Cold start instructions Rev. 12-AUG-2005 ----------------------- These are supplemental instructions for the expert to use while cold starting both the TFW and the L1 Cal Trig after a power outage. We are running: TRICS V10.5.E See the full instructions at: master_clock_instructions.txt framework_power_control_procedures.txt cal_trig_power_control_procedures.txt Overview: Only after Master Clock is running and loaded, then turn on TFW and then the L1 Cal Trig (one power supply at a time) then: Configure FPGA's. Use the normal TRICS "Master Command File" menu for this. It configures all FPGAs except for the M101 Routing Master and the M101 L1 Cal Trig Quad Term Generation. Configure the L1 Cal Trig Quad Term by: 1) Use the bottom section of TCC's "Configure FPGA's" menu to "Execute" the dcf file that configures the L1 Cal Trigger's Quad Term FPGAs. The dcf file to use is: D0_Config\M101_Quad_Term.dcf The button to take you to the "Configure FPGA's" menu is at the upper right hand side of the TRICS main menu. Note: that in the past configuration of the Quad Term FPGAs was optional but that with the latest beam physics trigger lists the Quad-Region Term FPGAs are needed. Configuration of the Quad-Region Terms is now a must. Configure the Routing Master FPGAs by: 1) After the Routing Master is powered up, wait for its SBC to boot (less than 1 minute) 2) From an online machine run 'l3xdaq_stop RM' which will stop the relevant readout processes in the Routing Master's SBC (and thus give TCC exclusive use of the VME bus in this crate to Configure the FPGA's in the RM). 3) Use the bottom section of TCC's "Configure FPGA's" menu to "Execute" the dcf file that configures the Routing Master FPGA's. The dcf file to use is: D0_Config\M101_Routing_Master_All.dcf The button to take you to the "Configure FPGA's" menu is at the upper right hand side of the TRICS main menu. When you "Execute" the file D0_Config\M101_Routing_Master_All.dcf you will likely see an error reported in the TRICS log file on the left hand side of the screen. That is caused by previous VME cycles interfering with TCC's attempt to Configure the Routing Master's FPGA's. Just execute this dcf file a second time and it should run error free. 4) Finally, from an online machine run 'l3xdaq_reset RM' which will restart the RM software running in this SBC. Use the TRICS "System Control Status" menu to: Set the L1 Cal Trig Eta Coverage to 1:20 You need to click "Set This Coverage" after entering the desired coverage values. Do a Full Initialize of TFW and L1 Cal Trig. Currently L1 Cal Trig will show some errors at TT eta 17 and above because some components that are not needed for normal operation have been pulled out (to save heat load) but TRICS is still trying to talk to them. Use the TRICS "Master Command File" menu "Run a Master Command File" option to select and then execute the file \D0_Config\Load_L1Cal_GainsPeds.mcf This loads the current Gains and Pedestals into the L1 Cal Trig. Use the TRICS "System Control Status" menu to: Set the L1 Cal Trig Eta Coverage to 1:16 Do a Full Initialize of the TFW and L1 Cal Trig verify that it is a clean error free initialize of all parts. For reference only, the current Gains Ped's files are: D0_Config\Gains_17_20_1_32_rev_a.tti # TT eta 17:20 D0_Config\Gains_1_16_1_32_rev_5.tti # TT eta 1:16 D0_Log\Find_DAC_V10_5_E_20041202_Edited.tti;3 # TT eta 17:20 D0_Log\Find_DAC_V10_5_E_20041202.tti;2 # TT eta 1:16 These are the files loaded by Load_L1Cal_GainsPeds.mcf above.