The L2 Framework ---------------- Created: 03-Feb-2005 The L2 Framework is the interface between the L2 Trigger Decisions and the DZero Data Acquisition System. [footnote L2FW drawing] The L2 Framework keeps a queue of all L1 Accept Decisions awaiting their L2 Decision, namely L2 Confirmation or L2 Rejection. For each event accepted by the L1 Framework the L2 Global Processor sends a bit mask to the L2 Framework to individually confirm or reject each of the 128 L1 Specific Triggers. This mask is available at the L2 Framework after some latency for data collection, transfer, and processing time, but always in strict chronological order. The L2 Framework is not allowed to change the trigger decisions made by L2 Global Processor. The L2 Framework will use and translate the L2 Global bit mask to determine which of the Geographic Sections having already received a L1 Accept Decision now needs to receive a corresponding L2 Accept or L2 Reject. These decisions are sent to the Geographic Sections over the Serial Command Link [footnote SCL]. Each L2 Processor crate is also a Geographic Section and thus receives the final L2 Decision over its own SCL connection. The L2 Framework also listens to the L2 Busy status from each of the 128 Geographic Sections. Asserting L2 Busy means that the Geographic Section has run out of storage space to record the data for another L2 Accept. When the L2 Busy is asserted for some Geographic Sections about to receive a L2 Accept, the L2 Framework stalls sending this and subsequent L2 Decisions untill all the L2 Busy signals involved become deasserted again. footnote L2FW = footnote SCL =