Found 6 pins for U556 which is of type IC_NC7SV157 ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Pin Name 1 = TD_FROM_ROD_TO_MUX In 1 from line 207 of jtag_and_associated_nets 2 = GROUND GND from line 235 of jtag_and_associated_nets 3 = TD_TO_MUX_AND_ROD_BUF In 0 from line 204 of jtag_and_associated_nets 4 = TD_FROM_MUX_TO_SERIES Out from line 209 of jtag_and_associated_nets 5 = BULK_1V8 VCC from line 233 of jtag_and_associated_nets 6 = ROD_Power_Control_2_ROD Control from line 224 of jtag_and_associated_nets ------------------------------------------------------ Pins sorted by Net Name 5 = BULK_1V8 VCC from line 233 of jtag_and_associated_nets 2 = GROUND GND from line 235 of jtag_and_associated_nets 6 = ROD_Power_Control_2_ROD Control from line 224 of jtag_and_associated_nets 4 = TD_FROM_MUX_TO_SERIES Out from line 209 of jtag_and_associated_nets 1 = TD_FROM_ROD_TO_MUX In 1 from line 207 of jtag_and_associated_nets 3 = TD_TO_MUX_AND_ROD_BUF In 0 from line 204 of jtag_and_associated_nets