$! $! Command File to build the full VBD_2 Program $! $! Assemble all modules in the VBD_2 program $! $! Rev. 22-APR-1992 $! $! $ Say = "Write SYS$OUTPUT" $! $ Say "" $ Say " First Assemble all Modules in the VME Transfer Program. " $ Say "" $! $ Set Verify $! $! $ AA VBD_2 $ AA Initialize_Hard_Soft_1 $ AA Initialize_Pulser_1 $ AA Initialize_Time_1 $ AA Cyclic_1 $ AA Move_Data_1 $ AA Spec_Trig_Prog_Fire_1 $ AA EM_Jet_List_1 $ AA Sort_EM_Jet_List_1 $ AA TEt_Jet_List_1 $ AA Sort_TEt_Jet_List_1 $ AA Get_CD_Pulser_1 $ AA Get_Calo_Pulser_1 $ AA Get_Time_1 $ AA ASCII_Routines $! $! $ Set NoVerify $! $ Say "" $ Say " Now purge all old versions of the Object and List files. " $ Say "" $! $ PURGE *.OBJ $ PURGE *.LIS $! $! $! $ Say "" $ Say "" $! $ Inquire LinkIt " Enter YES If the VME Transfer Program should be Linked? " $! $ If .not. LinkIt Then GOTO NoLinkExit $! $! $ Say "" $ Say " Now Link the VME Transfer Program. " $ Say "" $! $ LL/Absolute=VBD_2.ABS/OPTION VBD_2.OPT $! $ Say "" $ Say " Now purge all old versions of the MAP file. " $ Say "" $! $ PURGE VBD_2.MAP $! $ say "" $ say " The VME Transfer Program HAS been Linked. " $ say "" $ exit $! $! $! $ NoLinkExit: $! $ say "" $ say " The VME Transfer Program has NOT been Linked. " $ say "" $ exit $!