This File Lists the Firmware to Use When Running the Various Tests in the MSU Test Setup ----------------------------------------------------- Current Rev. 28-Jun-2019 The intent of this file is to list the firmware to use when running the various tests in the MSU Test Shelves along with the location of the tcl scripts and the IPBus scripts to use. When Running the Full MGT Link Tests Between Two Hubs, Two RODs, and Twelve HTMs Use Firmware: ---------------------------------------------------- - On Hub #1 use the following FW. /home/hubuser/FW_releases/HUB/testing/Temporary/v3/bitstream/hub.bit I believe that this FW includes automatic power up of the ROD. This FW uses VIO to select the optical GBT TTC input (hw_vio_3, clock_selector[2:0], magic value = 2) and uses VIO to reset and start up the GBT receiver (hw_vio_1, gbt_example_design_INST/myresetPP, set and leave Hi). Note: For VIO to know the names of these signals, the matching debug file must also be loaded /home/hubuser/FW_releases/HUB/testing/Temporary/v3/bitstream/hub.ltx If you are still using the same Vivado session that configured the FPGA the debug file was already known. If it is a new Vivado session you will have to fetch it by clicking on the message displayed in the middle of the VIO tab. - On Hub #2 use the following FW. /home/hubuser/FW_releases/HUB/testing/ibert_ipbus_separate/6.4Gbps/v2p2_2018_12_14_TestMe/hub.bit This FW uses IPBus Registers to tell it to use the Hub #1 Backplane Clock as its reference clock cd ~/PyProg/IPbComFile/ python -r IPbComFile.conf -e IPbComFile_HUB2_UseHub1Clock.cmd and to tell this Hub not to put its clock onto the backplane. python -r IPbComFile.conf -e IPbComFile_HUB2_NoClockToBackplane.cmd This FW also uses IPBus to power up the ROD. python -r IPbComFile.conf -e IPbComFile_HUB2_ROD_ON.cmd This FW can control the Fanout EWqualizer python -r IPbComFile.conf -e IPbComFile_HUB2_FanOutEq_ON.cmd python -r IPbComFile.conf -e IPbComFile_HUB2_FanOutEq_OFF.cmd note: if the FW v2p2_2018_12_14_TestMe is used for Hub1, we have similar *HUB1*.cmd files - On both RODs use the following FW. /home/hubuser/FW_releases/ROD/testing/ibert/backplane/6.4Gbps/ver1/ed_3aug17_example_ibert_6g4_2g.bit - On all 12 HTM Cards use the following FW. /home/hubuser/FW_releases/HTM/testing/ibert_ipbus_separate/6.4Gbps/v2_2018_09_07/htm.bit - The tcl scripts to use to setup the full set of MGT Link Tests on the 2 Hubs, 2 RODs, and 12 HTM cards is in the sub-directories under: /home/hubuser/Tcl_Scripts/14SS_HTM_IBERT_TEST/V3.0/ - To setup Hub1 for IBERT tests Define the links, set polarity, turn off unused TX, etc ../HUB/HUB1_IBERT_PRBS31_TX_OFF_v9_H6_Y51.tcl Turn DFE OFF and reset links and counters ../Common/DFE_OFF_IBERT_RESET.tcl - To setup Hub2 for IBERT tests Define the links, set polarity, turn off unused TX, etc ../HUB/HUB2_IBERT_PRBS31_TX_OFF_v9_H0_Y50.tcl Turn DFE OFF and reset links and counters ../Common/DFE_OFF_IBERT_RESET.tcl - To setup Hub1 and/or Hub2 to drive the Combined Data Links differently than the default setup from Vivado use: ../HUB/HUB1_CombData_Normal_v2_H6_Y51.tcl ../HUB/HUB1_CombData_Reduced_v2_H6_Y51.tcl ../HUB/HUB2_CombData_Normal_v2_H0_Y50.tcl ../HUB/HUB2_CombData_Reduced_v2_H0_Y50.tcl - To setup ROD1 for IBERT tests Define the links, set polarity, turn off unused TX, etc ../ROD/ROD1_IBERT_PRBS31_TX_OFF_v6.tcl Turn DFE OFF and reset links and counters ../Common/DFE_OFF_IBERT_RESET.tcl - To setup ROD1 for IBERT tests Define the links, set polarity, turn off unused TX, etc ../ROD/ROD2_IBERT_PRBS31_TX_OFF_v6.tcl Turn DFE OFF and reset links and counters ../Common/DFE_OFF_IBERT_RESET.tcl - To setup each HTM for IBERT tests Define the links, set polarity, etc ../HTM/HTM_IBERT_PRBS31_byRX_v2.tcl Turn DFE OFF and reset links and counters ../Common/DFE_OFF_IBERT_RESET.tcl - To collect a set of Eye Diagrams from Hub1 ../HUB/HUB1_EyeDiagram_v4p1_H6_Y51.tcl from Hub2 ../HUB/HUB2_EyeDiagram_v4_H0_Y50.tcl note: if Hub2 has no ROD, use HUB2_EyeDiagram_v4_H0_Y50_noROD.tcl (For Hub1 it doesn't matter as the GBT-enabled FW cannot test ROD RO CTL) from ROD1 ../ROD/ROD1_EyeDiagram_v5.tcl from ROD2 ../ROD/ROD2_EyeDiagram_v5.tcl from any HTM CombData ../HTM/HTM_EyeDiagram_CombData_v2.tcl to add HTM03 miniPOD ../HTM/HTM_EyeDiagram_miniPOD_6Fibers_v2.tcl to add HTM04 miniPOD ../HTM/HTM_EyeDiagram_miniPOD_8Fibers_v2.tcl - Eye diagrams are written to ~/Tcl_Scripts/EyeDiagrams/Staging/ The file are written with fixe names, without date stamp, and will thus clobber any previous file with the same name. So remember to rename and replace this Staging directory before the next data collection overwrites the files from the previous collection.