Original: 27-OCT-1998 Revision: 27-OCT-1998 When implemented in a 4013L (e.g. for the AONM), the standard BSF FPGA design does not meet the timing constraints. Specifically, both the DAV* Generator and the Timing Signal Selection components are unable to meet the 50 MHz period constraint. The following "fixes" have been tested: 1) increase the constraint from 18.8 ns to 27.0 ns the design still fails to meet the constraint 2) remove the mux and hardwire the P1 TS to the HQ TS this helps, but the design still doesn't meet the 27.0 ns constraint 3) in addition to #2, remove some of the test fixtures in particular, the DAV* generator will always generate 1 DAV* (remove the forced low and 2 DAV* modes) again the design fails to meet the 27.0 ns constraint however, the number of paths failing is small and all of them are on P1 TS to HQ TS which are not used in the AONM (i.e. HQ TS 2 and 3) 4) run a multipass place and route on the design from #3 this is still in progress but seems to promise at least some improvement In practice, the timing estimates provided by the software are always very pessimistic so some timing tests with the hardware were performed. There were two concerns: that the Tick Clock would slip 1 phase later relative to the accelerator clock and that the DAV* generator would slip sufficiently to provide either 0 or 2 DAV*. Because the AONM only uses the Tick Clock for readout, the first case is not a problem. If in fact the Tick Clock slips 1 phase later, the only result is an increase in the set up time before the data to be read out is captured. The second case is more of an issue but was relatively easy to rule out. The position of the DAV* was checked by manually running the AONM through a cycle of HSRO and capturing the timing signals on the logic analyzer. Both the data and the DAV* change slightly later relative to the 50 MHz clock than in the TRM. This is not surprising since the 4013L is slower than the 4028XL, and the shift is not large enough to be worrying. To gain more of a feel for the performance over a number of cycles, the standard HSRO test using an AONM in place of the usual TRM was run. Over several thousand loops, no errors were found. For both of these tests, the standard BSF design with full functionality was used. Although this will probably not be used as the production version of the BSF in the AONM, the fact that it does work provides additional confidence that the reduced version (see #3 above) will be more than adequate despite failing to meet the timing constraints.