Found 22 pins for P10 which is of type TE_1766500-1 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 5 = HW_ADRS_0 HA0 HardwAddr 0 from line 34 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 6 = HW_ADRS_1 HA1 HardwAddr 1 from line 35 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 7 = HW_ADRS_2 HA2 HardwAddr 2 from line 36 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 8 = HW_ADRS_3 HA3 HardwAddr 3 from line 37 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 9 = HW_ADRS_4 HA4 HardwAddr 4 from line 39 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 10 = HW_ADRS_5 HA5 HardwAddr 5 from line 40 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 11 = HW_ADRS_6 HA6 HardwAddr 6 from line 41 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 12 = HW_ADRS_7 HA7 HardwAddr 7 from line 42 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 13 = IPMBus_A_SCL SCL_A IPMB Clock A from line 123 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 14 = IPMBus_A_SDA SDA_A IPMB Data A from line 124 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 15 = IPMBus_B_SCL SCL_B IPMB Cloc B from line 126 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 16 = IPMBus_B_SDA SDA_B IPMB Data B from line 127 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 25 = SHELF_GND SHELF_GND Shelf Ground from line 84 of atca_power_entry_nets 26 = GROUND LOGIC_GND Logic Ground from line 94 of atca_power_entry_nets 27 = B_BUS_ENABLE_BP ENABLE_B Enable B from line 61 of atca_power_entry_nets 28 = A_BUS_RETURN_BP VRTN_A Voltage Return A from line 44 of atca_power_entry_nets 29 = B_BUS_RETURN_BP VRTN_B Voltage Return B from line 47 of atca_power_entry_nets 30 = A_BUS_EARLY_48_BP EARLY_A -48V Early A from line 26 of atca_power_entry_nets 31 = B_BUS_EARLY_48_BP EARLY_B -48V Early B from line 33 of atca_power_entry_nets 32 = A_BUS_ENABLE_BP ENABLE_A Enable A from line 58 of atca_power_entry_nets 33 = A_BUS_N48V_BP -48V_A -48V A from line 23 of atca_power_entry_nets 34 = B_BUS_N48V_BP -48V_B -48V B from line 30 of atca_power_entry_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 30 = A_BUS_EARLY_48_BP EARLY_A -48V Early A from line 26 of atca_power_entry_nets 32 = A_BUS_ENABLE_BP ENABLE_A Enable A from line 58 of atca_power_entry_nets 33 = A_BUS_N48V_BP -48V_A -48V A from line 23 of atca_power_entry_nets 28 = A_BUS_RETURN_BP VRTN_A Voltage Return A from line 44 of atca_power_entry_nets 31 = B_BUS_EARLY_48_BP EARLY_B -48V Early B from line 33 of atca_power_entry_nets 27 = B_BUS_ENABLE_BP ENABLE_B Enable B from line 61 of atca_power_entry_nets 34 = B_BUS_N48V_BP -48V_B -48V B from line 30 of atca_power_entry_nets 29 = B_BUS_RETURN_BP VRTN_B Voltage Return B from line 47 of atca_power_entry_nets 26 = GROUND LOGIC_GND Logic Ground from line 94 of atca_power_entry_nets 5 = HW_ADRS_0 HA0 HardwAddr 0 from line 34 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 6 = HW_ADRS_1 HA1 HardwAddr 1 from line 35 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 7 = HW_ADRS_2 HA2 HardwAddr 2 from line 36 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 8 = HW_ADRS_3 HA3 HardwAddr 3 from line 37 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 9 = HW_ADRS_4 HA4 HardwAddr 4 from line 39 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 10 = HW_ADRS_5 HA5 HardwAddr 5 from line 40 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 11 = HW_ADRS_6 HA6 HardwAddr 6 from line 41 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 12 = HW_ADRS_7 HA7 HardwAddr 7 from line 42 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 13 = IPMBus_A_SCL SCL_A IPMB Clock A from line 123 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 14 = IPMBus_A_SDA SDA_A IPMB Data A from line 124 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 15 = IPMBus_B_SCL SCL_B IPMB Cloc B from line 126 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 16 = IPMBus_B_SDA SDA_B IPMB Data B from line 127 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 25 = SHELF_GND SHELF_GND Shelf Ground from line 84 of atca_power_entry_nets