Level 1 Calorimeter Trigger Momentum Tree Timing Steps to Make Missing Et Operational Out Through Eta 3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------ Original Rev. 31-MAR-2003 Original Rev. 30-June-2003 1. Re-test the Momentum PROM's in the eta range 1:16 2. Add the required jumpers to the Tier 2 and Tier 3 CTMBD's as shown below. 3. Add the required new Time Lines to Cal Trig CMC Sequencer #2 The only new CMC Time Line that we need to generate is CMC #15 This will be the Tier 2 Momentum CAT2 Input Latch Clk signal. Implement it as shown in the 11-OCT-2002 Momentum Time Diagram. Verify that for now the Tier 1 Momentum CAT2 Clk is only once per BX. Notes: Tier 1 Momentum CAT2 Clk is CMC #8 and that is all that CMC #8 is used for. Tier 2 Momentum CAT2 Clk is CMC #15 and that is all that CMC #15 is used for. Tier 3 Momentum CAT3 Clk is CMC #11 and CMC #11 is also the Counter Tree Tier 2 Clk. Tier 4 Momentum FMLN Clk is CMC #14 and CMC #14 is also the Counter Tree Tier 3 Clk. The following is a description of all the "non-CTFE" TSS connections that are needed on the Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 CTMBD cards. Tier 1 Momentum Tree --------------------- In the Tier 1 Crate the Px and Py CAT2 cards get their clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slots 11,12,25,26 where these 4 CAT2's cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-N. In the Tier 1 Crate the CHTCR cards get their clock from Backplane TSS- In slots 1,15 where these 2 CHTCR cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-R. In the Tier 1 Crate the EM and HD CAT2 cards get their clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slots 10,13,24,27 where these 4 CAT2's cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-P. BBB TSS MBD Pair Maps (Cable MBD this to Bus TSS Driven Backplane Tier 1 Backplane Buse Pair) Input by Bus Function ------- ----- -------- --------- ------------------------ 22 7 CMC_6 R CHTCR Clock 31 16 CMC_8 N Tier 1 Momentum CAT2 Clk 32 17 CMC_7 P Tier 1 Energy CAT2 Clk Tier 2 Momentum Tree --------------------- In the Tier 2 Crate the Px and Py CAT2 cards get their clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slots 24:27 where these 4 CAT2's cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-N and TSS-P. In the Tier 2 Crate the Counter Tree CAT2 cards get their clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slots 4:19 where these 16 CAT2 cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-A TSS-B TSS-C TSS_D TSS-E TSS-F (Note in the high eta Tier 2 crate, M111, there are only 8 Counter Tree CAT2 cards located in slots 12:19 and they get this TSS from CTMBD TSS-A and TSS-B.) MBD Maps MBD this to TSS Driven Backplane Tier 2 Backplane Buse Input by Bus Function ----- -------- ----------- ------------------------ 11 CMC_15 N,P Tier 2 Momentum CAT2 Clk (no yet setup in CMC) 15 CMC_11 A,B,C,D,E,F Tier 2 Counter Tree Clk Tier 3 Momentum Tree --------------------- In the Tier 3 Crate the Px & Py CAT3 cards get their clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slots 26,27 where these 2 CAT3's cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-N. In the Tier 3 Crate the FMLN card gets its clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slot 6 where the FMLN is located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-E. In the Tier 3 Crate the Counter Tree CAT2 cards get their clock from Backplane TSS-H. In slots 8:15 where these 8 CAT2 cards are located this TSS is driven by CTMBD TSS-B TSS-C TSS_D. MBD Maps MBD this to TSS Driven Backplane Tier 2 Backplane Buse Input by Bus Function ----- -------- ----------- ------------------------ 15 CMC_11 N Tier 3 Momentum CAT3 Clk (this uses Tier 2 Counter Tree Clk CMC signal) 13 CMC_14 E Tier 4 FMLN Clk (this uses Tier 3 Counter Tree Clk CMC signal) 13 CMC_14 B,C,D Tier 3 Counter Tree CAT2 Clk Skew due to Cable Lengths ------------------------- Dig through all the log book looking for the lengths of the BBB to Tier 2 and Tier 3 TSS cables. I know that this information was recorded but I can not find it. By hand check the length of 2 of these cables. BBB to M105 Tier 2 is 7 sections long and M111 Tier 2 to BBB is 15 sections long. This is a skew of 8 sections. Recall: The nominal propagation delay for the twist and flat cable is 1.6 ns/ft 5.2 ns/m. So each 20" sections is about a 2.65 nsec delay. So 8 sections is a skew of 21.2 nsec between the earliest and latest T2-T3 TSS. The length from BBB to the Tier 1 crates is a constant 18.5 sections (i.e. the average of the lengths to the Upper and Lower Tier 1 crates. The average length