Procedure to configure Hub and HTM (and later ROD) FPGAs for the first release of the ipbus controlled IBERT tests in the 14-Slot ATCA Shelf Rev: 03-Dec-2019 In all cases ssh to or connect via x2go and open a terminal session then change your working directory to Tcl_Scripts/configFPGA [hubuser@hubdev ~]$ cd ~/Tcl_Scripts/configFPGA/ To configure the FPGA on the Hub in Slot 1 [hubuser@hubdev configFPGA]$ ./ config_14SS_Hub1_ipbusIBERT.tcl To configure the FPGA on the Hub in Slot 2 [hubuser@hubdev configFPGA]$ ./ config_14SS_Hub2_ipbusIBERT.tcl To configure the FPGA on one of the HTMs Move the JTAG cable labelled F2C1 to the desired HTM and [hubuser@hubdev configFPGA]$ ./ config_14SS_HTM_ipbusIBERT.tcl