Found 8 pins for U41 which is of type IC_M24256 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = GROUND E0 Chip Enable 0 from line 186 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 2 = GROUND E1 Chip Enable 1 from line 186 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 3 = GROUND E2 Chip Enable 2 from line 186 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 4 = GROUND VSS Ground from line 184 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 5 = IPMC_MGT_I2C_SDA SDA Serial Data I/O from line 170 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 6 = IPMC_MGT_I2C_SCK SCL Serial Clock Input from line 172 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 7 = No_Conn_U41_pin_WC WC_B Write Control from line 188 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 8 = IPMC_3V3 VCC Supply Voltage from line 182 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 1 = GROUND E0 Chip Enable 0 from line 186 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 2 = GROUND E1 Chip Enable 1 from line 186 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 3 = GROUND E2 Chip Enable 2 from line 186 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 4 = GROUND VSS Ground from line 184 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 8 = IPMC_3V3 VCC Supply Voltage from line 182 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 6 = IPMC_MGT_I2C_SCK SCL Serial Clock Input from line 172 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 5 = IPMC_MGT_I2C_SDA SDA Serial Data I/O from line 170 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets 7 = No_Conn_U41_pin_WC WC_B Write Control from line 188 of ipmc_hw_adrs_handle_switch_ipmb_nets