Initialize_Pulser IDNT ; Title Initialize Pulser. SECTION Sect_Initialize_Pulser,4,C ; Declare a noncommon code ; section. Align to Longwords. *************************************************************************** * * * Initialize Pulser Rev. 27-JAN-1994 * * * *************************************************************************** ************************************************************************* * * * Initialize the section of the MVME-214 Memory that holds the Pulser * * Programming Data. Fill it with $5's and $A's. * * Do this for both of the "V" type MVME-214 memory modules. * * Initialize the "V" type MVME-214 that is at the "Load" address. * * * ************************************************************************* Begin_Initialize_Pulser NOP ; Move.B #$EA,Ironics_Port_5 ; $EA is the invers of $15, i.e. ; buffers C1R,C3R,V1R, C2L,C4L,V2L. MOVEA.L BAPulser,A3 ; Load the Base Address for the Pulser ADD.L #$00300000,A3 ; Data, add the offset to the "V" type ; MVME-214 module that is set for loading. FOR.L D7 = #1 TO #$C0 DO.S MOVE.L #$55555555,(A3)+ ; Fill with 5's 0101 0101 0101 0101 MOVE.L #$AAAAAAAA,(A3)+ ; Fill with A's 1010 1010 1010 1010 ENDF Move.B #$D5,Ironics_Port_5 ; $D5 is the invers of $2A, i.e. ; buffers C1L,C3L,V1L, C2R,C4R,V2R. MOVEA.L BAPulser,A3 ; Load the Base Address for the Pulser ADD.L #$00300000,A3 ; Data, add the offset to the "V" type ; MVME-214 module that is set for loading. FOR.L D7 = #1 TO #$C0 DO.S MOVE.L #$55555555,(A3)+ ; Fill with 5's 0101 0101 0101 0101 MOVE.L #$AAAAAAAA,(A3)+ ; Fill with A's 1010 1010 1010 1010 ENDF RTS ; Return to the calling routine. *************************************************************************** * * * Constants Section for Initialize Pulser * * * * * *************************************************************************** XDEF Begin_Initialize_Pulser ; Export this symbol ; to other modules. XREF BAPulser ; Symbols referenced XREF Ironics_Port_5 ; in this program ; module but defined ; in another module ; Main_Symbols.Include END