Found 6 pins for U2957 which is of type IC_TPS3808 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = MGT_AVAUX_GT_OK RESET_B from line 384 of power_supply_all_other_nets 2 = GROUND GND from line 320 of power_supply_all_other_nets 3 = No_Conn_U2957_3_MR_B MR_B from line 381 of power_supply_all_other_nets 4 = No_Conn_U2957_4_TCap CT from line 382 of power_supply_all_other_nets 5 = PG_SENSE_MGT_AVAUX SENSE from line 377 of power_supply_all_other_nets 6 = CNST_5V0 VDD from line 315 of power_supply_all_other_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 6 = CNST_5V0 VDD from line 315 of power_supply_all_other_nets 2 = GROUND GND from line 320 of power_supply_all_other_nets 1 = MGT_AVAUX_GT_OK RESET_B from line 384 of power_supply_all_other_nets 3 = No_Conn_U2957_3_MR_B MR_B from line 381 of power_supply_all_other_nets 4 = No_Conn_U2957_4_TCap CT from line 382 of power_supply_all_other_nets 5 = PG_SENSE_MGT_AVAUX SENSE from line 377 of power_supply_all_other_nets