Procedure to begin release 1 of the ipbus controlled IBERT tests in the 14-Slot ATCA Shelf Rev: 3-Dec-2019 First, change your working directory to [hubuser@hubdev ~]$ cd /home/hubuser/PyProg/IBERT_IPBus/IBERT_IPBus_Release_1 In the file ConnHub.xml, the uri queries for HUB1 and HUB2 will have to be modified to match the IP Addresses of the hub cards in slots 1 and 2. (Previously hub1 was always and hub2 was always, but now it depends on the serial number of the hub cards) The IBERT test consists of 3 phases. In phase 1, the transmitters and receivers are configured. This includes setting the tx and rx prbssel values, the pre and post emphasis, the swing, DFE on/off, and issuing an mgt reset for each channel. In phase 2, for each channel it is checked that the init_done bit is high, a rxprbs count reset is issued (reset the error counter), and the error count is checked. For hub channels it is also checked that the rxprbslocked bit is high. In phase 3, for each channel the value of the error count is checked. For hub channels, the value of the rxprbs error flag is also checked. The full ibert test can be run as follows: [hubuser@hubdev IBERT_IPBus_Release_1]$ python This will go through all 3 phases of the ibert test for every hub and htm channel. The results will be output on the terminal, and also stored in the designated output file, which will be placed in the Results directory. If the query is left blank, the results will only be ouput to the terminal. One can also run phase 3 only (to just check the error counters) as follows: [hubuser@hubdev IBERT_IPBus_Release_1]$ python