Scope Pictures Comparing 470 nFd and 12 nFd Coupling Capacitors --------------------------------------------------------------- Original Date: 24-JUNE-2002 Current Date: 2-JULY-2002 The first 2 scope pictures (scope_1.pdf and scope_2.pdf) are looking directly into the cable from the BLS card. There is no active electronics at the receiving scope end of the cable, just the terminator circuit. These are with 470 nFd capacitors at the sending and terminating ends of the cable. These show the noise bump from the Precision Cal readout. Violet shows where the L1_Accept took place (the "T") Yellow is the the non-inverted side of the differential cable Blue is the inverted side of the differential cable Red is the sum of the above two trigger pick off signals with a scaler of about 30 mV per GeV Et. All scope pictures in the range scope_3.pdf to scope_10.pdf show the trigger pick off signal right as it is applied to the ADC input. That is, these pictures include the analog signal processing of the trigger pick off signal that takes place in the L1 Cal Trig. Pictures scope_3.pdf and scope_4.pdf show real calorimeter energy deposits from the Tevatron. These are both with 470 nFd coupling capacitors. The traces in these pictures are the following: Blue not used Yellow location of the beam crossings in D-Zero Violet falling edge is when the ADC samples (don't worry about the wave form) Green ADC input about 30 mV per GeV Et. Pictures scope_5.pdf and scope_6.pdf show the noise from the Precision Calorimeter readout. These are both with 470 nFd coupling capacitors. The traces in these pictures are the following: Blue shows where the L1_Accept took place (the "T") Yellow location of the beam crossings in D-Zero Violet falling edge is when the ADC samples Green ADC input about 30 mV per GeV Et. Pictures 7, 8, 9, 10 are with 12 nFd coupling capacitors at each end. Pictures scope_7.pdf and scope_8.pdf show a real calorimeter energy deposit. Compare this to pictures 3 and 4. Note the undershoot after the bump from the energy deposit. Scope_8.pdf is with a longer time scale to show more of the undershoot. Yellow location of the beam crossings in D-Zero Blue falling edge is when the ADC samples Green ADC input about 30 mV per GeV Et. Pictures scope_9.pdf and scope_10.pdf show the noise from the Precision Calorimeter readout. These should be compared to pictures 5 and 6. You can see where the L1_Acpt was issued and then look at the appropriate location on the ADC input trace to see the effect of the Precision Cal readout. I don't see anything much but this whole thing needs to be studied. Dean and I tried to make pictures 9 and 10 a "typical" and a "worst case" scope shots of this effect. Blue shows where the L1_Accept took place (the "T") Yellow location of the beam crossings in D-Zero Green ADC input about 30 mV per GeV Et.