to FEX 05 from line 569 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A9 = BI_DA5_DIR BI_DA5+ GE Pair A to FEX 05 from line 568 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B10 = BI_DA6_CMP BI_DA6- GE Pair A to FEX 06 from line 527 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A10 = BI_DA6_DIR BI_DA6+ GE Pair A to FEX 06 from line 526 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D7 = BI_DB3_CMP BI_DB3- GE Pair B to FEX 03 from line 663 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C7 = BI_DB3_DIR BI_DB3+ GE Pair B to FEX 03 from line 662 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D8 = BI_DB4_CMP BI_DB4- GE Pair B to FEX 04 from line 621 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C8 = BI_DB4_DIR BI_DB4+ GE Pair B to FEX 04 from line 620 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D9 = BI_DB5_CMP BI_DB5- GE Pair B to FEX 05 from line 572 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C9 = BI_DB5_DIR BI_DB5+ GE Pair B to FEX 05 from line 571 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D10 = BI_DB6_CMP BI_DB6- GE Pair B to FEX 06 from line 530 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C10 = BI_DB6_DIR BI_DB6+ GE Pair B to FEX 06 from line 529 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F7 = BI_DC3_CMP BI_DC3- GE Pair C to FEX 03 from line 666 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E7 = BI_DC3_DIR BI_DC3+ GE Pair C to FEX 03 from line 665 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F8 = BI_DC4_CMP BI_DC4- GE Pair C to FEX 04 from line 624 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E8 = BI_DC4_DIR BI_DC4+ GE Pair C to FEX 04 from line 623 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F9 = BI_DC5_CMP BI_DC5- GE Pair C to FEX 05 from line 575 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E9 = BI_DC5_DIR BI_DC5+ GE Pair C to FEX 05 from line 574 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F10 = BI_DC6_CMP BI_DC6- GE Pair C to FEX 06 from line 533 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E10 = BI_DC6_DIR BI_DC6+ GE Pair C to FEX 06 from line 532 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H7 = BI_DD3_CMP BI_DD3- GE Pair D to FEX 03 from line 669 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G7 = BI_DD3_DIR BI_DD3+ GE Pair D to FEX 03 from line 668 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H8 = BI_DD4_CMP BI_DD4- GE Pair D to FEX 04 from line 627 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G8 = BI_DD4_DIR BI_DD4+ GE Pair D to FEX 04 from line 626 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H9 = BI_DD5_CMP BI_DD5- GE Pair D to FEX 05 from line 578 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G9 = BI_DD5_DIR BI_DD5+ GE Pair D to FEX 05 from line 577 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H10 = BI_DD6_CMP BI_DD6 GE Pair D to FEX 06 from line 536 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G10 = BI_DD6_DIR BI_DD6+ GE Pair D to FEX 06 from line 535 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B2 = Clk_to_FEX_03_Cmp Tx0[02]- LHC Clk to FEX 03 from line 193 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A2 = Clk_to_FEX_03_Dir Tx0[02]+ LHC Clk to FEX 03 from line 192 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets B4 = Clk_to_Other_Hub_Cmp Tx0[01]- LHC Clk to othHUB from line 186 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets A4 = Clk_to_Other_Hub_Dir Tx0[01]+ LHC Clk to othHUB from line 185 of clock_40.08_MHz_distribution_nets F2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_03_Cmp Tx1[02]- TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 03 from line 179 of combined_data_distribution_nets E2 = Comb_Data_to_FEX_03_Dir Tx1[02]+ TTC&ROD Ctl to FEX 03 from line 178 of combined_data_distribution_nets F4 = Comb_Data_to_Other_Hub_Cmp Tx1[01]- TTC/ROD Ctl to othHUB from line 170 of combined_data_distribution_nets E4 = Comb_Data_to_Other_Hub_Dir Tx1[01]+ TTC/ROD Ctl to othHUB from line 169 of combined_data_distribution_nets H4 = Combined_Data_from_OTHER_Hub_Cmp Rx1[01]- TTC/ROD Ctl from othHUB from line 76 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets G4 = Combined_Data_from_OTHER_Hub_Dir Rx1[01]+ TTC/ROD Ctl from othHUB from line 75 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 108 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 109 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 111 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 112 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 114 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 115 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 117 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 118 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 120 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 121 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 123 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 124 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 126 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 127 