Found 128 pins for J24 which is of type TE_2065657-1_J24 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name A1 = BI_DA7_DIR BI_DA7+ GE Pair A to FEX 07 from line 477 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A2 = BI_DA8_DIR BI_DA8+ GE Pair A to FEX 08 from line 435 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A3 = BI_DA9_DIR BI_DA9+ GE Pair A to FEX 09 from line 386 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A4 = BI_DA10_DIR BI_DA10+ GE Pair A to FEX 10 from line 344 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A5 = BI_DA11_DIR BI_DA11+ GE Pair A to FEX 11 from line 295 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A6 = BI_DA12_DIR BI_DA12+ GE Pair A to FEX 12 from line 253 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A7 = BI_DA13_DIR BI_DA13+ GE Pair A to FEX 13 from line 204 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A8 = BI_DA14_DIR BI_DA14+ GE Pair A to FEX 14 from line 162 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B1 = BI_DA7_CMP BI_DA7- GE Pair A to FEX 07 from line 478 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B2 = BI_DA8_CMP BI_DA8- GE Pair A to FEX 08 from line 436 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B3 = BI_DA9_CMP BI_DA9- GE Pair A to FEX 09 from line 387 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B4 = BI_DA10_CMP BI_DA10- GE Pair A to FEX 10 from line 345 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B5 = BI_DA11_CMP BI_DA11- GE Pair A to FEX 11 from line 296 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B6 = BI_DA12_CMP BI_DA12- GE Pair A to FEX 12 from line 254 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B7 = BI_DA13_CMP BI_DA13- GE Pair A to FEX 13 from line 205 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B8 = BI_DA14_CMP BI_DA14- GE Pair A to FEX 14 from line 163 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C1 = BI_DB7_DIR BI_DB7+ GE Pair B to FEX 07 from line 480 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C2 = BI_DB8_DIR BI_DB8+ GE Pair B to FEX 08 from line 438 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C3 = BI_DB9_DIR BI_DB9+ GE Pair B to FEX 09 from line 389 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C4 = BI_DB10_DIR BI_DB10+ GE Pair B to FEX 10 from line 347 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C5 = BI_DB11_DIR BI_DB11+ GE Pair B to FEX 11 from line 298 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C6 = BI_DB12_DIR BI_DB12+ GE Pair B to FEX 12 from line 256 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C7 = BI_DB13_DIR BI_DB13+ GE Pair B to FEX 13 from line 207 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C8 = BI_DB14_DIR BI_DB14+ GE Pair B to FEX 14 from line 165 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D1 = BI_DB7_CMP BI_DB7- GE Pair B to FEX 07 from line 481 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D2 = BI_DB8_CMP BI_DB8- GE Pair B to FEX 08 from line 439 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D3 = BI_DB9_CMP BI_DB9- GE Pair B to FEX 09 from line 390 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D4 = BI_DB10_CMP BI_DB10- GE Pair B to FEX 10 from line 348 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D5 = BI_DB11_CMP BI_DB11- GE Pair B to FEX 11 from line 299 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D6 = BI_DB12_CMP BI_DB12- GE Pair B to FEX 12 from line 257 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D7 = BI_DB13_CMP BI_DB13- GE Pair B to FEX 13 from line 208 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D8 = BI_DB14_CMP BI_DB14- GE Pair B to FEX 14 from line 166 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E1 = BI_DC7_DIR BI_DC7+ GE Pair C to FEX 07 from line 483 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E2 = BI_DC8_DIR BI_DC8+ GE Pair C to FEX 08 from line 441 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E3 = BI_DC9_DIR BI_DC9+ GE Pair C to FEX 09 from line 392 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E4 = BI_DC10_DIR BI_DC10+ GE Pair C to FEX 10 from line 350 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E5 = BI_DC11_DIR BI_DC11+ GE Pair C to FEX 11 from line 301 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E6 = BI_DC12_DIR BI_DC12+ GE Pair C to FEX 12 from line 259 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E7 = BI_DC13_DIR BI_DC13+ GE Pair C to FEX 13 from line 210 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E8 = BI_DC14_DIR BI_DC14+ GE Pair C to FEX 14 from line 168 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F1 = BI_DC7_CMP BI_DC7- GE Pair C to FEX 07 from line 484 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F2 = BI_DC8_CMP BI_DC8- GE Pair C to FEX 08 from line 442 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F3 = BI_DC9_CMP BI_DC9- GE Pair C to FEX 09 from line 393 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F4 = BI_DC10_CMP BI_DC10- GE Pair C to FEX 10 from line 351 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F5 = BI_DC11_CMP BI_DC11- GE Pair C to FEX 11 from line 302 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F6 = BI_DC12_CMP BI_DC12- GE Pair C to FEX 12 from line 260 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F7 = BI_DC13_CMP BI_DC13- GE Pair C to FEX 13 from line 211 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F8 = BI_DC14_CMP BI_DC14- GE Pair C to FEX 14 from line 169 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G1 = BI_DD7_DIR BI_DD7+ GE Pair D to FEX 07 from line 486 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G2 = BI_DD8_DIR BI_DD8+ GE Pair D to FEX 08 from line 444 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G3 = BI_DD9_DIR BI_DD9+ GE Pair D to FEX 09 from line 395 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G4 = BI_DD10_DIR BI_DD10+ GE Pair D to FEX 10 from line 353 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G5 = BI_DD11_DIR BI_DD11+ GE Pair D to FEX 11 from line 304 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G6 = BI_DD12_DIR BI_DD12+ GE Pair D to FEX 12 from line 262 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G7 = BI_DD13_DIR