############################################ # GbE Results README # # # # Author: Spencer Lee (leespen1@msu.edu) # # Rev: May 7th, 2020 # # # ############################################ Criteria for 'Passed' Tests: Throughput: A passed throughput test is one in which every connection has a measured throughput greater than 925 Mbits/sec, and less than 1000 Mbits/sec. In practice, the typical throughput is in the range 930-940 Mbits/sec. OWAMP: A passed OWAMP test is one in which OWAMP has ran for 24 hours or more with zero packet loss. Ping: A succesful ping test is one in which there is no packet loss, or minimal packet loss. Minimal packet loss shall be considered single digit numbers of packets dropped for a small number of targets (a small number of packets dropped, but for many targets, shall be considered a failure). Other notes: Test results will take the format: "HubSN[serial no]_[test type]_[Date, ymd format]_[optional descriptor].[txt/png]" OWAMP results will consist of the log output of the OWAMP initialization, and a screenshot of the Perfsonar MadDash OWAMP grid. A screenshot will be associated with the latest log output dated before the screenshot. To avoid confusion, there should not be an excessively long period of time between OWAMP initialization and obtaining the result via MadDash. Results should be taken BEFORE stopping the OWAMP test. To be sure that OWAMP was running for the entire period checked by MadDash, one should check the perfsonar test results graph of at least one of the connections (using either the Perfsonar MadDash or Perfsonar Toolkit site) by hand, mousing over the packet loss section to verify that there are no periods of time for which no packets were sent. As of May 7th, 2020, all previous OWAMP measurements should be taken as checking for 24 hours of data. Some were intended to take 48 hours, but due to some misunderstandings some of the intended 48 hour tests only checked over a 24 hour period.