Term-Attn-Brd Testing ------------------------ Rev. 3-MAR-2003 Safety Considerations --------------------- 1. There are fans on the left hand side of the rack that holds the Test Crate. Please do not reach with your hand between this rack and the card storage rack next to it. 2. The Test Crate is powered by high current power supplies. These are only 5 Volt power supplies but a short circuit across one of these supplies could make hot sparks or hot metal conductors. Although the 5 Volt power supplies should not cause an electrocution problem, to be safe from a chance of a short circuit causing a burn, please do not reach into the Test Crate when it is running. 3. If there is a significant power supply problem that causes smoke or fire please just leave the room immediately and close the door. There are labeled power switched outside of the room that can be used to turn the power off to the test racks. Powering Up the Test Rack System -------------------------------- 1. Verify that the Test Crate Power Switch is OFF. If it is ON then turn it OFF. 2. Turn ON the Test Rack Master Power Switch which is located on the lower left hand side of the rack that holds the Test Crate. 3. Turn ON the Scope Signal Generator power outlet strip. 4. Turn ON the Channel #3 EM meter. Powering Down the Test Rack System ---------------------------------- 1. Verify that the Test Crate Power Switch is OFF. If it is ON then turn it OFF. 2. Turn OFF the Test Rack Master Power Switch. 3. Turn OFF the Scope Signal Generator power outlet strip. Putting a Term-Attn-Brd into the Test Crate ------------------------------------------- 1. Verify that the Test Crate Power Switch is OFF. If it is ON then turn it OFF. 2. Please use a static control wrist strap. 3. Inspect the Term-Attn-Brd that you are going to test. Verify that there are no bent pins. 4. Insert the Term-Attn-Brd into the ZIF sockets. Verify that all the pins are lined up and that it is fully down in the ZIF sockets. 5. Close the 6 ZIF socket latch levers. 6. Plug in the 2 serial data cables. In goes to In and Out goes to Out. The green wire goes on the left hand side. 7. Turn the Test Crate Power Switch ON. Testing the Term-Attn-Brd ------------------------- Part 1 Left Hand Menu 1. Once the Test Crate power is ON, verify that all 4 scope traces are near the level marked as HI and that the Ch #3 EM meter reads about +1.2 Volts. If one of these conditions is not meant then this card is bad and you do not need to make any additional tests of this card. 2. Using the left hand menu, click the Ch #1 EM ZER 2047 button. Verify that the Ch #1 EM scope trace comes down from the HI value to the Zero value. 3. Using the left hand menu, click the Ch #1 EM Gain 200 button. Verify that the Ch #1 EM scope trace becomes a sin wave of about 2 scope divisions peak to peak amplitude centered around the Zero value. 4. Failure at either step 2 or 3 means this card is bad and you do not need to make any more tests on this card. 5. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 for the following sections of the left hand menu: Ch #1 HD Ch #2 EM Ch #2 HD. Check the scope traces as you click each left hand menu button. It is not sufficient to click all the buttons and then look at the traces. Please check the traces after you click each button. If there is a failure at any point then this card is bad and you do not need to make any more tests. 6. Click the left hand menu Ch #3 EM ZER 2175 button. Verify that the Ch #3 EM meter moves from about +1.2 Volts to about 0.0 Volts. Failure at this point means that this card is bad. Part 2 Right Hand Menu 1. At the start of Part 2 all 4 scope traces should show a sin wave of about 2 scope divisions amplitude which is centered at about the Zero value on the scope display. The Ch #3 EM meter should read about 0.0 Volts. 2. Using the right hand menu, click the Ch #1 EM Gain 50 button. Verify that the Ch #1 EM scope trace becomes a sin wave of about 0.5 scope divisions peak to peak amplitude centered around the Low value. 3. Using the right hand menu, click the Ch #1 EM ZER 4000 button. Verify that the Ch #1 EM scope trace comes down from the Zero value to the Low value. 4. Failure at either step 2 or 3 means this card is bad and you do not need to make any more tests on this card. 5. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4 for the following sections of the right hand menu: Ch #1 HD Ch #2 EM Ch #2 HD. Check the scope traces as you click each right hand menu button. It is not sufficient to click all the buttons and then look at the traces. Please check the traces after you click each button. If there is a failure at any point then this card is bad and you do not need to make any more tests. 6. Click the right hand menu Ch #3 EM ZER 4095 button. Verify that the Ch #3 EM meter moves from about 0.0 Volts to about -1.1 Volts. Failure at this point means that this card is bad. 7. At this point all 4 scope traces should show a sin wave of about 0.5 divisions amplitude centered around the Low value and the Ch #3 EM meter should read about -1.1 Volts If all these conditions are meant then this card is good. Removing the Term-Attn-Brd from the Test Crate ---------------------------------------------- 1. Turn the Test Crate Power Switch OFF. 2. Very carefully Un-Plug the 2 serial data cables. Please do not pull on these wires any harder than necessary. 3. Un-Latch the 6 ZIF socket latch levers. 4. Remove the Term-Attn-Brd. 5. If this card tested OK, then place it with the cards that are ready to ship to Fermi. If there was a problem with this card, then place this card with the group that needs repair. Please write down what test this card failed. Verifying Correct Component Values on the Term-Attn-Brd's --------------------------------------------------------- Some of the eta 5:20 Term-Attn-Brd's were assembled with the wrong component values in 3 locations. The known places where the assembly house installed the wrong value components are: C7 installed a 8.2 pFd instead of the called for 0.1 uFd X7R capacitor. R3 installed a 20k Ohm instead of the called for 2.49k Ohm resistor. R80 installed a 5.62k Ohm instead of the called for 84.5 Ohm resistor. Typically if a card was built with incorrect value components then you will find incorrect parts in all 3 of these locations. As part of the final testing process, please verify that correct value components have been installed in these 3 locations. Questions and Help ------------------ Please call Dan Edmunds at x2521 or Philippe Laurens at x2522 if there are any problems or questions about Term-Attn-Brd testing. The office number is 2150.