---------------------------------------------------------------------- Collection of eye diagram for rx: rod1.Q111.ch2/rod1.GT.ch46 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [Jul 25 21:17:19 2023]: Beginning collection process. Setting prescale to 0 Value after writing: 0 Setting mgtchselect to 46 Value after writing: 46 Lowering eye_go Value of eye_go after lowering: 0 Issuing eye diagram reset, waiting for eye_datardy low ... Eye_datardy is low after 1 reset attempts. Raising eye_go. Value of eye_go after raising: 1 Waiting for eye_datardy high (timeout of 3.00 seconds) ... Eye data ready in 2.00 seconds. Proceeding to obtain data from registers. Collecting eye diagram data from registers. [Jul 25 21:17:30 2023]: Finished collection process. Required 0 realignments. Open Area: 50.4% (8496) Horizontal Opening: 64.7% (44) Vertical Opening: 95.2% (236)