Found 12 pins for U1502 which is of type IC_ltc4315 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = I2C_Buf_1502_ENABLE ENABLE from line 54 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 2 = I2C_Buf_1502_DISCEN DISCEN from line 51 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 3 = Hub_I2C_to_FPGA_SCL SCLOUT from line 136 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 4 = IPMC_Sensor_I2C_Bus_SCL SCLIN from line 86 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 5 = I2C_Buf_1502_ACC_B ACC from line 52 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 6 = GROUND GND from line 30 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 7 = I2C_Buf_1502_READY READY from line 53 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 8 = No_Conn_U1502_Fault FAULT from line 177 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 9 = IPMC_Sensor_I2C_Bus_SDA SDAIN from line 89 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 10 = Hub_I2C_to_FPGA_SDA SDAOUT from line 137 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 11 = GROUND VCC2 from line 30 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 12 = Bulk_3V3 VCC from line 29 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 12 = Bulk_3V3 VCC from line 29 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 6 = GROUND GND from line 30 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 11 = GROUND VCC2 from line 30 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 3 = Hub_I2C_to_FPGA_SCL SCLOUT from line 136 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 10 = Hub_I2C_to_FPGA_SDA SDAOUT from line 137 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 5 = I2C_Buf_1502_ACC_B ACC from line 52 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 2 = I2C_Buf_1502_DISCEN DISCEN from line 51 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 1 = I2C_Buf_1502_ENABLE ENABLE from line 54 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 7 = I2C_Buf_1502_READY READY from line 53 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 4 = IPMC_Sensor_I2C_Bus_SCL SCLIN from line 86 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 9 = IPMC_Sensor_I2C_Bus_SDA SDAIN from line 89 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets 8 = No_Conn_U1502_Fault FAULT from line 177 of i2c_sensor_bus_nets