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 129 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG10 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG9 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 130 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets D2 = MGT_FO_CH_1_IN_CMP Rx0[02]- RO Str 1 from FEX 03 from line 9639 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C2 = MGT_FO_CH_1_IN_DIR Rx0[02]+ RO Str 1 from FEX 03 from line 9638 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G2 = MGT_FO_CH_2_IN_CMP Rx1[02]+ RO Str 2 from FEX 03 from line 9644 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H2 = MGT_FO_CH_2_IN_DIR Rx1[02]- RO Str 2 from FEX 03 from line 9645 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C3 = MGT_FO_CH_37_IN_CMP Rx2[01]+ RO Str 1 from othHUB from line 9891 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D3 = MGT_FO_CH_37_IN_DIR Rx2[01]- RO Str 1 from othHUB from line 9892 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H3 = MGT_FO_CH_38_IN_CMP Rx3[01]- RO Str 2 from othHUB from line 9898 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G3 = MGT_FO_CH_38_IN_DIR Rx3[01]+ RO Str 2 from othHUB from line 9897 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets D1 = MGT_FO_CH_3_IN_CMP Rx2[02]- RO Str 3 from FEX 03 from line 9651 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets C1 = MGT_FO_CH_3_IN_DIR Rx2[02]+ RO Str 3 from FEX 03 from line 9650 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets G1 = MGT_FO_CH_4_IN_CMP Rx3[02]+ RO Str 4 from FEX 03 from line 9656 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets H1 = MGT_FO_CH_4_IN_DIR Rx3[02]- RO Str 4 from FEX 03 from line 9657 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets B1 = MGT_FO_CH_5_IN_CMP Tx2[02]- RO Str 5 from FEX 03 from line 9663 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A1 = MGT_FO_CH_5_IN_DIR Tx2[02]+ RO Str 5 from FEX 03 from line 9662 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets E1 = MGT_FO_CH_6_IN_CMP Tx3[02]+ RO Str 6 from FEX 03 from line 9668 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets F1 = MGT_FO_CH_6_IN_DIR Tx3[02]- RO Str 6 from FEX 03 from line 9669 of mgt_fanout_channel_nets A5 = No_Conn_J23_A5_BI_ShMCA_DIR BI_ShMCA+ Unused signal pair from line 70 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets A6 = No_Conn_J23_A6_BI_DA2_DIR BI_DA2+ Unused signal pair from line 83 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B5 = No_Conn_J23_B5_BI_ShMCA_CMP BI_ShMCA- Unused signal pair from line 71 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets B6 = No_Conn_J23_B6_BI_DA2_CMP BI_DA2- Unused signal pair from line 84 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C5 = No_Conn_J23_C5_BI_ShMCB_DIR BI_ShMCB+ Unused signal pair from line 73 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets C6 = No_Conn_J23_C6_BI_DB2_DIR BI_DB2+ Unused signal pair from line 86 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D5 = No_Conn_J23_D5_BI_ShMCB_CMP BI_ShMCB- Unused signal pair from line 74 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D6 = No_Conn_J23_D6_BI_DB2_CMP BI_DB2- Unused signal pair from line 87 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E5 = No_Conn_J23_E5_BI_ShMCC_DIR BI_ShMCC+ Unused signal pair from line 76 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets E6 = No_Conn_J23_E6_BI_DC2_DIR BI_DC2+ Unused signal pair from line 89 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F5 = No_Conn_J23_F5_BI_ShMCC_CMP BI_ShMCC- Unused signal pair from line 77 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets F6 = No_Conn_J23_F6_BI_DC2_CMP BI_DC2- Unused signal pair from line 90 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G5 = No_Conn_J23_G5_BI_ShMCD_DIR BI_ShMCD+ Unused signal pair from line 79 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets G6 = No_Conn_J23_G6_BI_DD2_DIR BI_DD2+ Unused signal pair from line 92 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H5 = No_Conn_J23_H5_BI_ShMCD_CMP BI_ShMCD- Unused signal pair from line 80 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets H6 = No_Conn_J23_H6_BI_DD2_CMP BI_DD2- Unused signal pair from line 93 of backplane_no_conn_pin_nets D4 = Ref_40.08_MHz_from_Other_Hub_Cmp Rx0[01]- LHC Clk from othHUB from line 208 of clock_generation_nets C4 = Ref_40.08_MHz_from_Other_Hub_Dir Rx0[01]+ LHC Clk from othHUB from line 207 of clock_generation_nets B3 = This_Hubs_RO_0_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Cmp Tx2[01]- RO Str 1 to othHUB from line 307 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets A3 = This_Hubs_RO_0_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Dir Tx2[01]+ RO Str 1 to othHUB from line 306 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets F3 = This_Hubs_RO_1_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Cmp Tx3[01]- RO Str 2 to othHUB from line 320 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets E3 = This_Hubs_RO_1_Cap_to_Other_ROD_Dir Tx3[01]+ RO Str 2 to othHUB from line 319 of hub_all_other_mgt_nets