BI_DD13+ GE Pair D to FEX 13 from line 213 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G8 = BI_DD14_DIR BI_DD14+ GE Pair D to FEX 14 from line 171 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H1 = BI_DD7_CMP BI_DD7- GE Pair D to FEX 07 from line 487 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H2 = BI_DD8_CMP BI_DD8- GE Pair D to FEX 08 from line 445 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H3 = BI_DD9_CMP BI_DD9- GE Pair D to FEX 09 from line 396 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H4 = BI_DD10_CMP BI_DD10- GE Pair D to FEX 10 from line 354 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H5 = BI_DD11_CMP BI_DD11- GE Pair D to FEX 11 from line 305 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H6 = BI_DD12_CMP BI_DD12- GE Pair D to FEX 12 from line 263 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H7 = BI_DD13_CMP BI_DD13- GE Pair D to FEX 13 from line 214 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H8 = BI_DD14_CMP BI_DD14- GE Pair D to FEX 14 from line 172 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets AG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 137 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 137 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 137 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 140 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 140 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 140 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 143 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 143 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 143 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 146 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 146 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 146 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 149 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 149 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 149 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 152 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 152 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 152 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 155 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 155 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 155 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 158 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 158 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 158 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name B4 = BI_DA10_CMP BI_DA10- GE Pair A to FEX 10 from line 345 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A4 = BI_DA10_DIR BI_DA10+ GE Pair A to FEX 10 from line 344 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B5 = BI_DA11_CMP BI_DA11- GE Pair A to FEX 11 from line 296 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A5 = BI_DA11_DIR BI_DA11+ GE Pair A to FEX 11 from line 295 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B6 = BI_DA12_CMP BI_DA12- GE Pair A to FEX 12 from line 254 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A6 = BI_DA12_DIR BI_DA12+ GE Pair A to FEX 12 from line 253 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B7 = BI_DA13_CMP BI_DA13- GE Pair A to FEX 13 from line 205 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A7 = BI_DA13_DIR BI_DA13+ GE Pair A to FEX 13 from line 204 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B8 = BI_DA14_CMP BI_DA14- GE Pair A to FEX 14 from line 163 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A8 = BI_DA14_DIR BI_DA14+ GE Pair A to FEX 14 from line 162 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B1 = BI_DA7_CMP BI_DA7- GE Pair A to FEX 07 from line 478 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A1 = BI_DA7_DIR BI_DA7+ GE Pair A to FEX 07 from line 477 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B2 = BI_DA8_CMP BI_DA8- GE Pair A to FEX 08 from line 436 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A2 = BI_DA8_DIR BI_DA8+ GE Pair A to FEX 08 from line 435 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets B3 = BI_DA9_CMP BI_DA9- GE Pair A to FEX 09 from line 387 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets A3 = BI_DA9_DIR BI_DA9+ GE Pair A to FEX 09 from line 386 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D4 = BI_DB10_CMP BI_DB10- GE Pair B to FEX 10 from line 348 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C4 = BI_DB10_DIR BI_DB10+ GE Pair B to FEX 10 from line 347 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D5 = BI_DB11_CMP BI_DB11- GE Pair B to FEX 11 from line 299 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C5 = BI_DB11_DIR BI_DB11+ GE Pair B to FEX 11 from line 298 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D6 = BI_DB12_CMP BI_DB12- GE Pair B to FEX 12 from line 257 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C6 = BI_DB12_DIR BI_DB12+ GE Pair B to FEX 12 from line 256 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D7 = BI_DB13_CMP BI_DB13- GE Pair B to FEX 13 from line 208 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C7 = BI_DB13_DIR BI_DB13+ GE Pair B to FEX 13 from line 207 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D8 = BI_DB14_CMP BI_DB14- GE Pair B to FEX 14 from line 166 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C8 = BI_DB14_DIR BI_DB14+ GE Pair B to FEX 14 from line 165 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D1 = BI_DB7_CMP BI_DB7- GE Pair B to FEX 07 from line 481 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C1 = BI_DB7_DIR BI_DB7+ GE Pair B to FEX 07 from line 480 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D2 = BI_DB8_CMP BI_DB8- GE Pair B to FEX 08 from line 439 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C2 = BI_DB8_DIR BI_DB8+ GE Pair B to FEX 08 from line 438 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets D3 = BI_DB9_CMP BI_DB9- GE Pair B to FEX 09 from line 390 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets C3 = BI_DB9_DIR BI_DB9+ GE Pair B to FEX 09 from line 389 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F4 = BI_DC10_CMP BI_DC10- GE