Correlation between MAC address and Serial Number Each IPMC has its own MAC address which is written in the write once zone of the microcontroller memory. This MAC address is correlated to the serial number of the IPMC in the following way: The range of MAC addresses allocated to us for up to 512 IPMCs is 00-22-8F-02-40-00 to 00-22-8F-02-41-FF The decimal Serial Number is converted to hexadecimal and is used to define the last 3 Hexadecimal digits Board Ser Nb 001 will have MAC address 00-22-8F-02-40-01 Board Ser Nb 255 will have MAC address 00-22-8F-02-40-FF Board Ser Nb 256 will have MAC address 00-22-8F-02-41-00 Board Ser Nb 511 will have MAC address 00-22-8F-02-41-FF