CTFE Work and Check In List for the cards that come back from SiDet --------------------------------------------------------------------- Original Rev. 7-MAR-2001 Current Rev. 3-MAY-2002 The most recent version of this document is in: www.pa.msu.edu/hep/d0/ftp/l1/cal_trig/hardware/ctfe/run_ii_ctfe_checkin.txt You may also want to refer to: www.pa.msu.edu/hep/d0/ftp/l1/cal_trig/hardware/ctfe/run_ii_ctfe_rework.txt Work: (CTFE's labeled eta +5:+8, -5:-8 only) Grind off the other Lemo's Final component side inspection. All mica caps removed ? Install the 2nd Term-Attn-Brd Mark both Term-Attn-Brd's with black dot (i.e. this is the version with 1.66x HD gain) Clip pins on both Term-Attn-Brds. Use the sharp cutters for a clean clip of these leads. Install the cables to the Term-Attn-Brds Checks before Installing: Air hose off the CTFE card. Record the CTFE Front Bar label and CTFE SN#. Ground Wires installed on OpAmp socket pins 5 and 8 on the solder side ? These are on: U303, U302, U301, U300, U299, U298, U297, U296 Capacitors installed on the solder side ? These are on: C262, C256, C250, C244, C238, C232, C226, C220 Rework on the solder side by U92, U113 is correct ? Bridge: U92 pins 1-2, U92 pins 4-5, U113 pins 1-2 Cut: U92 pins 1 and 4 from the long vertical trace to their right Chip U113 and its component side jumper have been removed from their socket ? Component side wires by Px Py address generation installed ? I.E. jumpers installed to: pin #4 of U158, U160, U162, U164 Install PROM's. Correct PROM's installed EM, HD, Px, Py ? Address DIP switch set correctly ? Phi 1 or 17 --> Address 32 Phi 2 or 18 --> Address 34 Phi 3 or 19 --> Address 36 Phi 4 or 20 --> Address 38 Phi 5 or 21 --> Address 40 Phi 6 or 22 --> Address 42 Phi 7 or 23 --> Address 44 Phi 8 or 24 --> Address 46 Phi 9 or 25 --> Address 48 Phi 10 or 26 --> Address 50 Phi 11 or 27 --> Address 52 Phi 12 or 28 --> Address 54 Phi 13 or 29 --> Address 56 Phi 14 or 30 --> Address 58 Phi 15 or 31 --> Address 60 Phi 16 or 32 --> Address 62 ADC Clock DIP switch set correctly ? Eta's +1:+4, -1:-4, +5:+8, -5:-8 are set for 50 nsec keys 2 & 5 Closed Eta's +9:+12, +13:+16, +17:+20 are set for 90 nsec keys 2 & 7 Closed Eta's -9:-12, -13:-16, -17:-20 are set for 20 nsec keys 1 & 4 Closed Wire harness tucked in correctly ? Shorts Check Vcc maybe near 200 Ohm Vee should appear open