Pair C to FEX 10 from line 351 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E4 = BI_DC10_DIR BI_DC10+ GE Pair C to FEX 10 from line 350 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F5 = BI_DC11_CMP BI_DC11- GE Pair C to FEX 11 from line 302 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E5 = BI_DC11_DIR BI_DC11+ GE Pair C to FEX 11 from line 301 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F6 = BI_DC12_CMP BI_DC12- GE Pair C to FEX 12 from line 260 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E6 = BI_DC12_DIR BI_DC12+ GE Pair C to FEX 12 from line 259 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F7 = BI_DC13_CMP BI_DC13- GE Pair C to FEX 13 from line 211 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E7 = BI_DC13_DIR BI_DC13+ GE Pair C to FEX 13 from line 210 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F8 = BI_DC14_CMP BI_DC14- GE Pair C to FEX 14 from line 169 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E8 = BI_DC14_DIR BI_DC14+ GE Pair C to FEX 14 from line 168 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F1 = BI_DC7_CMP BI_DC7- GE Pair C to FEX 07 from line 484 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E1 = BI_DC7_DIR BI_DC7+ GE Pair C to FEX 07 from line 483 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F2 = BI_DC8_CMP BI_DC8- GE Pair C to FEX 08 from line 442 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E2 = BI_DC8_DIR BI_DC8+ GE Pair C to FEX 08 from line 441 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets F3 = BI_DC9_CMP BI_DC9- GE Pair C to FEX 09 from line 393 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets E3 = BI_DC9_DIR BI_DC9+ GE Pair C to FEX 09 from line 392 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H4 = BI_DD10_CMP BI_DD10- GE Pair D to FEX 10 from line 354 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G4 = BI_DD10_DIR BI_DD10+ GE Pair D to FEX 10 from line 353 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H5 = BI_DD11_CMP BI_DD11- GE Pair D to FEX 11 from line 305 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G5 = BI_DD11_DIR BI_DD11+ GE Pair D to FEX 11 from line 304 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H6 = BI_DD12_CMP BI_DD12- GE Pair D to FEX 12 from line 263 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G6 = BI_DD12_DIR BI_DD12+ GE Pair D to FEX 12 from line 262 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H7 = BI_DD13_CMP BI_DD13- GE Pair D to FEX 13 from line 214 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G7 = BI_DD13_DIR BI_DD13+ GE Pair D to FEX 13 from line 213 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H8 = BI_DD14_CMP BI_DD14- GE Pair D to FEX 14 from line 172 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G8 = BI_DD14_DIR BI_DD14+ GE Pair D to FEX 14 from line 171 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H1 = BI_DD7_CMP BI_DD7- GE Pair D to FEX 07 from line 487 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G1 = BI_DD7_DIR BI_DD7+ GE Pair D to FEX 07 from line 486 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H2 = BI_DD8_CMP BI_DD8- GE Pair D to FEX 08 from line 445 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G2 = BI_DD8_DIR BI_DD8+ GE Pair D to FEX 08 from line 444 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets H3 = BI_DD9_CMP BI_DD9- GE Pair D to FEX 09 from line 396 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets G3 = BI_DD9_DIR BI_DD9+ GE Pair D to FEX 09 from line 395 of switch_chips_to_adf_conn_nets AG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 136 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 137 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 137 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets AG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 137 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 139 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 140 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 140 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets BG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 140 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 142 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 143 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 143 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets CG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 143 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 145 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 146 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 146 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets DG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 146 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 148 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 149 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 149 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets EG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 149 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 151 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 152 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 152 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets FG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 152 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 154 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 155 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 155 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets GG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 155 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG1 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG4 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG5 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG2 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG3 = GROUND Gnd from line 157 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG8 = GROUND Gnd from line 158 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG6 = GROUND Gnd from line 158 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets HG7 = GROUND Gnd from line 158 of zone_2_connector_ground_nets