to T2-T3 is 11 sections, so on average T2 and T3 is running 7.5 sections or 19.9 nsec ahead of Tier 1. Capturing the CTFE Momentum Output in the Tier 1 CAT2 Input Latch ----------------------------------------------------------------- The CTFE continues to output the sum of the 1st Momentum Lookups until the Momentum Lookup Address lines change. Receiver the Momentum ADRS Line and get it to the memory 11 nsec typ. Change Memory ADRS to first new data at output from CTFE 15 msec min. guess 10 nsec min for memory (35 nsec chips) 2x 2.2 nsec min for 74F283 2 nsec typ of 10H124 So from the time the Momentum Lookup Address lines change on the backplane until the first new data comes out of the CTFE looks like a minimum of 20 nsec. From the time that the Momentum CAT2 Input Latch Clk signal is on the backplane until the input latches clock is 2 nsec typical. So if on the backplane you make a Momentum Adrs change and assert the Momentum Input Latch Clk both at the same time, then wrt the input latch the momentum data from the CTFE is almost guaranteed to hold for 1 RF Bucket. Capturing Tier 1 Momentum Output in the Tier 2 Input Latch ---------------------------------------------------------- The Tier 1 to Tier 2 Momentum cables are between 6 and 11 sections long, i.e. between 15.9 nsec and 29.15 nsec long. The very latest Tier 2 crate (M111) is 2 sections of TSS cable earlier than the earliest Tier 1 crate (upper Tier 1) i.e. TSS to Tier 2 is at least 5.3 nsec earlier than TSS to Tier 1. So because it takes the data a minimum of 15.9 nsec to go from Tier 1 to Tier 2 and because the TSS gets to Tier 2 a minimum of 5.3 nsec ahead of getting to Tier 1 you should generate the TSS to Tier 2 15.9 + 5.3 i.e. 1 RF Bucket AFTER the TSS to Tier 1. How it was setup in Run I: -------------------------- Latch-Shft falls to first Tier 1 Clk up 18 RF Buckets Momentum Adrs Change to second Tier 1 Clk up 8 Momentum Adrs Change on fall of first Tier 1 Clk All Clk's are up for 2 Tier 1 Clk up to Tier 2 Clk up 8 Tier 2 Clk up to Tier 3 Clk up 8 Tier 3 Clk up to Tier 4 Clk up 8 How it is setup in Run II: -------------------------- Latch-Shft falls to first Tier 1 Clk up 10 RF Buckets Momentum Adrs Change to second Tier 1 Clk up 9 (if done) Momentum Adrs Change in middle of first Tier 1 Clk All Clk's are up for 2 Tier 1 Clk up to Tier 2 Clk up 9 Tier 2 Clk up to Tier 3 Clk up 15 Tier 3 Clk up to Tier 4 Clk up 14 Possible Variations: -------------------- Move the Tier 1 Momentum CAT2 Input Latch Clk 1 RF Bucket Later Move the Tier 2 Momentum CAT2 Input Latch Clk 1 RF Bucket Later Tier 1 CTFE Part of the Momentum Tree ------------------------------------- The Timing and Control connections to the Tier 1 Momentum processing are the following: BBB TSS MBD Pair Maps (Cable MBD this to Bus TSS Driven Backplane Tier 1 Backplane Buse Pair) Input by Bus Function ------- ----- -------- --------- ------------------------ 27 12 CMC_5 M Momentum MS Bit Adrs 28 13 MTG FA_4 L Momentum MD Bit Adrs 29 14 MTG_FA_5 K Momentum LS Bit Adrs 31 16 CMC_8 N Tier 1 Momentum CAT2 Clk The First Lookup from the Momentum Lookup memroy is used as the input to the Missing Et calculation. As of 4-JUNE-2002 we have been running with the following Momentum Lookup Pages: Momentum Lookup ---------------- Page Address ---------------- First Lookup 0 000 Second Lookup 4 100 For Momentum Lookup we have the MSBit Low for the first lookup and Hi for the second lookup. Currenly (June 2003) we are making the First Momentum Lookup from Page 0 which has a Symmetric Energy Cut of 0.0 GeV for all eta 1:20. If we use Page 1 for the First Momentum Lookup then for eta 1:16 we will have a Symmetric Energy Cut of 1 GeV. If we use Page 2 for the First Momentum Lookup then for eta 1:12 we will have a Symmetric Energy Cut of 1.5 GeV and for eta 13:16 we will have a Symmetric Energy Cut of 2.0 GeV. If we use Page 3 for the First Momentum Lookup then for eta 1:12 we will have a Symmetric Energy Cut of 2.0 GeV and for eta 13:16 we will have a Symmetric Energy Cut of 3.0 GeV. Starting 10-JULY-2003 we are using Momentum Page #2 for the first lookup to get a rational Symmetric Low Energy Cut for actually running a Missing Et trigger. There was NO change to the Pages used by the Energy Lookup PROM's. There was NO change to the wire wrap wires on the CTMBD's. The only change was to the default setup of the static Momentum Page Select Address Lines that come from the MTG. The MDBit and LSBit of the Momentum Page Select are static lines from the MTG. Thus Starting 10-JULY-2003 Momentum Page Adrs ------------------ First LU 2 = 010 Second LU 6 = 110