Procedure to configure Hub and HTM (and later ROD) FPGAs with ipbus-only FW using the Serial-Number-Derived IP-addressing scheme in the 6-Slot ATCA Shelf Rev: 03-Dec-2019 In all cases ssh to or connect via x2go and open a terminal session then change your working directory to Tcl_Scripts/configFPGA [hubuser@hubdev2 ~]$ cd ~/Tcl_Scripts/configFPGA/ To configure the FPGA on the Hub in Slot 1 [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_Hub1_ipbusOnly.tcl To configure the FPGA on the Hub in Slot 2 [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_Hub2_ipbusOnly.tcl To configure the FPGA on HTM in Slot 3 [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_HTM3_ipbusOnly.tcl To configure the FPGA on HTM in Slot 4 [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_HTM4_ipbusOnly.tcl To configure the FPGA on HTM in Slot 5 [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_HTM5_ipbusOnly.tcl To configure the FPGA on HTM in Slot 6 This HTM does not have its own dedicated USB-JTAG cable. So one needs to borrow its neighbor's. Temporarily move the JTAG cable labeled 1F271 from the HTM in Slot 5 to the HTM in Slot 6 and run [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_HTM5_ipbusOnly.tcl Then return the JTAG cables to the HTM 5 slot. Example: [hubuser@hubdev2 ~]$ cd Tcl_Scripts/configFPGA/ [hubuser@hubdev2 configFPGA]$ ./ config_6SS_Hub2_ipbusOnly.tcl Executing Vivado TCL file /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin/vivado ****** Vivado v2017.4 (64-bit) **** SW Build 2086221 on Fri Dec 15 20:54:30 MST 2017 **** IP Build 2085800 on Fri Dec 15 22:25:07 MST 2017 ** Copyright 1986-2017 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. source config_6SS_Hub2_ipbusOnly.tcl # open_hw # connect_hw_server -url localhost:3121 INFO: [Labtools 27-2285] Connecting to hw_server url TCP:localhost:3121 INFO: [Labtools 27-2222] Launching hw_server... INFO: [Labtools 27-2221] Launch Output: ****** Xilinx hw_server v2017.4 **** Build date : Dec 15 2017-21:02:11 ** Copyright 1986-2017 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved. connect_hw_server: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00.87 ; elapsed = 00:00:08 . Memory (MB): peak = 1290.816 ; gain = 10.141 ; free physical = 60376 ; free virtual = 93822 # current_hw_target [get_hw_targets */xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A1F26C] # set_property PARAM.FREQUENCY 15000000 [get_hw_targets */xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A1F26C] # open_hw_target INFO: [Labtoolstcl 44-466] Opening hw_target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A1F26C # current_hw_device [get_hw_devices xcvu125_0] # set_property PROBES.FILE {} [get_hw_devices xcvu125_0] # set_property FULL_PROBES.FILE {} [get_hw_devices xcvu125_0] # set_property PROGRAM.FILE {/home/hubuser/FW_releases/HUB/testing/ipbus/v2p0_2019_08_23/hub.bit} [get_hw_devices xcvu125_0] # program_hw_devices [get_hw_devices xcvu125_0] INFO: [Labtools 27-3164] End of startup status: HIGH program_hw_devices: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:33 ; elapsed = 00:00:32 . Memory (MB): peak = 1299.820 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 60322 ; free virtual = 93817 # close_hw_target {localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A1F26C} INFO: [Labtoolstcl 44-464] Closing hw_target localhost:3121/xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A1F26C # disconnect_hw_server # exit INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Tue Dec 3 11:39:26 2019... Done - Tue Dec 3 11:39:26 EST 2019 Note: We had 2 instances when vivado could no longer see any of the USB ports on the front of the enclosure. This problem has affected all cards in the 6SS except the Hub in slot 1. One of the above scripts script would fail with an error like this # connect_hw_server -url localhost:3121 INFO: [Labtools 27-2285] Connecting to hw_server url TCP:localhost:3121 ERROR: [Labtoolstcl 44-199] No matching targets found on connected servers: localhost Resolution: If needed connect the desired target to a server and use command refresh_hw_server. Then rerun the get_hw_targets command. ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'get_hw_targets' failed due to earlier errors. while executing "get_hw_targets */xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A56A5A" invoked from within "current_hw_target [get_hw_targets */xilinx_tcf/Digilent/210299A56A5A]" (file "config_6SS_HTM3_ipbusOnly.tcl" line 4) INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Mon Dec 2 15:30:18 2019...